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Disease-disease network

Dataset information

This is disease-disease network that contains information on relationships between inherited, developmental, and acquired human diseases. Nodes represent diseases and edges represent associations between them. Associations are recorded from a clinical perspective of location (e.g., brain glioblastoma multiforme is a brain glioma, and brain glioma is a brain cancer) and disease etiology (e.g., Brill-Zinsser disease is a epidemic typhus, and epidemic typhus is a typhus).

Dataset statistics
Nodes 6878
Edges 6877
Nodes in largest SCC 6878
Fraction of nodes in largest SCC 1.000000
Edges in largest SCC 6877
Fraction of edges in largest SCC 1.000000
Average clustering coefficient 0.000000
Number of triangles 42964
Fraction of closed triangles 0.000000
Diameter (longest shortest path) 23
90-percentile effective diameter 14.515218

The information is based on the hierarchical structure of Disease Ontology that defines diseases using universally applicable principles, such as etiology and affected body systems.



File Size Description
DD-Miner_miner-disease-disease.tsv.gz 214KB Disease-disease relationships (diseases are given by DOIDs, i.e., Disease Ontology terms)