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Web data: Reddit Pizza Requests

Dataset information

This dataset contains a collection of 5671 textual requests for pizza from the Reddit community "Random Acts of Pizza" together with their outcome (successful/unsuccessful) and meta-data. All requests ask for the same thing: a free pizza. The outcome of each request --- whether its author received a pizza or not --- is known. Meta-data includes information such as: time of the request, activity of the requester, community-age of the requester, etc.

Dataset statistics
Number of requests 5,671
Timespan December 8, 2010 - September 29, 2013
Average success rate 24.6%

Source (citation)


The full dataset archive can be downloaded here.
File Description
pizza_request_dataset.json The dataset in json format. A simple python script illustrating how to read in the dataset as well as the attributes available for each single request.
narratives (folder) A folder containing the lexicons used to detect the five narratives described in our paper (desire, family, job, money, student).
altruistic_requests_icwsm.pdf The article introducing this dataset.

Data format

Each entry in pizza_request_dataset.json corresponds to one request (the first and only request by the requester on RAOP). For each request, the following fields are included:
Field Description
giver_username_if_known Reddit username of giver if known, i.e. the person satisfying the request ("N/A" otherwise).
in_test_set Boolean indicating whether this request was part of our test set.
number_of_downvotes_of_request_at_retrieval Number of downvotes at the time the request was collected.
number_of_upvotes_of_request_at_retrieval Number of upvotes at the time the request was collected.
post_was_edited Boolean indicating whether this post was edited (from Reddit).
request_id Identifier of the post on Reddit, e.g. "t3_w5491".
request_number_of_comments_at_retrieval Number of comments for the request at time of retrieval.
request_text Full text of the request.
request_text_edit_aware Edit aware version of "request_text". We use a set of rules to strip edited comments indicating the success of the request such as "EDIT: Thanks /u/foo, the pizza was delicous".
request_title Title of the request.
requester_account_age_in_days_at_request Account age of requester in days at time of request.
requester_account_age_in_days_at_retrieval Account age of requester in days at time of retrieval.
requester_days_since_first_post_on_raop_at_request Number of days between requesters first post on RAOP and this request (zero if requester has never posted before on RAOP).
requester_days_since_first_post_on_raop_at_retrieval Number of days between requesters first post on RAOP and time of retrieval.
requester_number_of_comments_at_request Total number of comments on Reddit by requester at time of request.
requester_number_of_comments_at_retrieval Total number of comments on Reddit by requester at time of retrieval.
requester_number_of_comments_in_raop_at_request Total number of comments in RAOP by requester at time of request.
requester_number_of_comments_in_raop_at_retrieval Total number of comments in RAOP by requester at time of retrieval.
requester_number_of_posts_at_request Total number of posts on Reddit by requester at time of request.
requester_number_of_posts_at_retrieval Total number of posts on Reddit by requester at time of retrieval.
requester_number_of_posts_on_raop_at_request Total number of posts in RAOP by requester at time of request.
requester_number_of_posts_on_raop_at_retrieval Total number of posts in RAOP by requester at time of retrieval.
requester_number_of_subreddits_at_request The number of subreddits in which the author had already posted in at the time of request.
requester_received_pizza Boolean indicating the success of the request, i.e., whether the requester received pizza.
requester_subreddits_at_request The list of subreddits in which the author had already posted in at the time of request.
requester_upvotes_minus_downvotes_at_request Difference of total upvotes and total downvotes of requester at time of request.
requester_upvotes_minus_downvotes_at_retrieval Difference of total upvotes and total downvotes of requester at time of retrieval.
requester_upvotes_plus_downvotes_at_request Sum of total upvotes and total downvotes of requester at time of request.
requester_upvotes_plus_downvotes_at_retrieval Sum of total upvotes and total downvotes of requester at time of retrieval.
requester_user_flair Users on RAOP receive badges (Reddit calls them flairs) which is a small picture next to their username. In our data set the user flair is either None (neither given nor received pizza, N=4282), "shroom" (received pizza, but not given, N=1306), or "PIF" (given after received, N=83).
requester_username Reddit username of requester.
unix_timestamp_of_request Unix timestamp of request (supposedly in timezone of user but in most cases equal to the UTC timestamp which is incorrect since most RAOP users are from the USA).
unix_timestamp_of_request_utc Unit timestamp of request in UTC.