SNAP Library , Developer Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 // TODO ROK, Jure included basic documentation, finalize reference doc
00010 template<class PGraph>
00011 class TKCore {
00012 private:
00013   PGraph Graph;
00014   TIntH DegH;
00015   TInt CurK;
00016   TIntV NIdV;
00017 private:
00018   void Init();
00019 public:
00020   TKCore(const PGraph& _Graph) : Graph(_Graph) { Init(); }
00023   int GetCurK() const { return CurK; } 
00028   int GetNextCore();                   
00031   int GetCoreK(const int& K);
00033   int GetCoreNodes() const { return NIdV.Len(); }
00035   int GetCoreEdges() const;
00037   const TIntV& GetNIdV() const { return NIdV; }
00039   PGraph GetCoreG() const { return TSnap::GetSubGraph(Graph, NIdV); }
00040 };
00042 template<class PGraph>
00043 void TKCore<PGraph>::Init() {
00044   DegH.Gen(Graph->GetNodes());
00045   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00046     //DegH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg());
00047     DegH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), NI.GetDeg());
00048   }
00049   CurK = 0;
00050 }
00052 template<class PGraph>
00053 int TKCore<PGraph>::GetCoreEdges() const {
00054   int CoreEdges = 0;
00055   for (int k = DegH.FFirstKeyId(); DegH.FNextKeyId(k); ) {
00056     CoreEdges += DegH[k];
00057   }
00058   return CoreEdges/2;
00059 }
00061 template<class PGraph>
00062 int TKCore<PGraph>::GetNextCore() {
00063   TIntV DelV;
00064   int NDel=-1, Pass=1, AllDeg=0;
00065   TExeTm ExeTm;
00066   CurK++;
00067   printf("Get K-core: %d\n", CurK());
00068   while (NDel != 0) {
00069     NDel = 0;
00070     for (int k = DegH.FFirstKeyId(); DegH.FNextKeyId(k); ) {
00071       const int NId = DegH.GetKey(k);
00072       const int Deg = DegH[k];
00073       if (Deg < CurK) {
00074         const typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NId);
00075         for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
00076           const int n = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
00077           const int nk = DegH.GetKeyId(n);
00078           if (nk != -1) { DegH[nk] -= 1; } // mark node deleted
00079         }
00080         DegH.DelKeyId(k);
00081         NDel++;  AllDeg++;
00082       }
00083     }
00084     printf("\r  pass %d]  %d deleted,  %d all deleted  [%s]", Pass++, NDel, AllDeg, ExeTm.GetStr());
00085   }
00086   printf("\n");
00087   DegH.Defrag();
00088   DegH.GetKeyV(NIdV);
00089   NIdV.Sort();
00090   return NIdV.Len(); // all nodes in the current core
00091 }
00093 template<class PGraph>
00094 int TKCore<PGraph>::GetCoreK(const int& K) {
00095   Init();
00096   CurK = K-1;
00097   return GetNextCore();
00098 }
00101 // Snap
00102 namespace TSnap {
00105 template<class PGraph>
00106 PGraph GetKCore(const PGraph& Graph, const int& K) {
00107   TKCore<PGraph> KCore(Graph);
00108   KCore.GetCoreK(K);
00109   return TSnap::GetSubGraph(Graph, KCore.GetNIdV());
00110 }
00112 } // namespace TSnap