SNAP Library , Developer Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #include "bd.h"
00004 // Type-Name
00005 template <class Type>
00006 class TTypeNm: public TStr{
00007 public:
00008   static TStr GetNrTypeNm(const TStr& TypeNm){
00009     if (TypeNm.IsPrefix("class ")){
00010       return TypeNm.GetSubStr(6, TypeNm.Len()-1);}
00011     else {return TypeNm;}}
00012 public:
00013   TTypeNm(): TStr(GetNrTypeNm((char*)(typeid(Type).name()))){}
00014 };
00015 template <class Type>
00016 TStr GetTypeNm(const Type& Var){
00017   TStr TypeNm=TStr(typeid(Var).name());
00018   return TTypeNm<Type>::GetNrTypeNm(TypeNm);
00019 }
00022 // Notifications
00023 inline void InfoNotify(const TStr& MsgStr){InfoNotify(MsgStr.CStr());}
00024 inline void WarnNotify(const TStr& MsgStr){WarnNotify(MsgStr.CStr());}
00025 inline void ErrNotify(const TStr& MsgStr){ErrNotify(MsgStr.CStr());}
00026 inline void StatNotify(const TStr& MsgStr){StatNotify(MsgStr.CStr());}
00028 typedef enum {ntInfo, ntWarn, ntErr, ntStat} TNotifyType;
00030 ClassTP(TNotify, PNotify)//{
00031 private:
00032   TNotify(const TNotify&);
00033   TNotify& operator=(const TNotify&);
00034 public:
00035   TNotify(){}
00036   virtual ~TNotify(){}
00038   virtual void OnNotify(const TNotifyType& /*Type*/, const TStr& /*MsgStr*/){}
00039   virtual void OnStatus(const TStr& /*MsgStr*/){}
00040   virtual void OnLn(const TStr& /*MsgStr*/){}
00041   virtual void OnTxt(const TStr& /*MsgStr*/){}
00043   // shortcuts for easier formationg
00044   void OnNotifyFmt(const TNotifyType& Type, const char *FmtStr, ...);
00045   void OnStatusFmt(const char *FmtStr, ...);
00046   void OnLnFmt(const char *FmtStr, ...);
00047   void OnTxtFmt(const char *FmtStr, ...);
00049   static TStr GetTypeStr(
00050    const TNotifyType& Type, const bool& Brief=true);
00051   static void OnNotify(const PNotify& Notify,
00052    const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr){
00053     if (!Notify.Empty()){Notify->OnNotify(Type, MsgStr);}}
00054   static void OnStatus(const PNotify& Notify, const TStr& MsgStr){
00055     if (!Notify.Empty()){Notify->OnStatus(MsgStr);}}
00056   static void OnLn(const PNotify& Notify, const TStr& MsgStr){
00057     if (!Notify.Empty()){Notify->OnLn(MsgStr);}}
00058   static void OnTxt(const PNotify& Notify, const TStr& MsgStr){
00059     if (!Notify.Empty()){Notify->OnTxt(MsgStr);}}
00060   static void DfOnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr);
00062   static const PNotify NullNotify;
00063   static const PNotify StdNotify;
00064   static const PNotify StdErrNotify;
00065 };
00068 // Null-Notifier
00069 class TNullNotify: public TNotify{
00070 public:
00071   TNullNotify(){}
00072   static PNotify New(){return PNotify(new TNullNotify());}
00074   void OnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr){}
00075   void OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr){}
00076 };
00079 // Callback-Notifier
00080 typedef void (__stdcall *TCallbackF)(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr);
00081 class TCallbackNotify : public TNotify
00082 {
00083 private:
00084   TCallbackF CallbackF;
00085 public:
00086   TCallbackNotify(const TCallbackF& _CallbackF) : CallbackF(_CallbackF) {}
00087   static PNotify New(const TCallbackF& CallbackF) { return PNotify(new TCallbackNotify(CallbackF)); }
00089   void OnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr)
00090   {
00091     Assert(CallbackF != NULL);
00092     CallbackF(Type, MsgStr); 
00093   }
00094   void OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr)
00095   {
00096     Assert(CallbackF != NULL);
00097     CallbackF(ntStat, MsgStr); 
00098   }
00099 };
00102 // Native-Callback-Notifier
00103 typedef void (__stdcall *TNativeCallbackF)(int Type, const char* MsgStr);
00104 class TNativeCallbackNotify : public TNotify
00105 {
00106 private:
00107   TNativeCallbackF CallbackF;
00108 public:
00109   TNativeCallbackNotify(const TNativeCallbackF& _CallbackF) : CallbackF(_CallbackF) {}
00110   static PNotify New(const TNativeCallbackF& CallbackF) { return PNotify(new TNativeCallbackNotify(CallbackF)); }
00112   void OnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr)
00113   {
00114     Assert(CallbackF != NULL);
00115     CallbackF((int)Type, MsgStr.CStr()); 
00116   }
00117   void OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr)
00118   {
00119     Assert(CallbackF != NULL);
00120     CallbackF((int)ntStat, MsgStr.CStr()); 
00121   }
00122 };
00125 // Standard-Notifier
00126 class TStdNotify: public TNotify{
00127 public:
00128   TStdNotify(){}
00129   static PNotify New(){return PNotify(new TStdNotify());}
00131   void OnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr);
00132   void OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr);
00133 };
00136 // Standard-Error-Notifier
00137 class TStdErrNotify: public TNotify{
00138 public:
00139   TStdErrNotify(){}
00140   static PNotify New(){return PNotify(new TStdErrNotify());}
00142   void OnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr);
00143   void OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr);
00144 };
00147 // Log-Notify
00148 class TLogNotify : public TNotify {
00149 private:
00150         PNotify Notify;
00152 public:
00153         TLogNotify(const PNotify& _Notify): Notify(_Notify) { }
00154         static PNotify New(const PNotify& Notify) { return new TLogNotify(Notify); }
00156         void OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr);
00157 };
00160 // Exception
00161 ClassTP(TExcept, PExcept)//{
00162 private:
00163   TStr MsgStr;
00164   TStr LocStr;
00165   UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TExcept);
00166 public:
00167   TExcept(const TStr& _MsgStr): MsgStr(_MsgStr), LocStr(){}
00168   TExcept(const TStr& _MsgStr, const TStr& _LocStr): MsgStr(_MsgStr), LocStr(_LocStr){}
00169   virtual ~TExcept(){}
00171   TStr GetMsgStr() const {return MsgStr;}
00172   TStr GetLocStr() const {return LocStr;}
00173   TStr GetStr() const {
00174     if (LocStr.Empty()){return GetMsgStr();}
00175     else {return GetLocStr()+": "+GetMsgStr();}}
00177   // replacement exception handler
00178   typedef void (*TOnExceptF)(const TStr& MsgStr);
00179   static TOnExceptF OnExceptF;
00180   static bool IsOnExceptF(){return OnExceptF!=NULL;}
00181   static void PutOnExceptF(TOnExceptF _OnExceptF){OnExceptF=_OnExceptF;}
00182   static TOnExceptF GetOnExceptF(){return OnExceptF;}
00184   // throwing exception
00185   static void Throw(const TStr& MsgStr){
00186     if (IsOnExceptF()){(*OnExceptF)(MsgStr);}
00187     else {throw PExcept(new TExcept(MsgStr));}}
00188   static void Throw(const TStr& MsgStr, const TStr& ArgStr){
00189     TStr FullMsgStr=MsgStr+" ("+ArgStr+")";
00190     if (IsOnExceptF()){(*OnExceptF)(FullMsgStr);}
00191     else {throw PExcept(new TExcept(FullMsgStr));}}
00192   static void Throw(const TStr& MsgStr, const TStr& ArgStr1, const TStr& ArgStr2){
00193     TStr FullMsgStr=MsgStr+" ("+ArgStr1+", "+ArgStr2+")";
00194     if (IsOnExceptF()){(*OnExceptF)(FullMsgStr);}
00195     else {throw PExcept(new TExcept(FullMsgStr));}}
00196   static void ThrowFull(const TStr& MsgStr, const TStr& LocStr){
00197     if (IsOnExceptF()){(*OnExceptF)(MsgStr);}
00198     else {throw PExcept(new TExcept(MsgStr, LocStr));}}
00199 };
00201 #define Try try {
00202 #define Catch } catch (PExcept Except){ErrNotify(Except->GetMsgStr());}
00203 #define CatchFull } catch (PExcept Except){ErrNotify(Except->GetStr());}
00204 #define CatchAll } catch (...){}