SNAP Library , User Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
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00001 #include "bd.h"
00004 // Json-Value
00006 typedef enum {
00007   jvtUndef, jvtNull, jvtBool, jvtNum, jvtStr, jvtArr, jvtObj} TJsonValType;
00009 ClassTPV(TJsonVal, PJsonVal, TJsonValV)//{
00010 private:
00011   TJsonValType JsonValType;
00012   TBool Bool; 
00013   TFlt Num; 
00014   TStr Str; 
00015   TJsonValV ValV;
00016   THash<TStr, PJsonVal> KeyValH;
00017   UndefCopyAssign(TJsonVal);
00018 public:
00019   TJsonVal(): JsonValType(jvtUndef){}
00020   static PJsonVal New(){
00021     return new TJsonVal();}
00022   TJsonVal(TSIn& SIn){}
00023   static PJsonVal Load(TSIn& SIn){return new TJsonVal(SIn);}
00024   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const {}
00026   // putting value
00027   void PutNull(){JsonValType=jvtNull;}
00028   void PutBool(const bool& _Bool){JsonValType=jvtBool; Bool=_Bool;}
00029   void PutNum(const double& _Num){JsonValType=jvtNum; Num=_Num;}
00030   void PutStr(const TStr& _Str){JsonValType=jvtStr; Str=_Str;}
00031   void PutArr(){JsonValType=jvtArr;}
00032   void AddToArr(const PJsonVal& Val){
00033     EAssert(JsonValType==jvtArr); ValV.Add(Val);}
00034   void PutObj(){JsonValType=jvtObj;}
00035   void AddToObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const PJsonVal& Val){
00036     EAssert(JsonValType==jvtObj); KeyValH.AddDat(KeyNm, Val);}
00037   void AddToObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const int& Val){ AddToObj(KeyNm, NewNum((double)Val)); }
00038   void AddToObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const double& Val){ AddToObj(KeyNm, NewNum(Val)); }
00039   void AddToObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const TStr& Val){ AddToObj(KeyNm, NewStr(Val)); }
00040   void AddToObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const char* Val){ AddToObj(KeyNm, NewStr(Val)); }
00041   void AddToObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const bool& Val){ AddToObj(KeyNm, NewBool(Val)); }
00042   void AddToObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const TJsonValV& ValV){ AddToObj(KeyNm, NewArr(ValV)); }
00044   // simplified coreation of basic elements
00045   static PJsonVal NewNull() { PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutNull(); return Val; }
00046   static PJsonVal NewBool(const bool& Bool) { PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutBool(Bool); return Val; }
00047   static PJsonVal NewNum(const double& Num) { PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutNum(Num); return Val; }
00048   static PJsonVal NewStr(const TStr& Str) { PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutStr(Str); return Val; }
00049   static PJsonVal NewArr() { PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutArr(); return Val; }
00050   static PJsonVal NewArr(const TJsonValV& ValV);
00051   static PJsonVal NewArr(const TStrV& StrV);
00052   static PJsonVal NewObj() { PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutObj(); return Val; }
00053   static PJsonVal NewObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const PJsonVal& ObjVal) {
00054           PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutObj(); Val->AddToObj(KeyNm, ObjVal); return Val; }
00055   static PJsonVal NewObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const int& ObjVal) {
00056           PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutObj(); Val->AddToObj(KeyNm, ObjVal); return Val; }
00057   static PJsonVal NewObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const double& ObjVal) {
00058           PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutObj(); Val->AddToObj(KeyNm, ObjVal); return Val; }
00059   static PJsonVal NewObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const TStr& ObjVal) {
00060           PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutObj(); Val->AddToObj(KeyNm, ObjVal); return Val; }
00061   static PJsonVal NewObj(const TStr& KeyNm, const bool& ObjVal) {
00062           PJsonVal Val = TJsonVal::New(); Val->PutObj(); Val->AddToObj(KeyNm, ObjVal); return Val; }
00064   // testing value-type
00065   TJsonValType GetJsonValType() const {return JsonValType;}
00066   bool IsNull() const {return JsonValType==jvtNull;}
00067   bool IsBool() const {return JsonValType==jvtBool;}
00068   bool IsNum() const {return JsonValType==jvtNum;}
00069   bool IsStr() const {return JsonValType==jvtStr;}
00070   bool IsArr() const {return JsonValType==jvtArr;}
00071   bool IsObj() const {return JsonValType==jvtObj;}
00073   // getting value
00074   bool GetBool() const {EAssert(IsBool()); return Bool;}
00075   double GetNum() const {EAssert(IsNum()); return Num;}
00076   TStr GetStr() const {EAssert(IsStr()); return Str;}
00077   int GetArrVals() const {EAssert(IsArr()); return ValV.Len();}
00078   PJsonVal GetArrVal(const int& ValN) const {return ValV[ValN];}
00079   int GetObjKeys() const {EAssert(IsObj()); return KeyValH.Len();}
00080   void GetObjKeyVal(const int& KeyValN, TStr& Key, PJsonVal& Val) const {
00081     EAssert(IsObj()); Key=KeyValH.GetKey(KeyValN); Val=KeyValH[KeyValN];}
00082   bool IsObjKey(const TStr& Key) const {EAssert(IsObj()); return KeyValH.IsKey(Key);}
00083   bool IsObjKey(const char *Key) const {EAssert(IsObj()); return KeyValH.IsKey(Key);}
00084   PJsonVal GetObjKey(const TStr& Key) const;
00085   PJsonVal GetObjKey(const char *Key) const;
00086   bool GetObjBool(const TStr& Key) const { return GetObjKey(Key)->GetBool(); }
00087   bool GetObjBool(const char *Key) const { return GetObjKey(Key)->GetBool(); }
00088   double GetObjNum(const TStr& Key) const { return GetObjKey(Key)->GetNum(); }
00089   double GetObjNum(const char *Key) const { return GetObjKey(Key)->GetNum(); }
00090   TStr GetObjStr(const TStr& Key) const { return GetObjKey(Key)->GetStr(); }
00091   TStr GetObjStr(const char *Key) const { return GetObjKey(Key)->GetStr(); }
00092   bool GetObjBool(const TStr& Key, const bool& DefBool) const;
00093   bool GetObjBool(const char *Key, const bool& DefBool) const;
00094   double GetObjNum(const TStr& Key, const double& DefNum) const;
00095   double GetObjNum(const char *Key, const double& DefNum) const;
00096   TStr GetObjStr(const TStr& Key, const TStr& DefStr) const;
00097   TStr GetObjStr(const char *Key, const TStr& DefStr) const;
00099   // (de)serialization
00100   static PJsonVal GetValFromLx(TILx& Lx);
00101   static PJsonVal GetValFromStr(const TStr& JsonStr);
00102   static void AddEscapeChAFromStr(const TStr& Str, TChA& ChA);
00103   static TStr AddEscapeStrFromStr(const TStr& Str) { 
00104           TChA ChA; AddEscapeChAFromStr(Str, ChA); return ChA; }
00105   static void AddQChAFromStr(const TStr& Str, TChA& ChA);
00106   static void GetChAFromVal(const PJsonVal& Val, TChA& ChA);
00107   static TStr GetStrFromVal(const PJsonVal& Val);
00108 };