SNAP Library , User Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00007 class TGraphKey {
00008 public:
00009   static const int RoundTo;
00010 private:
00011 public:
00012   TInt Nodes;
00013   TIntPrV EdgeV;  // renumbers the graph (node Ids 0..nodes-1)
00014   TFltV SigV;     // signature (for hashing)
00015   TInt VariantId; // graphs can have the same signature but are not-isomorphic. VariantId starts with 1.
00016 public:
00017   TGraphKey() : Nodes(-1), EdgeV(), SigV(), VariantId(0) { }
00018   TGraphKey(const TSFltV& GraphSigV);
00019   TGraphKey(const TIntV& GraphSigV);
00020   TGraphKey(const TFltV& GraphSigV);
00021   TGraphKey(const TGraphKey& GraphKey);
00022   TGraphKey(TSIn& SIn);
00023   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const;
00024   TGraphKey& operator = (const TGraphKey& GraphKey);
00025   bool operator == (const TGraphKey& GraphKey) const { return SigV==GraphKey.SigV && VariantId==GraphKey.VariantId; }
00027   int GetPrimHashCd() const { return abs(SigV.GetPrimHashCd() ^ VariantId); }
00028   int GetSecHashCd() const { return abs(SigV.GetSecHashCd() ^ VariantId<<8); }
00031   int GetNodes() const { return Nodes; }
00033   int GetEdges() const { return EdgeV.Len(); }
00040   int GetSigLen() const { return SigV.Len(); }
00045   int GetVariant() const { return VariantId; }
00047   void SetVariant(const int& Variant) { VariantId = Variant; }
00049   void SetEdgeV(const TIntPrV& EdgeIdV) { EdgeV = EdgeIdV; }
00052   PNGraph GetNGraph() const;
00056   void TakeGraph(const PNGraph& Graph);
00061   void TakeGraph(const PNGraph& Graph, TIntPrV& NodeMap);
00065   void TakeSig(const PNGraph& Graph, const int& MnSvdGraph, const int& MxSvdGraph);
00068   void SaveTxt(FILE *F) const;
00072   void SaveGViz(const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc = TStr(), const TStr& NodeAttrs="", const int& Size=-1) const;
00076   void DrawGViz(const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc = TStr(), const TStr& NodeAttrs="", const int& Size=-1) const;
00082   static bool IsIsomorph(const TGraphKey& Key1, const TGraphKey& Key2, const TIntV& NodeIdMap);
00084   static bool IsIsomorph(const TGraphKey& Key1, const TGraphKey& Key2, const TVec<TIntV>& NodeIdMapV);
00086   static bool IsIsomorph(const TGraphKey& Key1, const TGraphKey& Key2, const TVec<TIntV>& NodeIdMapV, int& IsoPermId);
00087 };
00102 template <class TDat>
00103 class TGHash {
00104 public:
00105   typedef typename THash<TGraphKey, TDat>::TIter TIter;
00106 private:
00107   TInt MxIsoCheck;     // maximum graph size for which we perform brute force graph isomorphism check
00108   TInt MxSvdGraph;     // maximum graph size for which we perform SVD-based approximate isomorphism check
00109   THash<TInt, TVec<TIntV> > GSzToPermH; // Graph size to a vector of all node permutations (for graphs of up to MxIsoCkeck nodes)
00110   TBool HashOnlyTrees; // hashing only trees (exact isomorphism test)
00111   THash<TGraphKey, TDat> GraphH;
00112 private:
00113   void InitPermutations();
00114   int IsGetKeyId(const PNGraph& Graph) const;
00115   int IsGetKeyId(const PNGraph& Graph, TGraphKey& GKey) const;
00116   int IsGetKeyId(const PNGraph& Graph, TGraphKey& GKey, TIntPrV& NodeMap) const;
00117 public:
00126   TGHash(const bool& HashTrees, const int& MaxIsoCheck=8, const int& MaxSvdGraph=500);
00127   TGHash(TSIn& SIn);
00128   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const;
00131   const TDat& operator [] (const int& KeyId) const { return GraphH[KeyId]; }
00133   TDat& operator [] (const int& KeyId) { return GraphH[KeyId]; }
00135   const TDat& operator () (const TGraphKey& Key) const { return GraphH.GetDat(Key); }
00137   TDat& operator () (const TGraphKey& Key) { return GraphH.GetDat(Key); }
00139   TIter BegI() const { return GraphH.BegI(); }
00141   TIter EndI() const { return GraphH.EndI(); }
00143   TIter GetI(const int& KeyId) const  { return GraphH.GetI(KeyId); }
00146   bool HashTrees() const { return HashOnlyTrees; }
00149   void Gen(const int& ExpectVals) { GraphH.Gen(ExpectVals); }
00154   void Clr(const bool& DoDel=true, const int& NoDelLim=-1) { GraphH.Clr(DoDel, NoDelLim); }
00156   bool Empty() const { return GraphH.Empty(); }
00158   int Len() const {  return GraphH.Len(); }
00160   int GetPorts() const { return GraphH.GetPorts(); }
00162   bool IsAutoSize() const { return GraphH.IsAutoSize(); }
00164   int GetMxKeyIds() const { return GraphH.GetMxKeyIds(); }
00168   bool IsKeyIdEqKeyN() const { return GraphH.IsKeyIdEqKeyN(); }
00173   int AddKey(const PNGraph& Graph);
00177   TDat& AddDat(const PNGraph& Graph) { return GraphH[AddKey(Graph)]; }
00181   TDat& AddDat(const PNGraph& Graph, const TDat& Dat) { return GraphH[AddKey(Graph)] = Dat; }
00184   bool IsKey(const PNGraph& Graph) const { int k=IsGetKeyId(Graph); return k!=-1; }
00188   int GetKeyId(const PNGraph& Graph) const { return IsGetKeyId(Graph); }
00192   const TDat& GetDat(const PNGraph& Graph) const { return GraphH[GetKeyId(Graph)]; }
00196   TDat& GetDat(const PNGraph& Graph) { return GraphH[GetKeyId(Graph)]; }
00199   const TGraphKey& GetKey(const int& KeyId) const { return GraphH.GetKey(KeyId); }
00203   int GetKeyId(const TGraphKey& Key) const { return GraphH.GetKeyId(Key); }
00205   bool IsKey(const TGraphKey& Key) const { return GraphH.IsKey(Key); }
00207   bool IsKey(const TGraphKey& Key, int& KeyId) const { return GraphH.IsKey(Key, KeyId); }
00209   bool IsKeyId(const int& KeyId) const { return GraphH.IsKeyId(KeyId); }
00213   const TDat& GetDat(const TGraphKey& Key) const { return GraphH.GetDat(Key); }
00217   TDat& GetDat(const TGraphKey& Key) { return GraphH.GetDat(Key); }
00221   const TDat& GetDatId(const int& KeyId) const { return GraphH[KeyId]; }
00225   TDat& GetDatId(const int& KeyId) { return GraphH[KeyId]; }
00228   void GetKeyDat(const int& KeyId, TGraphKey& Key, TDat& Dat) const { GraphH.GetKeyDat(KeyId, Key, Dat); }
00230   bool IsKeyGetDat(const TGraphKey& Key, TDat& Dat) const { return GraphH.IsKeyGetDat(Key, Dat); }
00235   bool GetNodeMap(const PNGraph& Graph, TIntPrV& NodeMapV) const;
00239   bool GetNodeMap(const PNGraph& Graph, TIntPrV& NodeMapV, int& KeyId) const;
00245   int FFirstKeyId() const { return 0-1; }
00250   bool FNextKeyId(int& KeyId) const { return GraphH.FNextKeyId(KeyId); }
00252   void GetKeyV(TVec<TGraphKey>& KeyV) const { GraphH.GetKeyV(KeyV); }
00254   void GetDatV(TVec<TDat>& DatV) const { GraphH.GetDatV(DatV); }
00258   void GetKeyIdByDat(TIntV& KeyIdV, const bool& Asc = true) const;
00263   void GetKeyIdByGSz(TIntV& KeyIdV, const bool& Asc = true) const;
00265   void GetKeyDatPrV(TVec<TPair<TGraphKey, TDat> >& KeyDatPrV) const { GraphH.GetKeyDatPrV(KeyDatPrV); }
00267   void GetDatKeyPrV(TVec<TPair<TDat, TGraphKey> >& DatKeyPrV) const { GraphH.GetDatKeyPrV(DatKeyPrV); }
00272   void Defrag() { GraphH.Defrag(); }
00274   void Pack() { GraphH.Pack(); }
00277   void DrawGViz(const int& KeyId, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& OutputType = "gif", TStr Desc="") const;
00279   void DrawGViz(const TIntV& KeyIdV, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& OutputType = "gif") const;
00281   void SaveTxt(const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& DatColNm, const bool& SortByKeyVal=true) const;
00283   void SaveDetailTxt(const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& DatColNm) const;
00284 };
00286 template <class TDat>
00287 void TGHash<TDat>::InitPermutations() {
00288   GSzToPermH.Clr();
00289   for (int nodes = 2; nodes <= MxIsoCheck; nodes++) {
00290     TVec<TIntV> NodePermutationV;
00291     TIntV NodeIdV(nodes, 0);
00292     for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)  NodeIdV.Add(i);
00293     NodeIdV.Pack();
00294     NodePermutationV.Add(NodeIdV);
00295     while (NodeIdV.NextPerm()) {
00296       NodePermutationV.Add(NodeIdV);
00297     }
00298     NodePermutationV.Pack();
00299     GSzToPermH.AddDat(nodes, NodePermutationV);
00300   }
00301 }
00303 template <class TDat>
00304 TGHash<TDat>::TGHash(const bool& HashTrees, const int& MaxIsoCheck, const int& MaxSvdGraph) :
00305  MxIsoCheck(MaxIsoCheck), MxSvdGraph(MaxSvdGraph), GSzToPermH(), HashOnlyTrees(HashTrees), GraphH() {
00306   if (! HashTrees) {
00307     InitPermutations();
00308   }
00309 }
00311 template <class TDat>
00312 TGHash<TDat>::TGHash(TSIn& SIn) : MxIsoCheck(SIn), MxSvdGraph(SIn), GSzToPermH(), HashOnlyTrees(SIn), GraphH(SIn) {
00313   if (! HashOnlyTrees) {
00314     InitPermutations();
00315   }
00316 }
00318 template <class TDat>
00319 void TGHash<TDat>::Save(TSOut& SOut) const {
00320   MxIsoCheck.Save(SOut);
00321   MxSvdGraph.Save(SOut);
00322   HashOnlyTrees.Save(SOut);
00323   GraphH.Save(SOut);
00324 }
00326 template <class TDat>
00327 int TGHash<TDat>::AddKey(const PNGraph& Graph) {
00328   if (HashOnlyTrees) {
00329     int RootNId;  IAssert(TSnap::IsTree(Graph, RootNId));
00330     TIntV TreeSig;  TSnap::GetTreeSig(Graph, RootNId, TreeSig);
00331     TGraphKey GKey(TreeSig);
00332     const int KeyId = GraphH.GetKeyId(GKey);
00333     if (KeyId == -1) {
00334       GKey.TakeGraph(Graph);
00335       return GraphH.AddKey(GKey);
00336     }
00337     return KeyId;
00338   } else {
00339     TGraphKey GKey;
00340     GKey.TakeSig(Graph, MxIsoCheck+1, MxSvdGraph); // get signature
00341     const int Nodes = GKey.GetNodes();
00342     if (Nodes > 2 && Nodes <= MxIsoCheck) {
00343       GKey.TakeGraph(Graph);
00344       // Check all variants with same signature
00345       for (int variant = 1; ; variant++) {
00346         GKey.SetVariant(variant);
00347         int KeyId = GraphH.GetKeyId(GKey);
00348         if (KeyId == -1) { // Key of such signature and variant does not exist yet.
00349           KeyId = GraphH.AddKey(GKey);
00350           return KeyId;
00351         }
00352         if (TGraphKey::IsIsomorph(GKey, GraphH.GetKey(KeyId), GSzToPermH.GetDat(Nodes))) { // Graph isomorphism test
00353           return KeyId;  // Found isomorphic graph.
00354         }
00355       }
00356     } else {
00357       const int KeyId = GraphH.GetKeyId(GKey);
00358       if (KeyId == -1) {
00359         GKey.TakeGraph(Graph);
00360         return GraphH.AddKey(GKey);
00361       }
00362       return KeyId;
00363     }
00364   }
00365   Fail;
00366   return -1;
00367 }
00369 template <class TDat>
00370 int TGHash<TDat>::IsGetKeyId(const PNGraph& Graph) const {
00371   TGraphKey GKey;
00372   return IsGetKeyId(Graph, GKey);
00373 }
00375 template <class TDat>
00376 int TGHash<TDat>::IsGetKeyId(const PNGraph& Graph, TGraphKey& GKey) const {
00377   if (HashOnlyTrees) {
00378     // For trees we perform exact isomorshism test based on graph signatures
00379     int RootNId;  IAssert(TSnap::IsTree(Graph, RootNId));
00380     TIntV TreeSig;  TSnap::GetTreeSig(Graph, RootNId, TreeSig);
00381     GKey = TGraphKey(TreeSig);
00382     const int KeyId = GraphH.GetKeyId(GKey);
00383     return KeyId;
00384   } else {
00385     // For small graphs  of less than MxIsoCheck nodes we perform brute force isomorphism checking
00386     GKey.TakeSig(Graph, MxIsoCheck+1, MxSvdGraph);
00387     const int Nodes = GKey.GetNodes();
00388     if (Nodes > 2 && Nodes <= MxIsoCheck) {
00389       GKey.TakeGraph(Graph);
00390       for (int variant = 1; ; variant++) {
00391         GKey.SetVariant(variant);
00392         int KeyId = GraphH.GetKeyId(GKey); // Is there a graph of the same signature and same VariantId
00393         if (KeyId == -1) { return -1; }
00394         if (TGraphKey::IsIsomorph(GKey, GraphH.GetKey(KeyId), GSzToPermH.GetDat(Nodes))) { return KeyId; } // perform brute force isomorphism check
00395       }
00396     } else {
00397       // For all other graphs we perform approximate graph isomorphism checking
00398       const int KeyId = GraphH.GetKeyId(GKey);
00399       return KeyId;
00400     }
00401   }
00402   Fail;
00403   return -1;
00404 }
00406 template <class TDat>
00407 bool TGHash<TDat>::GetNodeMap(const PNGraph& Graph, TIntPrV& NodeMapV) const {
00408   int KeyId;
00409   return GetNodeMap(Graph, NodeMapV, KeyId);
00410 }
00412 template <class TDat>
00413 bool TGHash<TDat>::GetNodeMap(const PNGraph& Graph, TIntPrV& NodeMapV, int& KeyId) const {
00414   NodeMapV.Clr(false);
00415   if (HashOnlyTrees) {
00416     int RootNId;  IAssert(TSnap::IsTree(Graph, RootNId));
00417     TIntV TreeSig;  TSnap::GetTreeSig(Graph, RootNId, TreeSig, NodeMapV);
00418     TGraphKey GKey(TreeSig);
00419     KeyId = GraphH.GetKeyId(GKey);
00420     return KeyId != -1;
00421   } else {
00422     const int Nodes = Graph->GetNodes();
00423     int IsoPermId = -1;
00424     NodeMapV.Clr(false);
00425     if (Nodes == 0) { return true; }
00426     else if (Nodes == 1) {
00427       NodeMapV.Add(TIntPr(Graph->BegNI().GetId(), 0));  return true; }
00428     else if (Nodes <= MxIsoCheck) {
00429       TGraphKey GKey;
00430       GKey.TakeSig(Graph, MxIsoCheck+1, MxSvdGraph);
00431       GKey.TakeGraph(Graph, NodeMapV);
00432       for (int variant = 1; ; variant++) {
00433         GKey.SetVariant(variant);
00434         KeyId = GraphH.GetKeyId(GKey);
00435         if (KeyId == -1) { return false; }
00436         if (TGraphKey::IsIsomorph(GKey, GraphH.GetKey(KeyId), GSzToPermH.GetDat(Nodes), IsoPermId)) {
00437           const TIntV& K1K2Perm = GSzToPermH.GetDat(Nodes)[IsoPermId];
00438           // map from graph to key1 to key2
00439           for  (int i = 0; i < NodeMapV.Len(); i++) {
00440             NodeMapV[i].Val2 = K1K2Perm[NodeMapV[i].Val2]; }
00441           return true;
00442         }
00443       }
00444       return false;
00445     } else {
00446       return false; // graph too big to find the mapping
00447     }
00448   }
00449   Fail;
00450   return false;
00451 }
00453 template <class TDat>
00454 void TGHash<TDat>::GetKeyIdByDat(TIntV& KeyIdV, const bool& Asc) const {
00455   TVec<TQuad<TDat, TInt,TInt, TInt> > DatKeyIdV(Len(), 0); // <TDat,Nodes,Edges,KeyId>
00456   for (int i = FFirstKeyId(); FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00457     DatKeyIdV.Add(TQuad<TDat, TInt,TInt, TInt>(GetDatId(i), GetKey(i).GetNodes(), GetKey(i).GetEdges(), i));
00458   }
00459   DatKeyIdV.Sort(Asc);
00460   KeyIdV.Gen(Len(), 0);
00461   for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
00462     KeyIdV.Add(DatKeyIdV[i].Val4);
00463   }
00464 }
00466 template <class TDat>
00467 void TGHash<TDat>::GetKeyIdByGSz(TIntV& KeyIdV, const bool& Asc) const {
00468   TVec<TQuad<TInt,TInt, TDat, TInt> > DatKeyIdV(Len(), 0); // <Nodes,Edges,TDat,KeyId>
00469   for (int i = FFirstKeyId(); FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00470     DatKeyIdV.Add(TQuad< TInt,TInt, TDat, TInt>(GetKey(i).GetNodes(), GetKey(i).GetEdges(), GetDatId(i), i));
00471   }
00472   DatKeyIdV.Sort(Asc);
00473   KeyIdV.Gen(Len(), 0);
00474   for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
00475     KeyIdV.Add(DatKeyIdV[i].Val4);
00476   }
00477 }
00479 template <class TDat>
00480 void TGHash<TDat>::DrawGViz(const int& KeyId, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& OutputType, TStr Desc) const {
00481   IAssert(OutputType == "ps" || OutputType == "gif" || OutputType == "png");
00482   const TGraphKey& GKey = GetKey(KeyId);
00483   const TStr Desc1 = TStr::Fmt("%s (%d, %d)", Desc.CStr(), GKey.GetNodes(), GKey.GetEdges());
00484   GKey.SaveGViz(OutFNmPref+".dot", Desc1);
00485   TSnap::TSnapDetail::GVizDoLayout(OutFNmPref+".dot", OutFNmPref+"."+OutputType, gvlDot);
00486 }
00488 template <class TDat>
00489 void TGHash<TDat>::DrawGViz(const TIntV& KeyIdV, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& OutputType) const {
00490   IAssert(OutputType == "ps" || OutputType == "gif" || OutputType == "png");
00491   TExeTm ExeTm;
00492   printf("Plotting %d graphs\n", KeyIdV.Len());
00493   for (int i = 0; i < KeyIdV.Len(); i++) {
00494     const TStr FNm = TStr::Fmt("%s.%03d.key%d.", OutFNmPref.CStr(), i+1, KeyIdV[i]());
00495     const TStr Desc = TStr::Fmt("KeyId:%d", KeyIdV[i]());
00496     const TGraphKey& GKey = GetKey(KeyIdV[i]);
00497     printf("\r  %d  g(%d, %d)    ", i, GKey.GetNodes(), GKey.GetEdges());
00498     GKey.SaveGViz(FNm+"dot", Desc);
00499     TSnap::TSnapDetail::GVizDoLayout(FNm+"dot", FNm+OutputType, gvlDot);
00500   }
00501   printf("done [%s].\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr());
00502 }
00504 template <class TDat>
00505 void TGHash<TDat>::SaveTxt(const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& DatColNm, const bool& SortByKeyVal) const {
00506   TIntV KeyIdV;
00507   if (SortByKeyVal) GetKeyIdByDat(KeyIdV, false);
00508   else GetKeyIdByGSz(KeyIdV, true);
00509   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00510   fprintf(F, "Graph-Hash-Table");
00511   fprintf(F, "%s\n", Desc.CStr());
00512   fprintf(F, "%d graphs\n", KeyIdV.Len());
00513   fprintf(F, "Rank\tKeyId\tNodes\tEdges\t%s\n", DatColNm.CStr());
00514   for (int i = 0; i < KeyIdV.Len(); i++) {
00515     const TGraphKey& Key = GetKey(KeyIdV[i]);
00516     fprintf(F, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", i+1, KeyIdV[i](), Key.GetNodes(), Key.GetEdges(),
00517       GetDatId(KeyIdV[i]).GetStr().CStr());
00518   }
00519   fclose(F);
00520 }
00522 template <class TDat>
00523 void TGHash<TDat>::SaveDetailTxt(const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& DatColNm) const {
00524   TIntV KeyIdV;  GetKeyIdByDat(KeyIdV, false);
00525   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00526   fprintf(F, "Graph-Hash-Table\n");
00527   fprintf(F, "%s\n", Desc.CStr());
00528   fprintf(F, "%d graphs", KeyIdV.Len());
00529   for (int i = 0; i < KeyIdV.Len(); i++) {
00530     fprintf(F, "\n\n[%5d]\tRank: %d\n", KeyIdV[i](), i+1);
00531     fprintf(F, "Dat:  %s\n", GetDat(KeyIdV[i]).GetStr().CStr());
00532     GetDatId(KeyIdV[i]).SaveTxt(F);
00533   }
00534   fclose(F);
00535 }
00539 class TSimpleGraph {
00540 private:
00541   TIntPrV EdgeV;
00542 public:
00543   TSimpleGraph() { }
00544   TSimpleGraph(const TIntPrV& GEdgeV) : EdgeV(GEdgeV) { }
00545   bool operator == (const TSimpleGraph& Graph) const { return EdgeV == Graph.EdgeV; }
00546   bool operator < (const TSimpleGraph& Graph) const { return EdgeV < Graph.EdgeV; }
00548   int GetEdges() const { return EdgeV.Len(); }
00549   void AddEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) { EdgeV.Add(TIntPr(SrcNId, DstNId)); }
00550   bool Join(const TSimpleGraph& G1, const TSimpleGraph& G2);
00551   TIntPrV& GetEdgeV() { return EdgeV; }
00552   TIntPrV& operator () () { return EdgeV; }
00554   void Dump(const TStr& Desc = TStr()) const;
00555 };
00556 typedef TVec<TSimpleGraph> TSimpleGraphV;
00560 class TSubGraphsEnum {
00561 private:
00562   TSimpleGraphV SgV, NextSgV;
00563   THash<TIntPr, TIntH> EdgeH;
00564   PNGraph NGraph;
00565 public:
00566   TSubGraphsEnum(PNGraph Graph) : NGraph(Graph) { }
00568   void Gen2Graphs();
00569   void EnumSubGraphs(const int& MaxEdges);
00570   void RecurBfs(const int& MxDepth);
00571   void RecurBfs(const int& NId, const int& Depth, TSimpleGraph& PrevG);
00572   void RecurBfs1(const int& MxDepth);
00573   void RecurBfs1(const int& NId, const int& Depth);
00574   //void RecurBfs(const int& NId, const int& Depth, const THash<TIntPr, TInt>& EdgeH);
00575 };