SNAP Library , User Reference
2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
00001 00002 // Wide-Char 00003 class TWCh{ 00004 private: 00005 uchar MsVal; 00006 uchar LsVal; 00007 public: 00008 static const TWCh Mn; 00009 static const TWCh Mx; 00010 static const int Vals; 00011 00012 TWCh(): MsVal(0), LsVal(0){} 00013 TWCh(const uchar& _LsVal): MsVal(0), LsVal(_LsVal){} 00014 TWCh(const uchar& _MsVal, const uchar& _LsVal): 00015 MsVal(_MsVal), LsVal(_LsVal){} 00016 TWCh(const int& _MsVal, const int& _LsVal): 00017 MsVal(uchar(_MsVal)), LsVal(uchar(_LsVal)){} 00018 operator char() const {return LsVal;} 00019 TWCh(TSIn& SIn){SIn.Load(MsVal); SIn.Load(LsVal);} 00020 void Save(TSOut& SOut) const {SOut.Save(MsVal); SOut.Save(MsVal);} 00021 00022 TWCh& operator=(const TWCh& WCh){ 00023 MsVal=WCh.MsVal; LsVal=WCh.LsVal; return *this;} 00024 bool operator==(const TWCh& WCh) const { 00025 return (MsVal==WCh.MsVal)&&(LsVal==WCh.LsVal);} 00026 bool operator<(const TWCh& WCh) const { 00027 return (MsVal<WCh.MsVal)||((MsVal==WCh.MsVal)&&(LsVal<WCh.LsVal));} 00028 int GetMemUsed() const {return sizeof(MsVal)+sizeof(LsVal);} 00029 00030 int GetPrimHashCd() const {return LsVal;} 00031 int GetSecHashCd() const {return MsVal;} 00032 00033 char GetCh() const { 00034 if (MsVal==TCh::NullCh){return LsVal;} else {return '#';}} 00035 00036 static TWCh LoadTxt(const PSIn& SIn){ 00037 uchar LsVal=SIn->GetCh(); uchar MsVal=SIn->GetCh(); 00038 return TWCh(MsVal, LsVal);} 00039 void SaveTxt(const PSOut& SOut) const { 00040 SOut->PutCh(MsVal); SOut->PutCh(LsVal);} 00041 00042 static const TWCh StartWCh; 00043 static const TWCh TabWCh; 00044 static const TWCh LfWCh; 00045 static const TWCh CrWCh; 00046 static const TWCh SpaceWCh; 00047 }; 00048 typedef TVec<TWCh> TWChV; 00049 00051 // Wide-Char-Array 00052 class TWChA{ 00053 private: 00054 TWChV WChV; 00055 void AddCStr(const char* CStr); 00056 void PutCStr(const char* CStr); 00057 public: 00058 TWChA(const int& MxWChs=0): WChV(MxWChs, 0){} 00059 TWChA(const TWChA& WChA): WChV(WChA.WChV){} 00060 TWChA(const TWChV& _WChV): WChV(_WChV){} 00061 TWChA(const char* CStr): WChV(){PutCStr(CStr);} 00062 TWChA(const TChA& ChA): WChV(){PutCStr(ChA.CStr());} 00063 TWChA(const TStr& Str): WChV(){PutCStr(Str.CStr());} 00064 ~TWChA(){} 00065 TWChA(TSIn& SIn): WChV(SIn){} 00066 void Save(TSOut& SOut){WChV.Save(SOut);} 00067 00068 TWChA& operator=(const TWChA& WChA){ 00069 if (this!=&WChA){WChV=WChA.WChV;} return *this;} 00070 TWChA& operator=(const char* CStr){PutCStr(CStr); return *this;} 00071 TWChA& operator=(const TChA& ChA){PutCStr(ChA.CStr()); return *this;} 00072 TWChA& operator=(const TStr& Str){PutCStr(Str.CStr()); return *this;} 00073 bool operator==(const TWChA& WChA) const {return WChV==WChA.WChV;} 00074 bool operator==(const char* CStr) const {return strcmp(GetStr().CStr(), CStr)!=0;} 00075 TWChA& operator+=(const char& Ch){WChV.Add(TWCh(Ch)); return *this;} 00076 TWChA& operator+=(const TWCh& WCh){WChV.Add(WCh); return *this;} 00077 TWChA& operator+=(const char* CStr){AddCStr(CStr); return *this;} 00078 TWChA& operator+=(const TChA& ChA){AddCStr(ChA.CStr()); return *this;} 00079 TWChA& operator+=(const TStr& Str){AddCStr(Str.CStr()); return *this;} 00080 TWChA& operator+=(const TWChA& WChA){WChV.AddV(WChA.WChV); return *this;} 00081 TWCh operator[](const int& ChN) const {return WChV[ChN];} 00082 int GetMemUsed(){return WChV.GetMemUsed();} 00083 00084 void Clr(){WChV.Clr();} 00085 int Len() const {return WChV.Len();} 00086 bool Empty() const {return WChV.Empty();} 00087 TStr GetStr() const; 00088 00089 void GetSubWChA(const int& BChN, const int& EChN, TWChA& WChA) const { 00090 WChV.GetSubValV(BChN, EChN, WChA.WChV);} 00091 void InsStr(const int& BChN, const TStr& Str); 00092 void DelSubStr(const int& BChN, const int& EChN); 00093 bool DelStr(const TStr& Str); 00094 void SplitOnCh(TStr& LStr, const char& SplitCh, TStr& RStr) const; 00095 00096 int SearchCh(const TWCh& WCh, const int& BChN=0) const { 00097 return WChV.SearchForw(WCh, BChN);} 00098 int SearchStr(const TWChA& WChA, const int& BChN=0) const { 00099 return WChV.SearchVForw(WChA.WChV, BChN);} 00100 bool IsChIn(const char& Ch) const {return SearchCh(Ch)!=-1;} 00101 bool IsStrIn(const TWChA& WChA) const {return SearchStr(WChA)!=-1;} 00102 bool IsPrefix(const TWChA& WChA) const { 00103 TWChV SubWChV; WChV.GetSubValV(0, WChA.Len()-1, SubWChV); 00104 return SubWChV==WChA.WChV;} 00105 bool IsSufix(const TWChA& WChA) const { 00106 TWChV SubWChV; WChV.GetSubValV(Len()-WChA.Len(), Len()-1, SubWChV); 00107 return SubWChV==WChA.WChV;} 00108 int ChangeStr(const TStr& SrcStr, const TStr& DstStr, const int& BChN=0); 00109 int ChangeStrAll(const TStr& SrcStr, const TStr& DstStr); 00110 00111 static void LoadTxt(const PSIn& SIn, TWChA& WChA); 00112 void SaveTxt(const PSOut& SOut) const; 00113 00114 static TWChA EmptyWChA; 00115 }; 00116 00117