SNAP Library , User Reference
2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
00001 #include "bd.h" 00002 00004 // Blob-Pointer 00005 ClassTVQ(TBlobPt, TBlobPtV, TBlobPtQ)//{ 00006 public: 00007 static const int MnBlobBfL; 00008 static const int Flags; 00009 uchar Seg; 00010 uint Addr; 00011 TB8Set FSet1, FSet2, FSet3; 00012 public: 00013 TBlobPt(): 00014 Seg(0), Addr(TUInt::Mx), FSet1(), FSet2(), FSet3(){} 00015 TBlobPt(const TBlobPt& Pt): 00016 Seg(Pt.Seg), Addr(Pt.Addr), 00017 FSet1(Pt.FSet1), FSet2(Pt.FSet2), FSet3(Pt.FSet3){} 00018 TBlobPt(const uchar& _Seg, const uint& _Addr, 00019 const TB8Set& _FSet1, const TB8Set& _FSet2, const TB8Set& _FSet3): 00020 Seg(_Seg), Addr(_Addr), FSet1(_FSet1), FSet2(_FSet2), FSet3(_FSet3){} 00021 TBlobPt(const uchar& _Seg, const uint& _Addr): 00022 Seg(_Seg), Addr(_Addr), FSet1(), FSet2(), FSet3(){} 00023 TBlobPt(const uint& _Addr): 00024 Seg(0), Addr(_Addr), FSet1(), FSet2(), FSet3(){} 00025 TBlobPt(const int& _Addr): 00026 Seg(0), Addr(uint(_Addr)), FSet1(), FSet2(), FSet3(){IAssert(_Addr>=0);} 00027 ~TBlobPt(){} 00028 TBlobPt(TSIn& SIn){ 00029 SIn.Load(Seg); SIn.Load(Addr); 00030 FSet1=TB8Set(SIn); FSet2=TB8Set(SIn); FSet3=TB8Set(SIn);} 00031 void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { 00032 SOut.Save(Seg); SOut.Save(Addr); 00033 FSet1.Save(SOut); FSet2.Save(SOut); FSet3.Save(SOut);} 00034 00035 TBlobPt& operator=(const TBlobPt& Pt){ 00036 if (this!=&Pt){ 00037 Seg=Pt.Seg; Addr=Pt.Addr; 00038 FSet1=Pt.FSet1; FSet2=Pt.FSet2; FSet3=Pt.FSet3;} 00039 return *this;} 00040 bool operator==(const TBlobPt& Pt) const { 00041 return (Seg==Pt.Seg)&&(Addr==Pt.Addr);} 00042 bool operator<(const TBlobPt& Pt) const { 00043 return (Seg<Pt.Seg)||((Seg==Pt.Seg)&&(Addr<Pt.Addr));} 00044 int GetMemUsed() const {return sizeof(TBlobPt);} 00045 00046 int GetPrimHashCd() const {return abs(int(Addr));} 00047 int GetSecHashCd() const {return (abs(int(Addr))+int(Seg)*0x10);} 00048 00049 bool Empty() const {return Addr==TUInt::Mx;} 00050 void Clr(){Seg=0; Addr=TUInt::Mx;} 00051 void PutSeg(const uchar& _Seg){Seg=_Seg;} 00052 uchar GetSeg() const {return Seg;} 00053 void PutAddr(const uint& _Addr){Addr=_Addr;} 00054 uint GetAddr() const {return Addr;} 00055 void PutFlag(const int& FlagN, const bool& Val); 00056 bool IsFlag(const int& FlagN) const; 00057 void MergeFlags(const TBlobPt& Pt){ 00058 FSet1|=Pt.FSet1; FSet2|=Pt.FSet2; FSet3|=Pt.FSet3;} 00059 void PutFSet(const int& FSetN, const TB8Set& FSet); 00060 TB8Set GetFSet(const int& FSetN); 00061 00062 static TBlobPt Load(const PFRnd& FRnd){ 00063 uchar Seg=FRnd->GetUCh(); uint Addr=FRnd->GetUInt(); 00064 TB8Set B8Set1(FRnd->GetUCh()); TB8Set B8Set2(FRnd->GetUCh()); 00065 TB8Set B8Set3(FRnd->GetUCh()); 00066 return TBlobPt(Seg, Addr, B8Set1, B8Set2, B8Set3);} 00067 void Save(const PFRnd& FRnd) const { 00068 FRnd->PutUCh(Seg); FRnd->PutUInt(Addr); 00069 FRnd->PutUCh(FSet1.GetUCh()); FRnd->PutUCh(FSet2.GetUCh()); 00070 FRnd->PutUCh(FSet3.GetUCh());} 00071 static TBlobPt LoadAddr(const PFRnd& FRnd, const uchar& Seg=0){ 00072 return TBlobPt(Seg, FRnd->GetUInt());} 00073 void SaveAddr(const PFRnd& FRnd) const { 00074 FRnd->PutUInt(Addr);} 00075 00076 TStr GetAddrStr() const { 00077 TChA AddrChA; AddrChA+=TInt::GetStr(Seg); AddrChA+=':'; 00078 AddrChA+=TUInt::GetStr(Addr); return AddrChA;} 00079 00080 TStr GetStr() const; 00081 }; 00082 00084 // Blob-Base 00085 typedef enum {bbsUndef, bbsOpened, bbsClosed} TBlobBsState; 00086 typedef enum {btUndef, btBegin, btEnd} TBlobTag; 00087 typedef enum {bsUndef, bsActive, bsFree} TBlobState; 00088 00089 ClassTPV(TBlobBs, PBlobBs, TBlobBsV)//{ 00090 public: 00091 static const int MnBlobBfL; 00092 static const int MxBlobFLen; 00093 UndefCopyAssign(TBlobBs); 00094 public: 00095 TBlobBs(){} 00096 virtual ~TBlobBs(){} 00097 TBlobBs(TSIn&){Fail;} 00098 static PBlobBs Load(TSIn&){Fail; return NULL;} 00099 void Save(TSOut&) const {Fail;} 00100 00101 virtual TStr GetVersionStr() const=0; 00102 void PutVersionStr(const PFRnd& FBlobBs); 00103 void AssertVersionStr(const PFRnd& FBlobBs); 00104 00105 TStr GetBlobBsStateStr(const TBlobBsState& BlobBsState); 00106 int GetStateStrLen(){return 6;} 00107 void PutBlobBsStateStr(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobBsState& State); 00108 void AssertBlobBsStateStr(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobBsState& State); 00109 00110 static const TStr MxSegLenVNm; 00111 void PutMxSegLen(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const int& MxSegLen); 00112 int GetMxSegLen(const PFRnd& FBlobBs); 00113 00114 static const TStr BlockLenVNm; 00115 void GenBlockLenV(TIntV& BlockLenV); 00116 void PutBlockLenV(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TIntV& BlockLenV); 00117 void GetBlockLenV(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, TIntV& BlockLenV); 00118 00119 static const TStr FFreeBlobPtVNm; 00120 void GenFFreeBlobPtV(const TIntV& BlockLenV, TBlobPtV& FFreeBlobPtV); 00121 void PutFFreeBlobPtV(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobPtV& FFreeBlobPtV); 00122 void GetFFreeBlobPtV(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, TBlobPtV& FFreeBlobPtV); 00123 00124 void GetAllocInfo( 00125 const int& BfL, const TIntV& BlockLenV, int& MxBfL, int& FFreeBlobPtN); 00126 00127 uint GetBeginBlobTag(){return 0xABCDEFFF;} 00128 uint GetEndBlobTag(){return 0xFFFEDCBA;} 00129 void PutBlobTag(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobTag& BlobTag); 00130 void AssertBlobTag(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobTag& BlobTag); 00131 00132 void PutBlobState(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobState& State); 00133 TBlobState GetBlobState(const PFRnd& FBlobBs); 00134 void AssertBlobState(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobState& State); 00135 00136 void AssertBfCsEqFlCs(const TCs& BfCs, const TCs& FCs); 00137 00138 virtual TBlobPt PutBlob(const PSIn& SIn)=0; 00139 TBlobPt PutBlob(const TStr& Str){ 00140 PSIn SIn=TStrIn::New(Str); return PutBlob(SIn);} 00141 virtual TBlobPt PutBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt, const PSIn& SIn)=0; 00142 virtual PSIn GetBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt)=0; 00143 virtual void DelBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt)=0; 00144 00145 virtual TBlobPt GetFirstBlobPt()=0; 00146 virtual TBlobPt FFirstBlobPt()=0; 00147 virtual bool FNextBlobPt(TBlobPt& TrvBlobPt, TBlobPt& BlobPt, PSIn& BlobSIn)=0; 00148 bool FNextBlobPt(TBlobPt& TrvBlobPt, PSIn& BlobSIn){ 00149 TBlobPt BlobPt; return FNextBlobPt(TrvBlobPt, BlobPt, BlobSIn);} 00150 }; 00151 00153 // General-Blob-Base 00154 class TGBlobBs: public TBlobBs{ 00155 private: 00156 PFRnd FBlobBs; 00157 TFAccess Access; 00158 int MxSegLen; 00159 TIntV BlockLenV; 00160 TBlobPtV FFreeBlobPtV; 00161 TBlobPt FirstBlobPt; 00162 static TStr GetNrBlobBsFNm(const TStr& BlobBsFNm); 00163 public: 00164 TGBlobBs(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, const TFAccess& _Access=faRdOnly, 00165 const int& _MxSegLen=-1); 00166 static PBlobBs New(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, const TFAccess& Access=faRdOnly, 00167 const int& MxSegLen=-1){ 00168 return PBlobBs(new TGBlobBs(BlobBsFNm, Access, MxSegLen));} 00169 ~TGBlobBs(); 00170 00171 TGBlobBs& operator=(const TGBlobBs&){Fail; return *this;} 00172 00173 TStr GetVersionStr() const {return TStr("General Blob Base Format 1.0");} 00174 TBlobPt PutBlob(const PSIn& SIn); 00175 TBlobPt PutBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt, const PSIn& SIn); 00176 PSIn GetBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt); 00177 void DelBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt); 00178 00179 TBlobPt GetFirstBlobPt(){return FirstBlobPt;} 00180 TBlobPt FFirstBlobPt(); 00181 bool FNextBlobPt(TBlobPt& TrvBlobPt, TBlobPt& BlobPt, PSIn& BlobSIn); 00182 00183 static bool Exists(const TStr& BlobBsFNm); 00184 }; 00185 00187 // Multiple-File-Blob-Base 00188 class TMBlobBs: public TBlobBs{ 00189 private: 00190 TFAccess Access; 00191 int MxSegLen; 00192 TStr NrFPath, NrFMid; 00193 TBlobBsV SegV; 00194 int CurSegN; 00195 static void GetNrFPathFMid(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, TStr& NrFPath, TStr& NrFMid); 00196 static TStr GetMainFNm(const TStr& NrFPath, const TStr& NrFMid); 00197 static TStr GetSegFNm(const TStr& NrFPath, const TStr& NrFMid, const int& SegN); 00198 void LoadMain(int& Segs); 00199 void SaveMain() const; 00200 public: 00201 TMBlobBs(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, const TFAccess& _Access=faRdOnly, 00202 const int& _MxSegLen=-1); 00203 static PBlobBs New(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, const TFAccess& Access=faRdOnly, 00204 const int& MxSegLen=-1){ 00205 return PBlobBs(new TMBlobBs(BlobBsFNm, Access, MxSegLen));} 00206 ~TMBlobBs(); 00207 00208 TMBlobBs& operator=(const TMBlobBs&){Fail; return *this;} 00209 00210 TStr GetVersionStr() const { 00211 return TStr("Multiple-File Blob Base Format 1.0");} 00212 TBlobPt PutBlob(const PSIn& SIn); 00213 TBlobPt PutBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt, const PSIn& SIn); 00214 PSIn GetBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt); 00215 void DelBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt); 00216 00217 TBlobPt GetFirstBlobPt(); 00218 TBlobPt FFirstBlobPt(); 00219 bool FNextBlobPt(TBlobPt& TrvBlobPt, TBlobPt& BlobPt, PSIn& BlobSIn); 00220 00221 static bool Exists(const TStr& BlobBsFNm); 00222 }; 00223