SNAP Library 2.0, User Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 // TODO ROK, Jure included basic documentation, finalize reference doc
00004 // Graph Generators
00005 namespace TSnap {
00008 // Deterministic graphs
00010 template <class PGraph> PGraph GenGrid(const int& Rows, const int& Cols, const bool& IsDir=true);
00012 template <class PGraph> PGraph GenStar(const int& Nodes, const bool& IsDir=true);
00014 template <class PGraph> PGraph GenCircle(const int& Nodes, const int& NodeOutDeg=1, const bool& IsDir=true);
00016 template <class PGraph> PGraph GenFull(const int& Nodes);
00018 template <class PGraph> PGraph GenTree(const int& Fanout, const int& Levels, const bool& IsDir=true, const bool& ChildPointsToParent=true);
00020 template <class PGraph> PGraph GenBaraHierar(const int& Levels, const bool& IsDir=true);
00023 // Random graphs
00026 template <class PGraph> PGraph GenRndGnm(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges, const bool& IsDir=true, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00028 PBPGraph GenRndBipart(const int& LeftNodes, const int& RightNodes, const int& Edges, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00030 PUNGraph GenRndDegK(const int& Nodes, const int& NodeDeg, const int& NSwitch=100, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00032 PUNGraph GenRndPowerLaw(const int& Nodes, const double& PowerExp, const bool& ConfModel=true, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00034 PUNGraph GenDegSeq(const TIntV& DegSeqV, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00036 PUNGraph GenPrefAttach(const int& Nodes, const int& NodeOutDeg, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00038 PUNGraph GenGeoPrefAttach(const int& Nodes, const int& OutDeg, const double& Beta, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00040 PUNGraph GenSmallWorld(const int& Nodes, const int& NodeOutDeg, const double& RewireProb, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00042 PUNGraph GenConfModel(const TIntV& DegSeqV, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00044 PUNGraph GenRewire(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int& NSwitch=100, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00046 PNGraph  GenRewire(const PNGraph& Graph, const int& NSwitch=100, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00048 PBPGraph GenRewire(const PBPGraph& Graph, const int& NSwitch=100, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00050 PNGraph GenForestFire(const int& Nodes, const double& FwdProb, const double& BckProb);
00052 PNGraph GenCopyModel(const int& Nodes, const double& Beta, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00054 PNGraph GenRMat(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges, const double& A, const double& B, const double& C, TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
00056 PNGraph GenRMatEpinions();
00059 // Implementation
00060 template <class PGraph>
00061 PGraph GenGrid(const int& Rows, const int& Cols, const bool& IsDir) {
00062   PGraph GraphPt = PGraph::New();
00063   typename PGraph::TObj& Graph = *GraphPt;
00064   Graph.Reserve(Rows*Cols, 4*Rows*Cols);
00065   int node, r, c;
00066   for (node = 0; node < Rows * Cols; node++) {
00067     Graph.AddNode(node); }
00068   for (r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
00069     for (c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
00070       const int nodeId = Cols*r + c;
00071       if (r < Rows-1) { // bottom node
00072         Graph.AddEdge(nodeId, nodeId+Cols); 
00073         if (Graph.HasFlag(gfDirected) && ! IsDir) { 
00074           Graph.AddEdge(nodeId+Cols-1, nodeId); }
00075       }
00076       if (c < Cols-1) { // right node
00077         Graph.AddEdge(nodeId, nodeId+1); 
00078         if (Graph.HasFlag(gfDirected) && ! IsDir) { 
00079           Graph.AddEdge(nodeId+1, nodeId); }
00080       }
00081     }
00082   }
00083   return GraphPt;
00084 }
00086 template <class PGraph>
00087 PGraph GenStar(const int& Nodes, const bool& IsDir) {
00088   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00089   Graph->Reserve(Nodes, Nodes);
00090   Graph->AddNode(0);
00091   for (int n = 1; n < Nodes; n++) {
00092     Graph->AddNode(n);
00093     Graph->AddEdge(0, n);
00094     if (Graph->HasFlag(gfDirected) && ! IsDir) { Graph->AddEdge(n, 0); }
00095   }
00096   return Graph;
00097 }
00099 template <class PGraph>
00100 PGraph GenCircle(const int& Nodes, const int& NodeOutDeg, const bool& IsDir) {
00101   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00102   Graph->Reserve(Nodes, Nodes*NodeOutDeg);
00103   for (int n = 0; n < Nodes; n++) {
00104     Graph->AddNode(n); }
00105   for (int n = 0; n < Nodes; n++) {
00106     for (int x = 0; x < NodeOutDeg; x++) {
00107       Graph->AddEdge(n, (n+x+1) % Nodes);
00108       if (Graph->HasFlag(gfDirected) && ! IsDir) { Graph->AddEdge((n+x) % Nodes, n); }
00109     }
00110   }
00111   return Graph;
00112 }
00114 template <class PGraph>
00115 PGraph GenFull(const int& Nodes) {
00116   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00117   Graph->Reserve(Nodes, Nodes*Nodes);
00118   for (int n = 0; n < Nodes; n++) {
00119     Graph->AddNode(n); }
00120   for (int n1 = 0; n1 < Nodes; n1++) {
00121     for (int n2 = 0; n2 < Nodes; n2++) {
00122       if (n1 != n2) { Graph->AddEdge(n1, n2); }
00123     }
00124   }
00125   return Graph;
00126 }
00128 template <class PGraph>
00129 PGraph GenTree(const int& Fanout, const int& Levels, const bool& IsDir, const bool& ChildPointsToParent) {
00130   const int Nodes = (int) (pow(double(Fanout), double(Levels+1)) - 1) / (Fanout - 1);
00131   const int Edges = Nodes - 1;
00132   PGraph GraphPt = PGraph::New();
00133   typename PGraph::TObj& Graph = *GraphPt;
00134   Graph.Reserve(Nodes, Edges);
00135   int node;
00136   for (node = 0; node < Nodes; node++) {
00137     Graph.AddNode(node); }
00138   // non-leaf nodes
00139   for (node = 0; node < (int) Nodes - (int) pow(double(Fanout), double(Levels)); node++) {
00140     for (int edge = 1; edge <= Fanout; edge++) {
00141       if (IsDir) {
00142         if (ChildPointsToParent) { Graph.AddEdge(Fanout*node+edge, node); }
00143         else { Graph.AddEdge(node, Fanout*node+edge); }
00144       } else {
00145         Graph.AddEdge(node, Fanout*node+edge); // link children
00146         Graph.AddEdge(Fanout*node+edge, node);
00147       }
00148     }
00149   }
00150   return GraphPt;
00151 }
00169 template <class PGraph>
00170 PGraph GenBaraHierar(const int& Levels, const bool& IsDir) {
00171   const int Nodes = (int) TMath::Round(TMath::Power(5, Levels));
00172   PGraph GraphPt = PGraph::New();
00173   typename PGraph::TObj& Graph = *GraphPt;
00174   Graph.Reserve(Nodes, -1);
00175   // base graph
00176   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Graph.AddNode(i); }
00177   Graph.AddEdge(1,2);  Graph.AddEdge(2,3);
00178   Graph.AddEdge(3,4);  Graph.AddEdge(4,1);
00179   Graph.AddEdge(1,0);  Graph.AddEdge(3,0);
00180   Graph.AddEdge(2,0);  Graph.AddEdge(4,0);
00181   // expansion
00182   const int CenterId = 0;
00183   for (int lev = 1; lev < Levels+1; lev++) {
00184     const int MxNId = Graph.GetNodes();
00185     // make 4 duplicate copies
00186     for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) {
00187       for (int n = 0; n < MxNId; n++) { Graph.AddNode(); }
00188       for (int n = 0; n < MxNId; n++) {
00189         typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph.GetNI(n);
00190         const int SrcId = n+MxNId*(d+1);
00191         for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
00192           Graph.AddEdge(SrcId, NI.GetOutNId(e)+MxNId*(d+1));
00193         }
00194       }
00195     }
00196     // add edges to the center
00197     //const int LevPow = (int)TMath::Round(TMath::Power(5,lev-1));
00198     for (int n = MxNId; n < Graph.GetNodes(); n++) {
00199       typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph.GetNI(n);
00200       const int SrcId = n;
00201       int Pow = 1;  bool Skip = false;
00202       for (int p = 1; p <= lev; p++) {
00203         if (SrcId % (5*Pow) < Pow) { Skip=true; break; }
00204         Pow *= 5;
00205       }
00206       if (Skip) { continue; }
00207       Graph.AddEdge(SrcId, CenterId);
00208     }
00209   }
00210   return GraphPt;
00211 }
00213 template <class PGraph>
00214 PGraph GenRndGnm(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges, const bool& IsDir, TRnd& Rnd) {
00215   PGraph GraphPt = PGraph::New();
00216   typename PGraph::TObj& Graph = *GraphPt;
00217   Graph.Reserve(Nodes, Edges);
00218   IAssertR((1.0 * (Nodes-1) / 2 * (IsDir ? 2 : 1)) >= (1.0 * Edges / Nodes), TStr::Fmt("Not enough nodes (%d), for edges (%d).", Nodes, Edges));
00219   for (int node = 0; node < Nodes; node++) {
00220     IAssert(Graph.AddNode(node) == node);
00221   }
00222   for (int edge = 0; edge < Edges; ) {
00223     const int SrcNId = Rnd.GetUniDevInt(Nodes);
00224     const int DstNId = Rnd.GetUniDevInt(Nodes);
00225     if (SrcNId != DstNId && Graph.AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId) != -2) { // is new edge
00226       if (! IsDir) { Graph.AddEdge(DstNId, SrcNId); }
00227       edge++;
00228     }
00229   }
00230   return GraphPt;
00231 }
00233 namespace TSnapDetail {
00235 template <class PGraph>
00236 TIntPr GetRndEdgeNonAdjNode(const PGraph& Graph, int NId1, int NId2) {
00237   typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI1, NI2;
00238   int OutDeg = -1;
00239   do {
00240     NI1 = Graph->GetRndNI();
00241     OutDeg = NI1.GetOutDeg();
00242   } while (OutDeg == 0);
00243   NI2 = Graph->GetNI(NI1.GetOutNId(TInt::Rnd.GetUniDevInt(OutDeg)));
00244   int runs = 0;
00245   while (NI1.IsNbrNId(NId1) || NI1.IsNbrNId(NId2) || NI2.IsNbrNId(NId1) || NI2.IsNbrNId(NId2) || NI1.GetId()==NI2.GetId()) {
00246     do {
00247       NI1 = Graph->GetRndNI();
00248       OutDeg = NI1.GetOutDeg();
00249     } while (OutDeg == 0);
00250     NI2 = Graph->GetNI(NI1.GetOutNId(TInt::Rnd.GetUniDevInt(OutDeg)));
00251     if (runs++ == 1000) { return TIntPr(-1, -1); }
00252   }
00253   return TIntPr(NI1.GetId(), NI2.GetId());
00254 }
00256 } // namespace TSnapDetail
00258 }; // namespace TSnap