SNAP Library 2.1, Developer Reference
2013-09-25 10:47:25
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
Bf | TZipIn | [private] |
BfC | TZipIn | [private] |
BfL | TZipIn | [private] |
CreateZipProcess(const TStr &Cmd, const TStr &ZipFNm) | TZipIn | [private] |
CRef | TSBase | [protected] |
Cs | TSBase | [protected] |
CurFPos | TZipIn | [private] |
Eof() | TZipIn | [inline, virtual] |
FExtToCmdH | TZipIn | [private, static] |
FillBf() | TZipIn | [private] |
FillFExtToCmdH() | TZipIn | [private, static] |
FindEol(int &BfN) | TZipIn | [private] |
FLen | TZipIn | [private] |
GetBf(const void *LBf, const TSize &LBfL) | TZipIn | [virtual] |
GetCh() | TZipIn | [inline, virtual] |
GetCmd(const TStr &ZipFNm) | TZipIn | [static] |
GetCurFPos() const | TZipIn | [inline] |
GetFLen() const | TZipIn | [inline] |
GetFLen(const TStr &ZipFNm) | TZipIn | [static] |
GetNextLn(TStr &LnStr) | TSIn | |
GetNextLn(TChA &LnChA) | TSIn | |
GetNextLnBf(TChA &LnChA) | TZipIn | [virtual] |
GetSNm() const | TSBase | [virtual] |
IsFastMode() const | TSIn | [inline] |
IsZipExt(const TStr &FNmExt) | TZipIn | [static] |
IsZipFNm(const TStr &FNm) | TZipIn | [inline, static] |
Len() const | TZipIn | [inline, virtual] |
Load(bool &Bool) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(uchar &UCh) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(char &Ch) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(short &Short) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(ushort &UShort) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(int &Int) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(uint &UInt) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(int64 &Int) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(uint64 &UInt) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(double &Flt) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(sdouble &SFlt) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(ldouble &LFlt) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(char *&CStr, const int &MxCStrLen, const int &CStrLen) | TSIn | [inline] |
Load(char *&CStr) | TSIn | |
LoadBf(const void *Bf, const TSize &BfL) | TSIn | [inline] |
LoadCs() | TSIn | |
LoadNewBf(const int &BfL) | TSIn | [inline] |
MxBfL | TZipIn | [private, static] |
New(const TStr &FNm) | TZipIn | [static] |
New(const TStr &FNm, bool &OpenedP) | TZipIn | [static] |
NewIfZip(const TStr &FNm) | TZipIn | [inline, static] |
operator=(const TZipIn &) | TZipIn | [private] |
operator>>(bool &Bool) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(uchar &UCh) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(char &Ch) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(short &Sh) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(ushort &USh) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(int &Int) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(uint &UInt) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(int64 &Int) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(uint64 &UInt) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(float &Flt) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(double &Double) | TSIn | [inline] |
operator>>(long double &LDouble) | TSIn | [inline] |
PeekCh() | TZipIn | [inline, virtual] |
Reset() | TSIn | [inline, virtual] |
SetFastMode(const bool &_FastMode) | TSIn | [inline] |
SevenZipPath | TZipIn | [static] |
SNm | TSBase | [protected] |
StdIn | TSIn | [static] |
TPt< TSIn > class | TSIn | [friend] |
TSBase(const TSStr &Nm) | TSBase | [inline] |
TSIn() | TSIn | [inline] |
TSIn(const TStr &Str) | TSIn | |
TZipIn() | TZipIn | [private] |
TZipIn(const TZipIn &) | TZipIn | [private] |
TZipIn(const TStr &FNm) | TZipIn | |
TZipIn(const TStr &FNm, bool &OpenedP) | TZipIn | |
ZipStdoutRd | TZipIn | [private] |
ZipStdoutWr | TZipIn | [private] |
~TSBase() | TSBase | [inline, virtual] |
~TSIn() | TSIn | [inline, virtual] |
~TZipIn() | TZipIn |