SNAP Library 2.1, User Reference
2013-09-25 10:47:25
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
CRef | TSsParser | [private] |
DumpStr() const | TSsParser | |
Eof() const | TSsParser | [inline] |
FInPt | TSsParser | [private] |
FldV | TSsParser | [private] |
GetFld(const int &FldN) const | TSsParser | [inline] |
GetFld(const int &FldN) | TSsParser | [inline] |
GetFlds() const | TSsParser | [inline] |
GetFlt(const int &FldN, double &Val) const | TSsParser | |
GetFlt(const int &FldN) const | TSsParser | [inline] |
GetInt(const int &FldN, int &Val) const | TSsParser | |
GetInt(const int &FldN) const | TSsParser | [inline] |
GetLineNo() const | TSsParser | [inline] |
GetLnStr() const | TSsParser | [inline] |
IsCmt() const | TSsParser | [inline] |
IsFlt(const int &FldN) const | TSsParser | [inline] |
IsInt(const int &FldN) const | TSsParser | [inline] |
Len() const | TSsParser | [inline] |
LineCnt | TSsParser | [private] |
LineStr | TSsParser | [private] |
New(const TStr &FNm, const TSsFmt SsFmt) | TSsParser | [inline, static] |
Next() | TSsParser | |
NextSlow() | TSsParser | |
operator[](const int &FldN) const | TSsParser | [inline] |
operator[](const int &FldN) | TSsParser | [inline] |
SkipCmt | TSsParser | [private] |
SkipEmptyFld | TSsParser | [private] |
SkipLeadBlanks | TSsParser | [private] |
SplitCh | TSsParser | [private] |
SsFmt | TSsParser | [private] |
ToLc() | TSsParser | |
TPt< TSsParser > class | TSsParser | [friend] |
TSsParser(const TStr &FNm, const TSsFmt _SsFmt=ssfTabSep, const bool &_SkipLeadBlanks=false, const bool &_SkipCmt=true, const bool &_SkipEmptyFld=false) | TSsParser | |
TSsParser(const TStr &FNm, const char &Separator, const bool &_SkipLeadBlanks=false, const bool &_SkipCmt=true, const bool &_SkipEmptyFld=false) | TSsParser | |
UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TSsParser) | TSsParser | [private] |
~TSsParser() | TSsParser |