SNAP Library 2.1, User Reference  2013-09-25 10:47:25
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #ifndef snap_agmfit_h
00002 #define snap_agmfit_h
00004 #include "Snap.h"
00008 class TAGMFit {
00009 private:
00010   PUNGraph G; 
00011   TVec<TIntSet> CIDNSetV;  
00012   THash<TIntPr,TIntSet> EdgeComVH; 
00013   THash<TInt, TIntSet> NIDComVH; 
00014   TIntV ComEdgesV; 
00015   TFlt PNoCom; 
00016   TFltV LambdaV; 
00017   TRnd Rnd;
00018   THash<TIntPr,TFlt> NIDCIDPrH; 
00019   THash<TIntPr,TInt> NIDCIDPrS; 
00020   TFlt MinLambda; 
00021   TFlt MaxLambda; 
00022   TFlt RegCoef; 
00023   TInt BaseCID; 
00025 public:
00026   TAGMFit() { }
00027   ~TAGMFit() { }
00029   TAGMFit(const PUNGraph& GraphPt, const TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVVPt, const int RndSeed = 0): G(GraphPt), PNoCom(0.0), Rnd(RndSeed), MinLambda(0.00001), MaxLambda(10.0), RegCoef(0), BaseCID(-1) { SetCmtyVV(CmtyVVPt);  }
00031   TAGMFit(const PUNGraph& GraphPt, const int InitComs, const int RndSeed = 0): G(GraphPt), PNoCom(0.0), Rnd(RndSeed), MinLambda(0.00001), MaxLambda(10.0), RegCoef(0), BaseCID(-1) { NeighborComInit(InitComs); }//RandomInitCmtyVV(InitComs);  }
00033   TAGMFit(const PUNGraph& GraphPt, const TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVVPt, const TRnd& RndPt): G(GraphPt), PNoCom(0.0), Rnd(RndPt), MinLambda(0.00001), MaxLambda(10.0), RegCoef(0), BaseCID(-1) { SetCmtyVV(CmtyVVPt); }
00034   void Save(TSOut& SOut);
00035   void Load(TSIn& SIn, const int& RndSeed = 0);
00038   void RandomInitCmtyVV(const int InitComs, const double ComSzAlpha = 1.3, const double MemAlpha = 1.8, const int MinComSz = 8, const int MaxComSz = 200, const int MinMem = 1, const int MaxMem = 10);
00040   void AddBaseCmty(); 
00042   double Likelihood();
00043   double Likelihood(const TFltV& NewLambdaV) { double Tmp1, Tmp2; return Likelihood(NewLambdaV, Tmp1, Tmp2); }
00044   double Likelihood(const TFltV& NewLambdaV, double& LEdges, double& LNoEdges);
00045   void SetRegCoef(const double Val) { RegCoef = Val; }
00047   void GetEdgeJointCom();
00049   void NeighborComInit(const int InitComs);
00050   // Gradient of likelihood for \c P_c.
00051   void GradLogLForLambda(TFltV& GradV);
00053   int MLEGradAscentGivenCAG(const double& Thres=0.001, const int& MaxIter=10000, const TStr PlotNm = TStr());
00055   void SetDefaultPNoCom();
00057   void SetPNoCom(const double& Epsilon) { if (BaseCID == -1 && Epsilon > 0.0) { PNoCom = Epsilon; } }
00058   double GetPNoCom() { return PNoCom; }
00060   double CalcPNoComByCmtyVV(const int& SamplePairs = -1);
00061   void GetNewtonStep(TFltVV& HVV, TFltV& GradV, TFltV& DeltaLV);
00063   double SelectLambdaSum(const TIntSet& ComK);
00065   double SelectLambdaSum(const TFltV& NewLambdaV, const TIntSet& ComK);
00068   void RandomInit(const int& MaxK);
00070   void RunMCMC(const int& MaxIter, const int& EvalLambdaIter, const TStr& PlotFPrx = TStr());
00072   void SampleTransition(int& NID, int& JoinCID, int& LeaveCID, double& DeltaL);
00074   void InitNodeData();
00076   void LeaveCom(const int& NID, const int& CID);
00077   // After MCMC, \c NID joins community \c CID.
00078   void JoinCom(const int& NID, const int& JoinCID);
00080   int RemoveEmptyCom();
00082   double SeekLeave(const int& UID, const int& CID);
00084   double SeekJoin(const int& UID, const int& CID);
00085   // Compute the change in likelihood (Delta) if node \c UID switches from \c CurCID to \c NewCID.
00086   double SeekSwitch(const int& UID, const int& CurCID, const int& NewCID);
00089   double GetStepSizeByLineSearchForLambda(const TFltV& DeltaV, const TFltV& GradV, const double& Alpha, const double& Beta);
00091   void SetLambdaV(const TFltV& LambdaPt) {LambdaV = LambdaPt;}
00093   void GetLambdaV(TFltV& OutV) {OutV = LambdaV;}
00095   void GetQV(TFltV& OutV);
00097   void GetCmtyVV(TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV, const double QMax = 2.0);
00099   void GetCmtyVV(TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV, TFltV& QV, const double QMax = 2.0);
00101   void SetCmtyVV(const TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV);
00103   void PrintSummary();
00104 };
00106 #endif