SNAP Library 2.2, Developer Reference
2014-03-11 19:15:55
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
AddBagOfWhiskers() | TLocClustStat | |
AddCut(const TIntV &NIdV) | TLocClustStat | |
AddCut(const int &ClustSz, const double &Phi) | TLocClustStat | |
AddToBestCutH(const PUNGraph &Graph, const TIntV &NIdV, const bool &AddBestCond=true) | TLocClustStat | |
Alpha | TLocClustStat | [private] |
BagOfWhiskers(const PUNGraph &Graph, TFltPrV &SizePhiV, TFltPr &BestWhisk) | TLocClustStat | [static] |
BagOfWhiskers2(const PUNGraph &Graph, TFltPrV &SizePhiV) | TLocClustStat | [static] |
BagOfWhiskerV | TLocClustStat | |
BestCut | TLocClustStat | |
BestCutH | TLocClustStat | |
BestWhisk | TLocClustStat | |
BestWhiskEdges() const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
BestWhiskNodes() const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
BestWhiskPhi() const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
BinFactor | TLocClustStat | [static] |
Clr() | TLocClustStat | |
Coverage | TLocClustStat | [private] |
FindBestCut(const int &Nodes, const TIntSet &TabuNIdSet, int &BestCutId) const | TLocClustStat | |
FindBestCut(const int &Nodes=-1) const | TLocClustStat | |
FindBestCut(const int &Nodes, TIntV &ClustNIdV) const | TLocClustStat | |
FindBestCut(const int &Nodes, int &Vol, int &Cut, double &Phi) const | TLocClustStat | |
GetBagOfWhiskersV() const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
GetBestCut() const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
GetBestWhisk() const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
GetBoltzmanCurveStat(const TFltV &TempV, TVec< TFltPrV > &NcpV) const | TLocClustStat | |
GetCurveStat(TFltPrV &MeanV, TFltPrV &MedV, TFltPrV &Dec1V, TFltPrV &MinV, TFltPrV &MaxV) const | TLocClustStat | |
GetCutN(const int &N) const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
GetCuts() const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
GetKNodeCut(const int &Nodes) const | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
Graph | TLocClustStat | [private] |
ImposeNCP(const TLocClustStat &LcStat2, TStr OutFNm, TStr Desc, TStr Desc1, TStr Desc2) const | TLocClustStat | |
ImposeNCP(const TLocClustStat &LcStat2, const TLocClustStat &LcStat3, TStr OutFNm, TStr Desc, TStr Desc1, TStr Desc2, TStr Desc3) const | TLocClustStat | |
KFac | TLocClustStat | [private] |
KMax | TLocClustStat | [private] |
KMin | TLocClustStat | [private] |
MakeExpBins(const TFltPrV &ValV, TFltPrV &NewV) | TLocClustStat | [static] |
MakeExpBins(const TFltV &ValV, TFltV &NewV) | TLocClustStat | [static] |
ParamStr() const | TLocClustStat | |
PlotBestClustDens(TStr OutFNm, TStr Desc=TStr()) const | TLocClustStat | |
PlotBoltzmanCurve(const TStr &OutFNm, TStr Desc=TStr()) const | TLocClustStat | |
PlotNCP(const TStr &OutFNm, TStr Desc=TStr()) const | TLocClustStat | |
PlotNCPModul(const TStr &OutFNm, TStr Desc=TStr()) const | TLocClustStat | |
PlotNCPScatter(const TStr &OutFNm, TStr Desc=TStr()) const | TLocClustStat | |
PlotNcpTop10(const TStr &OutFNm, TStr Desc, const int &TakeMinN) const | TLocClustStat | |
PlotPhiDistr(const int &CmtySz, const TStr &OutFNm, TStr Desc=TStr()) const | TLocClustStat | |
PlotPhiInOut(const TStr &OutFNm, TStr Desc=TStr()) const | TLocClustStat | |
Run(const PUNGraph &Graph, const bool &SaveAllSweeps=false, const bool &SaveAllCond=false, const bool &SaveBestNodesAtK=false) | TLocClustStat | |
Save(TSOut &SOut) const | TLocClustStat | |
SaveTxtInfo(const TStr &OutFNmPref, const TStr &Desc, const bool &SetMaxAt1) const | TLocClustStat | |
SetGraph(const PUNGraph &GraphPt) | TLocClustStat | [inline] |
SizeBucketSet | TLocClustStat | |
SizeFrac | TLocClustStat | [private] |
SizePhiH | TLocClustStat | |
SweepsV | TLocClustStat | |
TakeValAt | TLocClustStat | [static] |
TLocClustStat(const double &_Alpha, const int &_KMin, const int &_KMax, const double &_KFac, const int &_Coverage, const double &_SizeFrac) | TLocClustStat |