SNAP Library 2.2, Developer Reference
2014-03-11 19:15:55
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
00001 #ifndef zipfl_h 00002 #define zipfl_h 00003 00004 //#////////////////////////////////////////////// 00014 // Obsolete note (RS 2014/01/29): You can only load .gz files of uncompressed size <2GB. If you load some other format (like .bz2 or rar) there is no such limitation. 00015 class TZipIn : public TSIn { 00016 public: 00017 static TStr SevenZipPath; 00018 private: 00019 static TStrStrH FExtToCmdH; 00020 static const int MxBfL; 00021 #ifdef GLib_WIN 00022 HANDLE ZipStdoutRd, ZipStdoutWr; 00023 #else 00024 FILE* ZipStdoutRd, *ZipStdoutWr; 00025 #endif 00026 uint64 FLen, CurFPos; 00027 char* Bf; 00028 int BfC, BfL; 00029 private: 00030 void FillBf(); 00031 int FindEol(int& BfN); 00032 void CreateZipProcess(const TStr& Cmd, const TStr& ZipFNm); 00033 static void FillFExtToCmdH(); 00034 private: 00035 TZipIn(); 00036 TZipIn(const TZipIn&); 00037 TZipIn& operator=(const TZipIn&); 00038 public: 00039 TZipIn(const TStr& FNm); 00040 TZipIn(const TStr& FNm, bool& OpenedP); 00041 static PSIn New(const TStr& FNm); 00042 static PSIn New(const TStr& FNm, bool& OpenedP); 00043 ~TZipIn(); 00044 00045 bool Eof() { return CurFPos==FLen && BfC==BfL; } 00046 int Len() const { return int(FLen-CurFPos+BfL-BfC); } 00047 char GetCh() { if (BfC==BfL){FillBf();} return Bf[BfC++]; } 00048 char PeekCh() { if (BfC==BfL){FillBf();} return Bf[BfC]; } 00049 int GetBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL); 00050 bool GetNextLnBf(TChA& LnChA); 00051 00052 uint64 GetFLen() const { return FLen; } 00053 uint64 GetCurFPos() const { return CurFPos; } 00054 00056 static bool IsZipFNm(const TStr& FNm) { return IsZipExt(FNm.GetFExt()); } 00058 static bool IsZipExt(const TStr& FNmExt); 00060 static TStr GetCmd(const TStr& ZipFNm); 00062 static uint64 GetFLen(const TStr& ZipFNm); 00063 static PSIn NewIfZip(const TStr& FNm) { return IsZipFNm(FNm) ? New(FNm) : TFIn::New(FNm); } 00064 }; 00065 00066 //#////////////////////////////////////////////// 00074 class TZipOut : public TSOut{ 00075 private: 00076 static const TSize MxBfL; 00077 static TStrStrH FExtToCmdH; 00078 #ifdef GLib_WIN 00079 HANDLE ZipStdinRd, ZipStdinWr; 00080 #else 00081 FILE *ZipStdinRd, *ZipStdinWr; 00082 #endif 00083 char* Bf; 00084 TSize BfL; 00085 private: 00086 void FlushBf(); 00087 void CreateZipProcess(const TStr& Cmd, const TStr& ZipFNm); 00088 static void FillFExtToCmdH(); 00089 private: 00090 TZipOut(); 00091 TZipOut(const TZipOut&); 00092 TZipOut& operator=(const TZipOut&); 00093 public: 00094 TZipOut(const TStr& _FNm); 00095 static PSOut New(const TStr& FNm); 00096 ~TZipOut(); 00097 00098 int PutCh(const char& Ch); 00099 int PutBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL); 00100 void Flush(); 00101 00103 static bool IsZipFNm(const TStr& FNm) { return IsZipExt(FNm.GetFExt()); } 00105 static bool IsZipExt(const TStr& FNmExt); 00107 static TStr GetCmd(const TStr& ZipFNm); 00108 static PSOut NewIfZip(const TStr& FNm) { return IsZipFNm(FNm) ? New(FNm) : TFOut::New(FNm); } 00109 }; 00110 00111 #endif