SNAP Library 2.2, User Reference  2014-03-11 19:15:55
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 // #define GLib_Console if you want Con output
00003 class TCon;
00006 // Console-Manipulator
00007 class TConManip {
00008 protected:
00009   TConManip() { }
00010   TConManip(const TConManip&);
00011   TConManip& operator = (const TConManip&);
00012   virtual ~TConManip();
00013 public:
00014   virtual TCon& operator () (TCon& Con) const = 0;
00015 };
00018 // Console
00019 class TCon {
00020 private:
00021 #if defined (GLib_CreateConsole)
00022   bool Ok;
00023   HANDLE HStdOut;
00024 #endif
00026 private:
00027   TCon(const TCon&);
00028   TCon& operator = (const TCon&);
00029 public:
00030   TCon();
00031   ~TCon();
00033   int PutCh(const int& Ch) { PutBf((void *) &Ch, 1);  return Ch; }
00034   void PutBf(const void *LBf, const int& LBfL);
00035   void Flush() { }
00037   TCon& operator << (const bool& Bool) { PutCh(Bool ? 'T' : 'F'); return *this; }
00038   TCon& operator << (const uchar& UCh) { PutBf(&UCh, sizeof(UCh)); return *this; }
00039   TCon& operator << (const char& Ch) { PutBf(&Ch, sizeof(Ch)); return *this; }
00040   TCon& operator << (const int& Int);
00041   TCon& operator << (const uint& Int);
00042   TCon& operator << (const short& Sh) { operator<<((int) Sh); return *this; }
00043   TCon& operator << (const ushort& USh) { operator<<((uint) USh); return *this; }
00044   TCon& operator << (const float& Flt);
00045   TCon& operator << (const double& Double);
00046   TCon& operator << (const long double& LDouble);
00047   TCon& operator << (const char *CStr) { PutBf(CStr, int(strlen(CStr))); return *this; }
00048   TCon& operator << (const TStr& Str) { PutBf(Str.CStr(), Str.Len()); return *this; }
00049   TCon& operator << (const TChA& ChA) { PutBf(ChA.CStr(), ChA.Len()); return *this; }
00050   TCon& operator << (const TConManip& Mnp) { return Mnp(*this); }
00051   TCon& operator << (TCon& (*FuncPt)(TCon&)) { return FuncPt(*this); }
00053   void operator () (const char * FmtStr, ...);
00054 };
00056 TCon& Eol(TCon& Con);
00057 TCon& Tab(TCon& Con);
00058 TCon& Spc(TCon& Con);
00060 #if defined (GLib_Console)
00061   extern TCon Con;
00062 #endif