SNAP Library 2.2, User Reference
2014-03-11 19:15:55
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
CRef | TFFile | [private] |
CsImpP | TFFile | [private] |
CurFNm | TFFile | [private] |
CurFNmN | TFFile | [private] |
FBaseWc | TFFile | [private] |
FExtV | TFFile | [private] |
FFileDesc | TFFile | [private] |
FPathN | TFFile | [private] |
FPathV | TFFile | [private] |
GetFNm() const | TFFile | [inline] |
GetFNmN() const | TFFile | [inline] |
GetFNmV(const TStr &FPath, const TStrV &FExtV, const bool &RecurseP, TStrV &FNmV) | TFFile | [static] |
IsDir() const | TFFile | [inline] |
Load(TSIn &SIn) | TFFile | [inline, static] |
New(const TStr &FNmWc, const bool &RecurseP) | TFFile | [inline, static] |
New(const TStrV &FPathV, const TStrV &FExtV, const TStr FBaseWc, const bool &RecurseP) | TFFile | [inline, static] |
New(const TStr &FPath, const TStr &FExt, const bool &RecurseP) | TFFile | [inline, static] |
Next(TStr &FNm) | TFFile | |
Next() | TFFile | [inline] |
RecurseP | TFFile | [private] |
Save(TSOut &) | TFFile | [inline] |
SubFFile | TFFile | [private] |
TFFile(const TStr &_FNmWc, const bool &_RecurseP=false) | TFFile | |
TFFile(const TStr &_FPath, const TStr &_FExt, const bool &_RecurseP=false) | TFFile | |
TFFile(const TStrV &_FPathV, const TStrV &_FExtV, const TStr &_FBaseWc, const bool &_RecurseP) | TFFile | |
TFFile(TSIn &) | TFFile | [inline] |
TPt< TFFile > class | TFFile | [friend] |
UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TFFile) | TFFile | [private] |
~TFFile() | TFFile |