SNAP Library 2.2, User Reference
2014-03-11 19:15:55
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
AppendIsoNodes() | TKroneckerLL | |
CalcApxGraphDLL() | TKroneckerLL | |
CalcApxGraphLL() | TKroneckerLL | |
CalcChainR2(const TVec< TFltV > &ChainLLV) | TKroneckerLL | [static] |
CalcFullApxGraphDLL() | TKroneckerLL | |
CalcGraphDLL() | TKroneckerLL | |
CalcGraphLL() | TKroneckerLL | |
ChainGelmapRubinPlot(const TVec< TFltV > &ChainLLV, const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc) | TKroneckerLL | [static] |
CRef | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
DebugMode | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
EMType | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
GEdgeV | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
GetAbsErr() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetApxEmptyGraphDLL(const int &ParamId) const | TKroneckerLL | |
GetApxEmptyGraphLL() const | TKroneckerLL | |
GetDim() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetDLL() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetDLL(const int &ParamId) const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetEmptyGraphDLL(const int &ParamId) const | TKroneckerLL | |
GetEmptyGraphLL() const | TKroneckerLL | |
GetFullColLL(int ColId) const | TKroneckerLL | |
GetFullGraphLL() const | TKroneckerLL | |
GetFullRowLL(int RowId) const | TKroneckerLL | |
GetGraph() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetKronIters() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetLL() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetLLHist() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetLLMtx() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetNodes() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetParamHist() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetParams() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetPermV() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GetProbMtx() const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
GradDescent(const int &NIter, const double &LrnRate, double MnStep, double MxStep, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples) | TKroneckerLL | |
GradDescent2(const int &NIter, const double &LrnRate, double MnStep, double MxStep, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples) | TKroneckerLL | |
GradDescentConvergence(const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc1, const bool &SamplePerm, const int &NIters, double LearnRate, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const int &AvgKGraphs, const TKronMtx &TrueParam) | TKroneckerLL | |
GradV | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
Graph | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
InitLL(const TFltV &ParamV) | TKroneckerLL | |
InitLL(const TKronMtx &ParamMtx) | TKroneckerLL | |
InitLL(const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx) | TKroneckerLL | |
InvertPerm | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
IsLatentEdge(const int &NId1, const int &NId2) const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
IsLatentNode(const int &NId) const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
IsObsEdge(const int &NId1, const int &NId2) const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
IsObsNode(const int &NId) const | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
KronIters | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
LEdgeV | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
LLMtx | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
LLV | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
LogLike | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
LSelfEdge | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
MetroGibbsSampleNext(const int &WarmUp, const bool DLLUpdate=false) | TKroneckerLL | |
MetroGibbsSampleSetup(const int &WarmUp) | TKroneckerLL | |
MissEdges | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
MtxV | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
New() | TKroneckerLL | [inline, static] |
New(const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.1) | TKroneckerLL | [static] |
New(const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx, const TIntV &NodeIdPermV, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.2) | TKroneckerLL | [static] |
NodeDLLDelta(const int ParamId, const int &NId) const | TKroneckerLL | |
NodeLLDelta(const int &NId) const | TKroneckerLL | |
NodePerm | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
Nodes | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
PermSwapNodeProb | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
ProbMtx | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
RealEdges | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
RealNodes | TKroneckerLL | [private] |
RestoreGraph(const bool RestoreNodes=true) | TKroneckerLL | |
RunEStep(const int &GibbsWarmUp, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, TFltV &LLV, TVec< TFltV > &DLLV) | TKroneckerLL | |
RunKronEM(const int &EMIter, const int &GradIter, double LrnRate, double MnStep, double MxStep, const int &GibbsWarmUp, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const TKronEMType &Type=kronNodeMiss, const int &NMissing=-1) | TKroneckerLL | |
RunMStep(const TFltV &LLV, const TVec< TFltV > &DLLV, const int &GradIter, const double &LrnRate, double MnStep, double MxStep) | TKroneckerLL | |
SampleGradient(const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, double &AvgLL, TFltV &GradV) | TKroneckerLL | |
SampleNextPerm(int &NId1, int &NId2) | TKroneckerLL | |
SetBestDegPerm() | TKroneckerLL | |
SetDebug(const bool Debug) | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
SetDegPerm() | TKroneckerLL | |
SetGraph(const PNGraph &GraphPt) | TKroneckerLL | |
SetIPerm(const TIntV &Perm) | TKroneckerLL | |
SetOrderPerm() | TKroneckerLL | |
SetPerm(const char &PermId) | TKroneckerLL | |
SetPerm(const TIntV &NodePermV) | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
SetRandomEdges(const int &NEdges, const bool isDir=true) | TKroneckerLL | |
SetRndPerm() | TKroneckerLL | |
SwapNodesLL(const int &NId1, const int &NId2) | TKroneckerLL | |
TestBicCriterion(const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc1, const PNGraph &G, const int &GradIters, double LearnRate, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const int &TrueN0) | TKroneckerLL | [static] |
TestGradDescent(const int &KronIters, const int &KiloSamples, const TStr &Permutation) | TKroneckerLL | [static] |
TestKronDescent(const bool &DoExact, const bool &TruePerm, double LearnRate, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const TKronMtx &TrueParam) | TKroneckerLL | |
TestSamplePerm(const TStr &OutFNm, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const TKronMtx &TrueMtx, const bool &DoPlot=true) | TKroneckerLL | |
TKroneckerLL() | TKroneckerLL | [inline] |
TKroneckerLL(const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TFltV &ParamV, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.2) | TKroneckerLL | |
TKroneckerLL(const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.2) | TKroneckerLL | |
TKroneckerLL(const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx, const TIntV &NodeIdPermV, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.2) | TKroneckerLL | |
TPt< TKroneckerLL > class | TKroneckerLL | [friend] |
UpdateGraphDLL(const int &SwapNId1, const int &SwapNId2) | TKroneckerLL |