SNAP Library 2.4, Developer Reference
2015-05-11 19:40:56
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
This is the complete list of members for TStrPool, including all inherited members.
AddStr(const char *Str, const uint &Len) | TStrPool | |
AddStr(const char *Str) | TStrPool | inline |
AddStr(const TStr &Str) | TStrPool | inline |
Bf | TStrPool | private |
BfL | TStrPool | private |
Clr(bool DoDel=false) | TStrPool | inline |
Cmp(const uint &Offset, const char *Str) const | TStrPool | inline |
CRef | TStrPool | private |
Empty() const | TStrPool | inline |
GetCStr(const uint &Offset) const | TStrPool | inline |
GetPrimHashCd(const char *CStr) | TStrPool | static |
GetPrimHashCd(const uint &Offset) | TStrPool | inline |
GetSecHashCd(const char *CStr) | TStrPool | static |
GetSecHashCd(const uint &Offset) | TStrPool | inline |
GetStr(const uint &Offset) const | TStrPool | inline |
GrowBy | TStrPool | private |
Len() const | TStrPool | inline |
Load(TSIn &SIn, bool LoadCompacted=true) | TStrPool | inlinestatic |
MxBfL | TStrPool | private |
New(const uint &_MxBfLen=0, const uint &_GrowBy=16 *1024 *1024) | TStrPool | inlinestatic |
New(TSIn &SIn) | TStrPool | inlinestatic |
New(const TStr &fileName) | TStrPool | inlinestatic |
operator()() const | TStrPool | inline |
operator=(const TStrPool &Pool) | TStrPool | |
Resize(const uint &_MxBfL) | TStrPool | private |
Save(TSOut &SOut) const | TStrPool | |
Save(const TStr &FNm) | TStrPool | inline |
Size() const | TStrPool | inline |
TPt< TStrPool > class | TStrPool | friend |
TStrPool(const uint &MxBfLen=0, const uint &_GrowBy=16 *1024 *1024) | TStrPool | |
TStrPool(TSIn &SIn, bool LoadCompact=true) | TStrPool | |
TStrPool(const TStrPool &Pool) | TStrPool | inline |
~TStrPool() | TStrPool | inline |