SNAP Library 4.0, Developer Reference  2017-07-27 13:18:06
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MotifCluster Member List

This is the complete list of members for MotifCluster, including all inherited members.

BifanMotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterprivatestatic
CliqueMotifAdjacency(PUNGraph graph, int clique_size, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterprivatestatic
DegreeOrdering(PNGraph graph, TIntV &order)MotifClusterstatic
EdgeMotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterprivatestatic
EdgeMotifAdjacency(PUNGraph graph, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterprivatestatic
GetMotifCluster(PNGraph graph, MotifType motif, TSweepCut &sweepcut, double tol=kDefaultTol, int maxiter=kMaxIter)MotifClusterstatic
GetMotifCluster(PUNGraph graph, MotifType motif, TSweepCut &sweepcut, double tol=kDefaultTol, int maxiter=kMaxIter)MotifClusterstatic
IsBidirEdge(PNGraph graph, int u, int v)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM1(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM10(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM11(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM12(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM13(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM2(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM3(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM4(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM5(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM6(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM7(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM8(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsMotifM9(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w)MotifClusterstatic
IsNoEdge(PNGraph graph, int u, int v)MotifClusterstatic
IsUnidirEdge(PNGraph graph, int u, int v)MotifClusterstatic
MotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, MotifType motif, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterstatic
MotifAdjacency(PUNGraph graph, MotifType motif, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterstatic
NFiedlerVector(const TSparseColMatrix &W, TFltV &fvec, double tol=kDefaultTol, int maxiter=kMaxIter)MotifClusterstatic
ParseMotifType(const TStr &motif)MotifClusterstatic
SemicliqueMotifAdjacency(PUNGraph graph, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterprivatestatic
SpectralCut(const WeightVH &weights, TSweepCut &sweepcut, double tol=kDefaultTol, int maxiter=kMaxIter)MotifClusterstatic
TriangleMotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, MotifType motif, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterprivatestatic
WedgeMotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, MotifType motif, WeightVH &weights)MotifClusterprivatestatic