SNAP Library 4.0, Developer Reference
2017-07-27 13:18:06
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
This is the complete list of members for TILx, including all inherited members.
AddRw(const TStr &Str) | TILx | |
Bool | TILx | |
Ch | TILx | private |
ChDef | TILx | private |
ChN | TILx | private |
CmtStr | TILx | |
Flt | TILx | |
GetBool() | TILx | inline |
GetCh() | TILx | inlineprivate |
GetChX() | TILx | inlineprivate |
GetEoln() | TILx | inline |
GetFlt() | TILx | inline |
GetFPosStr() const | TILx | |
GetIdStr(const TStr &IdStr=TStr()) | TILx | inline |
GetInt() | TILx | inline |
GetLnN() const | TILx | inline |
GetLnV(const TStr &FNm, TStrV &LnV) | TILx | static |
GetQStr(const TStr &QStr=TStr()) | TILx | inline |
GetQStr(const TStr &Str, const bool &QuoteP, const char &QuoteCh) | TILx | static |
GetRw(const TStr &Str) | TILx | inline |
GetSIn(const char &SepCh) | TILx | |
GetStr(const TStr &_Str=TStr()) | TILx | inline |
GetStrToCh(const char &ToCh) | TILx | |
GetStrToEoln(const bool &DoTrunc=false) | TILx | |
GetStrToEolnAndCh(const char &ToCh) | TILx | |
GetStrToEolnOrCh(const char &ToCh) | TILx | |
GetSym(const TFSet &Expect) | TILx | |
GetSym() | TILx | inline |
GetSym(const TLxSym &Sym) | TILx | inline |
GetSym(const TLxSym &Sym1, const TLxSym &Sym2) | TILx | inline |
GetSym(const TLxSym &Sym1, const TLxSym &Sym2, const TLxSym &Sym3) | TILx | inline |
GetSym(const TLxSym &Sym1, const TLxSym &Sym2, const TLxSym &Sym3, const TLxSym &Sym4) | TILx | inline |
GetSymStr() const | TILx | |
GetVar(const TStr &VarNm, const bool &LBracket=false, const bool &NewLn=false) | TILx | inline |
GetVarBool(const TStr &VarNm, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | inline |
GetVarBoolV(const TStr &VarNm, TBoolV &BoolV, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | |
GetVarEnd(const bool &RBracket=false, const bool &NewLn=false) | TILx | inline |
GetVarFlt(const TStr &VarNm, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | inline |
GetVarFltV(const TStr &VarNm, TFltV &FltV, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | |
GetVarInt(const TStr &VarNm, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | inline |
GetVarIntV(const TStr &VarNm, TIntV &IntV, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | |
GetVarSecTm(const TStr &VarNm, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | inline |
GetVarStr(const TStr &VarNm, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | inline |
GetVarStrPrV(const TStr &VarNm, TStrPrV &StrPrV, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | |
GetVarStrV(const TStr &VarNm, TStrV &StrV, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | |
GetVarStrVV(const TStr &VarNm, TVec< TStrV > &StrVV, const bool &NewLn=true) | TILx | |
Int | TILx | |
IsBof() const | TILx | inline |
IsCmtAlw | TILx | private |
IsCsSens | TILx | private |
IsEof() const | TILx | inline |
IsExcept | TILx | private |
IsList | TILx | private |
IsRetEoln | TILx | private |
IsSigNum | TILx | private |
IsTabSep | TILx | private |
IsUniStr | TILx | private |
IsVar(const TStr &VarNm) | TILx | inline |
LnChN | TILx | private |
LnN | TILx | private |
operator=(const TILx &) | TILx | inline |
PeekSym() | TILx | inline |
PeekSym(const int &Syms) | TILx | |
PeekVarEnd(const bool &RBracket=false, const bool &NewLn=false) | TILx | inline |
PrevCh | TILx | private |
PrevSymStStack | TILx | private |
PutSym(const TILxSymSt &SymSt) | TILx | inline |
PutSym() | TILx | inline |
QuoteCh | TILx | |
QuoteP | TILx | |
RSIn | TILx | private |
RwStrH | TILx | private |
SetOpt(const int &Opt, const bool &Val) | TILx | |
SIn | TILx | private |
SkipToEoln() | TILx | |
SkipToSym(const TLxSym &SkipToSym) | TILx | inline |
Str | TILx | |
Sym | TILx | |
SymChN | TILx | |
SymLnChN | TILx | |
SymLnN | TILx | |
TILx(const PSIn &_SIn, const TFSet &OptSet=TFSet(), const TLxChDefTy &ChDefTy=lcdtUsAscii) | TILx | |
UcStr | TILx |