SNAP Library 4.1, User Reference  2018-07-26 16:30:42
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TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy > Member List

This is the complete list of members for TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >, including all inherited members.

AddEmptyV(const int &ValVLen)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
AddV(const TValV &ValV)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
Clr(bool DoDel=true)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
CompactPool(const TVal &DelVal)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
CRefTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
EmptyValTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
FastCopyTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
GetEmptyVal() const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
GetMemUsed() const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
GetV(const int &VId, TValV &ValV) const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
GetVals() const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
GetValVPt(const int &VId) const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
GetVecs() const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
GetVLen(const int &VId) const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
GrowByTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
IdToOffVTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
IsVId(const int &VId) const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
Load(TSIn &SIn)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inlinestatic
Load(const TStr &FNm)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inlinestatic
MxValsTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
New(const TSize &ExpectVals=0, const TSize &GrowBy=1000000, const bool &FastCopy=false)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inlinestatic
operator=(const TVecPool &Pool)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
PutAll(const TVal &Val)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
PutV(const int &VId, const TValV &ValV)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
PVecPool typedefTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
Reserve(const TSize &MxVals)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
Reserved() const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
Resize(const TSize &_MxVals)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
Save(TSOut &SOut) const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
SetEmptyVal(const TVal &_EmptyVal)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline
ShuffleAll(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
TPt< TVecPool< TVal > > classTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >friend
TValV typedefTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
TVecPool(const TSize &ExpectVals=0, const TSize &_GrowBy=1000000, const bool &_FastCopy=false, const TVal &_EmptyVal=TVal())TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
TVecPool(const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy > &Pool)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
TVecPool(TSIn &SIn)TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >
ValBfTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
ValsTVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >private
~TVecPool()TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >inline