SNAP Library 4.1, User Reference  2018-07-26 16:30:42
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TGraphAnf< PGraph > Member List

This is the complete list of members for TGraphAnf< PGraph >, including all inherited members.

ApproxBytesTGraphAnf< PGraph >private
AvgLstZero(const TAnfBitV &BitV, const uint64 &NIdOffset) const TGraphAnf< PGraph >
GetCount(const TAnfBitV &BitV, const uint64 &NIdOffset) const TGraphAnf< PGraph >inline
GetGraphAnf(TIntFltKdV &DistNbrsV, const int &MxDist, const bool &IsDir)TGraphAnf< PGraph >
GetNIdOffset(const int &NId) const TGraphAnf< PGraph >inline
GetNodeAnf(const int &SrcNId, TIntFltKdV &DistNbrsV, const int &MxDist, const bool &IsDir)TGraphAnf< PGraph >
GraphTGraphAnf< PGraph >private
InitAnfBits(TAnfBitV &BitV)TGraphAnf< PGraph >
MoreBitsTGraphAnf< PGraph >private
NApproxTGraphAnf< PGraph >private
NBitsTGraphAnf< PGraph >private
NIdToBitPosHTGraphAnf< PGraph >private
RndTGraphAnf< PGraph >private
TAnfBitV typedefTGraphAnf< PGraph >private
TGraphAnf(const PGraph &GraphPt, const int &Approx=32, const int &moreBits=5, const int &RndSeed=0)TGraphAnf< PGraph >inline
UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TGraphAnf)TGraphAnf< PGraph >private
Union(TAnfBitV &BitV1, const uint64 &NId1Offset, TAnfBitV &BitV2, const uint64 &NId2Offset) const TGraphAnf< PGraph >