SNAP Library 6.0, User Reference  2020-12-09 16:24:20
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
TXmlTok Member List

This is the complete list of members for TXmlTok, including all inherited members.

AddArg(const TStr &ArgNm, const bool &ArgVal)TXmlTokinline
AddArg(const TStr &ArgNm, const int &ArgVal)TXmlTokinline
AddArg(const TStr &ArgNm, const uint64 &ArgVal)TXmlTokinline
AddArg(const TStr &ArgNm, const double &ArgVal)TXmlTokinline
AddArg(const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &ArgVal)TXmlTokinline
AddSubTok(const PXmlTok &Tok)TXmlTokinline
AddTokToChA(const bool &XmlP, TChA &ChA) const TXmlTok
GetArg(const int &ArgN, TStr &ArgNm, TStr &ArgVal) const TXmlTokinline
GetArgs() const TXmlTokinline
GetArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm) const TXmlTokinline
GetArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &DfArgVal) const TXmlTokinline
GetBoolArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const bool &DfVal=false) const TXmlTok
GetBoolArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &TrueVal, const bool &DfVal=false) const TXmlTok
GetBoolArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &TrueVal, const TStr &FalseVal, const bool &DfVal=false) const TXmlTok
GetFltArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const double &DfVal=0) const TXmlTok
GetIntArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const int &DfVal=0) const TXmlTok
GetStr() const TXmlTokinline
GetStrArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &DfVal=TStr()) const TXmlTok
GetSubTok(const int &SubTokN) const TXmlTokinline
GetSubToks() const TXmlTokinline
GetSym() const TXmlTokinline
GetSymStr() const TXmlTokinline
GetTagNm() const TXmlTokinline
GetTagTok(const TStr &TagPath) const TXmlTok
GetTagTokStr(const TStr &TagPath) const TXmlTokinline
GetTagTokStrOrDf(const TStr &TagPath, const TStr &DfVal=TStr()) const TXmlTokinline
GetTagTokV(const TStr &TagPath, TXmlTokV &XmlTokV) const TXmlTok
GetTagVal(const TStr &TagNm, const bool &XmlP) const TXmlTok
GetTagValV(const TStr &TagNm, const bool &XmlP, TStrV &ValV) const TXmlTok
GetTok(TXmlLx &Lx)TXmlTokstatic
GetTokStr(const bool &XmlP=true) const TXmlTokinline
GetTokVStr(const TXmlTokV &TokV, const bool &XmlP=true)TXmlTokstatic
IsArg(const TStr &ArgNm) const TXmlTokinline
IsArg(const TStr &ArgNm, TStr &ArgVal) const TXmlTokinline
IsSubTag(const TStr &TagNm) const TXmlTokinline
IsSubTag(const TStr &TagNm, PXmlTok &Tok) const TXmlTokinline
IsTag() const TXmlTokinline
IsTag(const TStr &TagNm) const TXmlTokinline
IsTagTok(const TStr &TagPath, PXmlTok &TagTok) const TXmlTokinline
IsTagTok(const TStr &TagPath) const TXmlTokinline
Load(TSIn &)TXmlTokinlinestatic
New(const TXmlLxSym &Sym)TXmlTokinlinestatic
New(const TXmlLxSym &Sym, const TStr &Str)TXmlTokinlinestatic
New(const TXmlLxSym &Sym, const TStr &Str, const TStrKdV &ArgNmValV)TXmlTokinlinestatic
New(const TStr &TagNm, const TStrKdV &ArgNmValV)TXmlTokinlinestatic
New(const TStr &TagNm)TXmlTokinlinestatic
New(const TStr &TagNm, const TStr &ValStr)TXmlTokinlinestatic
New(const TStr &TagNm, const PXmlTok &XmlTok1, const PXmlTok &XmlTok2=NULL)TXmlTokinlinestatic
operator=(const TXmlTok &)TXmlTokinline
PutArgVal(const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &ArgVal)TXmlTokinline
PutStr(const TStr &_Str)TXmlTokinline
PutSubTok(const PXmlTok &Tok, const int &SubTokN=-1)TXmlTok
Save(TSOut &)TXmlTokinline
TPt< TXmlTok > classTXmlTokfriend
TXmlTok(const TXmlLxSym &_Sym)TXmlTokinline
TXmlTok(const TXmlLxSym &_Sym, const TStr &_Str)TXmlTokinline
TXmlTok(const TXmlLxSym &_Sym, const TStr &_Str, const TStrKdV &_ArgNmValV)TXmlTokinline
TXmlTok(TSIn &)TXmlTokinline