GetClustCf '''''''''' .. function:: GetClustCf (CCfByDeg=False, SampleNodes=-1) A graph method that computes the average clustering coefficient as defined in Watts and Strogatz, Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks. Parameters: - (optional) *CCfByDeg*: bool If *CCfByDeg* is true, then return a vector of (degree, avg. clustering coefficient of nodes of that degree) pairs in addition to the clustering coefficient. - (optional) *SampleNodes*: int If *SampleNodes* is -1 (default value), then compute the clustering coefficient over all the nodes. Otherwise, compute the clustering coefficient using only a random sample of *SampleNodes* nodes. Return value: - float The clustering coefficient. - (optional) :class:`TFltPrV` A vector of (degree, avg. clustering coefficient of nodes of that degree) pairs, returned when *CCfByDeg* is true. For more info see: The following example shows how to calculate the average clustering coefficient in :class:`TNGraph`, :class:`TUNGraph`, and :class:`TNEANet`:: import snap Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNGraph, 100, 1000) GraphClustCoeff = Graph.GetClustCf(-1) print("Clustering coefficient: %f" % GraphClustCoeff) Cf, CfVec = Graph.GetClustCf(True, -1) print("Average Clustering Coefficient: %f" % (Cf)) print("Coefficients by degree:\n") for pair in CfVec: print("degree: %d, clustering coefficient: %f" % (pair.GetVal1(), pair.GetVal2())) UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TUNGraph, 100, 1000) GraphClustCoeff = UGraph.GetClustCf(-1) print("Clustering coefficient: %f" % GraphClustCoeff) Cf, CfVec = UGraph.GetClustCf(True, -1) print("Average Clustering Coefficient: %f" % (Cf)) print("Coefficients by degree:\n") for pair in CfVec: print("degree: %d, clustering coefficient: %f" % (pair.GetVal1(), pair.GetVal2())) Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNEANet, 100, 1000) GraphClustCoeff = Network.GetClustCf(-1) print("Clustering coefficient: %f" % GraphClustCoeff) Cf, CfVec = Network.GetClustCf(True, -1) print("Average Clustering Coefficient: %f" % (Cf)) print("Coefficients by degree:\n") for pair in CfVec: print("degree: %d, clustering coefficient: %f" % (pair.GetVal1(), pair.GetVal2()))