GetModularity ''''''''''''' .. function:: GetModularity(NIdV, GEdges=-1) A graph method that computes the modularity score of a set of node ids *NIdV*. The function runs much faster if the number of edges is provided in the optional *GEdges* parameter. Parameters: - *NIdV*: Python list or :class:`TIntV`, a vector of ints The set of nodes ids from which the modularity score will be computed. - (optional) *GEdges*: int A parameter providing the number of edges in the graph which speeds up the function execution if provided. Note: if GEdges must be equal to the number of edges in the graph, otherwise the computed modularity score will be incorrect. Return value: - float The modularity score computed from the provided graph and set of node ids. The following example shows how to calculate Modularity scores for the first 10 nodes in :class:`TNGraph`, :class:`TUNGraph`, and :class:`TNEANet`:: import snap Nodes = [] for nodeId in range(10): Nodes.append(nodeId) Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNGraph, 100, 1000) print(Graph.GetModularity(Nodes, 1000)) UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TUNGraph, 100, 1000) print(UGraph.GetModularity(Nodes, 1000)) Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNEANet, 100, 1000) print(Network.GetModularity(Nodes, 1000))