SNAP Library, User Reference  2012-10-15 15:06:59
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TGnuPlot Class Reference

#include <gnuplot.h>

List of all members.


class  TGpSeries
class  TGpSeriesCmp

Public Member Functions

TStr GetSeriesPlotStr (const int &PlotN)
int IsSameXCol (const int &CurId, const int &PrevId) const
void CreatePlotFile (const TStr &Comment=TStr())
void RunGnuPlot () const
 TGnuPlot (const TStr &FileNm="gplot", const TStr &PlotTitle=TStr(), const bool &Grid=true)
 TGnuPlot (const TStr &DataFileNm, const TStr &PlotFileNm, const TStr &PlotTitle, const bool &Grid)
 TGnuPlot (const TGnuPlot &GnuPlot)
TGnuPlotoperator= (const TGnuPlot &GnuPlot)
void SetTitle (const TStr &PlotTitle)
void SetXLabel (const TStr &XLabel)
void SetYLabel (const TStr &YLabel)
void SetXYLabel (const TStr &XLabel, const TStr &YLabel)
void SetDataPlotFNm (const TStr &DatFNm, const TStr &PltFNm)
void ShowGrid (const bool &Show)
void Pause (const bool &DoPause)
void SetScale (const TGpScaleTy &GpScaleTy)
void SetXRange (const double &Min, const double &Max)
void SetYRange (const double &Min, const double &Max)
void AddCmd (const TStr &Cmd)
TStr GetLineStyle (const int &PlotId) const
void SetLineStyle (const int &PlotId, const TStr &StyleStr)
int AddFunc (const TStr &FuncStr, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TIntV &YValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TFltV &YValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TFltV &XValV, const TFltV &YValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TIntPrV &XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TFltPrV &XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TIntKdV &XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TFltKdV &XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TIntFltKdV &XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TIntFltPrV &XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TStr &DataFNm, const int &ColY, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPlot (const TStr &DataFNm, const int &ColX, const int &ColY, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr())
template<class TKey , class TDat , class THashFunc >
int AddPlot (const THash< TKey, TDat, THashFunc > &XYValH, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr(), const bool &ExpBucket=false)
template<class TKey , class THashFunc >
int AddPlot (const THash< TKey, TMom, THashFunc > &ValMomH, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr &Label=TStr(), const TStr &Style=TStr(), bool PlotAvg=true, bool PlotMed=true, bool PlotMin=false, bool PlotMax=false, bool PlotSDev=false, bool PlotStdErr=false, const bool &ExpBucket=false)
int AddErrBar (const TFltTrV &XYDValV, const TStr &Label=TStr())
int AddErrBar (const TFltTrV &XYDValV, const TStr &DatLabel, const TStr &ErrLabel)
int AddErrBar (const TFltV &YValV, const TFltV &DeltaYV, const TStr &Label=TStr())
int AddErrBar (const TFltV &XValV, const TFltV &YValV, const TFltV &DeltaYV, const TStr &Label=TStr())
int AddErrBar (const TFltPrV &XYValV, const TFltV &DeltaYV, const TStr &Label=TStr())
int AddErrBar (const TFltKdV &XYValV, const TFltV &DeltaYV, const TStr &Label=TStr())
int AddErrBar (const TFltPrV &XYValV, const TFltV &DeltaYV, const TStr &DatLabel, const TStr &ErrLabel)
int AddLinFit (const int &PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLines, const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPwrFit (const int &PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLines, const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPwrFit1 (const int &PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLines, const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPwrFit2 (const int &PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLines, const double &MinX=-1.0, const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPwrFit3 (const int &PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLines, const double &MinX=-1.0, const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddPwrFit3 (const int &PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy, const double &MinX, const TStr &Style, double &Intercept, double &Slope, double &R2)
int AddLogFit (const int &PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLines, const TStr &Style=TStr())
int AddExpFit (const int &PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLines, const double &FitXOffset=0.0, const TStr &Style=TStr())
void SavePng (const int &SizeX=1000, const int &SizeY=800, const TStr &Comment=TStr())
void SavePng (const TStr &FNm, const int &SizeX=1000, const int &SizeY=800, const TStr &Comment=TStr(), const TStr &Terminal=TStr())
void SaveEps (const int &FontSz=30, const TStr &Comment=TStr())
void SaveEps (const TStr &FNm, const int &FontSz=30, const TStr &Comment=TStr())
void Plot (const TStr &Comment=TStr())

Static Public Member Functions

static void MakeExpBins (const TFltPrV &XYValV, TFltPrV &ExpXYValV, const double &BinFactor=2, const double &MinYVal=1)
static void MakeExpBins (const TFltKdV &XYValV, TFltKdV &ExpXYValV, const double &BinFactor=2, const double &MinYVal=1)
static void LoadTs (const TStr &FNm, TStrV &ColNmV, TVec< TFltKdV > &ColV)
static TStr GetScaleStr (const TGpScaleTy &ScaleTy)
static TStr GetSeriesTyStr (const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy)
static void SaveTs (const TIntKdV &KdV, const TStr &FNm, const TStr &HeadLn=TStr())
static void SaveTs (const TIntFltKdV &KdV, const TStr &FNm, const TStr &HeadLn=TStr())
template<class TVal1 , class TVal2 >
static void SaveTs (const TVec< TPair< TVal1, TVal2 > > &ValV, const TStr &FNm, const TStr &HeadLn=TStr())
template<class TVal1 , class TVal2 , class TVal3 >
static void SaveTs (const TVec< TTriple< TVal1, TVal2, TVal3 > > &ValV, const TStr &FNm, const TStr &HeadLn=TStr())
template<class TVal , int Vals>
static void SaveTs (const TVec< TTuple< TVal, Vals > > &ValV, const TStr &FNm, const TStr &HeadLn=TStr())
static void Test ()
template<class TVal1 , class TVal2 >
static void PlotValV (const TVec< TPair< TVal1, TVal2 > > &ValV, const TStr &OutFNmPref, const TStr &Desc="", const TStr &XLabel="", const TStr &YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy &ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool &PowerFit=false, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints)
template<class TVal1 , class TVal2 >
static void PlotValV (const TVec< TPair< TVal1, TVal2 > > &ValV1, const TStr &Name1, const TVec< TPair< TVal1, TVal2 > > &ValV2, const TStr &Name2, const TStr &OutFNmPref, const TStr &Desc="", const TStr &XLabel="", const TStr &YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy &ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool &PowerFit=false, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints)
template<class TVal1 >
static void PlotValV (const TVec< TVal1 > &ValV, const TStr &OutFNmPref, const TStr &Desc="", const TStr &XLabel="", const TStr &YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy &ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool &PowerFit=false, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints)
template<class TKey , class TVal , class THashFunc >
static void PlotValCntH (const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &ValCntH, const TStr &OutFNmPref, const TStr &Desc="", const TStr &XLabel="", const TStr &YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy &ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool &PowerFit=false, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const bool &PlotNCDF=false, const bool &ExpBucket=false)
template<class TKey , class TVal , class THashFunc >
static void PlotValCntH (const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &ValCntH1, const TStr &Label1, const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &ValCntH2, const TStr &Label2, const TStr &OutFNmPref, const TStr &Desc, const TStr &XLabel, const TStr &YLabel, const TGpScaleTy &ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints)
template<class TKey , class TVal , class THashFunc >
static void PlotValCntH (const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &ValCntH1, const TStr &Label1, const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &ValCntH2, const TStr &Label2, const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &ValCntH3, const TStr &Label3, const TStr &OutFNmPref, const TStr &Desc, const TStr &XLabel, const TStr &YLabel, const TGpScaleTy &ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints)
template<class TVal1 >
static void PlotValMomH (const THash< TVal1, TMom > &ValMomH, const TStr &OutFNmPref, const TStr &Desc="", const TStr &XLabel="", const TStr &YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy &ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const TGpSeriesTy &SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, bool PlotAvg=true, bool PlotMed=true, bool PlotMin=false, bool PlotMax=false, bool PlotSDev=false, bool PlotStdErr=true, bool PlotScatter=false)

Static Public Attributes

static TStr DefPlotFNm = "GnuPlot.plt"
static TStr DefDataFNm = ""

Static Private Member Functions

static int GetTics42 ()

Private Attributes

TStr DataFNm
TStr PlotFNm
TStr Title
TStr LblX
TStr LblY
TGpScaleTy ScaleTy
TFltPr YRange
TFltPr XRange
bool SetGrid
bool SetPause
TVec< TGpSeriesSeriesV
TStrV MoreCmds

Static Private Attributes

static int Tics42 = TGnuPlot::GetTics42()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file gnuplot.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TGnuPlot::TGnuPlot ( const TStr FileNm = "gplot",
const TStr PlotTitle = TStr(),
const bool &  Grid = true 

Definition at line 84 of file gnuplot.cpp.

 DataFNm(FileNm+".tab"), PlotFNm(FileNm+".plt"), Title(PlotTitle), LblX(), LblY(), ScaleTy(gpsAuto),
 YRange(0, 0), XRange(0, 0), SetGrid(Grid), SetPause(true),
 SeriesV(), MoreCmds() {
  IAssert(! FileNm.Empty());
TGnuPlot::TGnuPlot ( const TStr DataFileNm,
const TStr PlotFileNm,
const TStr PlotTitle,
const bool &  Grid 

Definition at line 91 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  DataFNm(DataFileNm.Empty() ? DefDataFNm : DataFileNm),
  PlotFNm(PlotFileNm.Empty() ? DefPlotFNm : PlotFileNm),
  Title(PlotTitle), LblX(), LblY(), ScaleTy(gpsAuto),
  YRange(0, 0), XRange(0, 0), SetGrid(Grid), SetPause(true), SeriesV(), MoreCmds() {
TGnuPlot::TGnuPlot ( const TGnuPlot GnuPlot)

Definition at line 98 of file gnuplot.cpp.

                                          : DataFNm(GnuPlot.DataFNm), PlotFNm(GnuPlot.PlotFNm),
  Title(GnuPlot.Title), LblX(GnuPlot.LblX), LblY(GnuPlot.LblY), ScaleTy(GnuPlot.ScaleTy), YRange(GnuPlot.YRange),
  XRange(GnuPlot.XRange), SetGrid(GnuPlot.SetGrid), SetPause(GnuPlot.SetPause), SeriesV(GnuPlot.SeriesV),
  MoreCmds(GnuPlot.MoreCmds) {

Member Function Documentation

void TGnuPlot::AddCmd ( const TStr Cmd) [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file gnuplot.h.

{ MoreCmds.Add(Cmd); }
int TGnuPlot::AddErrBar ( const TFltTrV XYDValV,
const TStr Label = TStr() 

Definition at line 259 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XYDValV.Len(), 0);
  TFltV DeltaV(XYDValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XYDValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(XYDValV[i].Val1, XYDValV[i].Val2));
  return AddErrBar(XYFltValV, DeltaV, Label);
int TGnuPlot::AddErrBar ( const TFltTrV XYDValV,
const TStr DatLabel,
const TStr ErrLabel 

Definition at line 269 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XYDValV.Len(), 0);
  TFltV DeltaV(XYDValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XYDValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(XYDValV[i].Val1, XYDValV[i].Val2));
  const int PlotId = AddPlot(XYFltValV, gpwLinesPoints, DatLabel);
  AddErrBar(XYFltValV, DeltaV, ErrLabel);
  return PlotId;
int TGnuPlot::AddErrBar ( const TFltV YValV,
const TFltV DeltaYV,
const TStr Label = TStr() 

Definition at line 281 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  IAssert(YValV.Len() == DeltaYV.Len());
  TFltKdV XYFltValV(YValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < YValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(TFlt(i+1), YValV[i]));
  return AddErrBar(XYFltValV, DeltaYV, Label);
int TGnuPlot::AddErrBar ( const TFltV XValV,
const TFltV YValV,
const TFltV DeltaYV,
const TStr Label = TStr() 

Definition at line 290 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  IAssert(XValV.Len() == YValV.Len());
  IAssert(XValV.Len() == DeltaYV.Len());
  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(XValV[i], YValV[i]));
  return AddErrBar(XYFltValV, DeltaYV, Label);
int TGnuPlot::AddErrBar ( const TFltPrV XYValV,
const TFltV DeltaYV,
const TStr Label = TStr() 

Definition at line 300 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XYValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XYValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(XYValV[i].Val1, XYValV[i].Val2));
  return AddErrBar(XYFltValV, DeltaYV, Label);
int TGnuPlot::AddErrBar ( const TFltKdV XYValV,
const TFltV DeltaYV,
const TStr Label = TStr() 

Definition at line 318 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  if (XYValV.Empty()) {
    printf("***AddErrBar: empty plot (%s) %s\n", DataFNm.CStr(), Title.CStr());
    return -1;
  IAssert(XYValV.Len() == DeltaYV.Len());
  TGpSeries Plot;
  Plot.SeriesTy = gpwErrBars;
  Plot.Label = Label;
  Plot.XYValV = XYValV;
  Plot.ZValV = DeltaYV;
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;
int TGnuPlot::AddErrBar ( const TFltPrV XYValV,
const TFltV DeltaYV,
const TStr DatLabel,
const TStr ErrLabel 

Definition at line 308 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XYValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XYValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(XYValV[i].Val1, XYValV[i].Val2));
  const int PlotId = AddPlot(XYFltValV, gpwLinesPoints, DatLabel);
  AddErrBar(XYFltValV, DeltaV, ErrLabel);
  return PlotId;
int TGnuPlot::AddExpFit ( const int &  PlotId,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLines,
const double &  FitXOffset = 0.0,
const TStr Style = TStr() 

!! skip zero values

Definition at line 544 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2;
  // power fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  int s;
  for (s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key-FitXOffset > 0) {
      XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key-FitXOffset, XY[s].Dat)); } 
  TSpecFunc::ExpFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  TStr Label, StyleStr=Style;
  if (FitXOffset == 0) { Label = TStr::Fmt("%.4g exp(%.4g x)  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2); }
  else { Label = TStr::Fmt("%.4g exp(%.4g x - %g)  R^2:%.2g", A, B, FitXOffset, R2); }
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f*exp(%f*x-%f)", A, B, FitXOffset),
    SeriesTy, Label, StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  for (s = 0; s < XYPr.Len(); s++) {
    EstXY.Add(TFltKd(XYPr[s].Val1+FitXOffset, A*exp(B*XYPr[s].Val1)));
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
int TGnuPlot::AddFunc ( const TStr FuncStr,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 149 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  const int Id = SeriesV.Len();
  TGpSeries Plot;
  Plot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  Plot.Label = Label;
  if (! FuncStr.Empty()) { Plot.DataFNm = TStr::Fmt("f%d(x)=%s, f%d(x)", Id, FuncStr.CStr(), Id); }
  else { Plot.DataFNm = TStr::Fmt("f%d(x)", Id); }
  Plot.XCol = -1;
  Plot.WithStyle = Style;
  return Id;
int TGnuPlot::AddLinFit ( const int &  PlotId,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLines,
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 333 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  if (PlotId < 0 || PlotId >= SeriesV.Len()) return -1;
  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2;
  // linear fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  int s;
  for (s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat));
  TSpecFunc::LinearFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f+%f*x", A, B),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("%.4g + %.4g x  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  for (s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    EstXY.Add(TFltKd(XY[s].Key, A + B*XYPr[s].Val1));
  NewPlot.Label = TStr::Fmt("%.4g + %.4g x  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2);
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
int TGnuPlot::AddLogFit ( const int &  PlotId,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLines,
const TStr Style = TStr() 

!! skip zero values

Definition at line 513 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2;
  // power fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  int s;
  for (s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key > 0) {
      XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat)); } 
  TSpecFunc::LogFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f+%f*log(x)", A, B),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("%.4g + %.4g log(x)  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  for (s = 0; s < XYPr.Len(); s++) {
    EstXY.Add(TFltKd(XYPr[s].Val1, A+B*log((double)XYPr[s].Val1)));
  NewPlot.Label = TStr::Fmt("%.4g + %.4g log(x)  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2);
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TIntV YValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 180 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYValV(YValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < YValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYValV.Add(TFltKd(TFlt(i+1), TFlt(YValV[i])));
  return AddPlot(XYValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style);
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TFltV YValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 188 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYValV(YValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < YValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYValV.Add(TFltKd(TFlt(i+1), TFlt(YValV[i])));
  return AddPlot(XYValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style);
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TFltV XValV,
const TFltV YValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 196 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  IAssert(XValV.Len() == YValV.Len());
  TFltKdV XYValV(XValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < YValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYValV.Add(TFltKd(TFlt(XValV[i]), TFlt(YValV[i])));
  return AddPlot(XYValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style);
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TIntPrV XYValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 205 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XYValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XYValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(TFlt(XYValV[i].Val1), TFlt(XYValV[i].Val2)));
  return AddPlot(XYFltValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style);
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TFltPrV XYValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 213 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XYValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XYValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(XYValV[i].Val1, XYValV[i].Val2));
  return AddPlot(XYFltValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style);
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TIntKdV XYValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 221 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XYValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XYValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(TFlt(XYValV[i].Key), TFlt(XYValV[i].Dat)));
  return AddPlot(XYFltValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style);
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TFltKdV XYValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 245 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  if (XYValV.Empty()) {
    printf("***AddPlot: empty plot (%s) %s\n", DataFNm.CStr(), Title.CStr());
    return -1;
  TGpSeries Plot;
  Plot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  Plot.Label = Label;
  Plot.XYValV = XYValV;
  Plot.WithStyle = Style;
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TIntFltKdV XYValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TIntFltPrV XYValV,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TStr DataFNm,
const int &  ColY,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 162 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  return AddPlot(DataFNm, 0, ColY, SeriesTy, Label, Style);
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const TStr DataFNm,
const int &  ColX,
const int &  ColY,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 167 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  IAssert(ColY > 0);  IAssert(ColX >= 0);
  TGpSeries Plot;
  Plot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  Plot.Label = Label;
  Plot.DataFNm = DataFNm;  Plot.DataFNm.ChangeStrAll("\\", "\\\\");
  Plot.XCol = ColX;  Plot.YCol = ColY;  Plot.ZCol = 0;
  Plot.WithStyle = Style;
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;
template<class TKey , class TDat , class THashFunc >
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const THash< TKey, TDat, THashFunc > &  XYValH,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr(),
const bool &  ExpBucket = false 

Definition at line 235 of file gnuplot.h.

  TFltPrV XYFltValV(XYValH.Len(), 0);  
  for (int k = XYValH.FFirstKeyId();  XYValH.FNextKeyId(k); ) { 
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltPr(TFlt(XYValH.GetKey(k)), TFlt(XYValH[k]))); 
  if (ExpBucket) {
    TFltPrV BucketV;
    TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(XYFltValV, BucketV);
  return AddPlot(XYFltValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style); 
template<class TKey , class THashFunc >
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot ( const THash< TKey, TMom, THashFunc > &  ValMomH,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const TStr Label = TStr(),
const TStr Style = TStr(),
bool  PlotAvg = true,
bool  PlotMed = true,
bool  PlotMin = false,
bool  PlotMax = false,
bool  PlotSDev = false,
bool  PlotStdErr = false,
const bool &  ExpBucket = false 

Definition at line 250 of file gnuplot.h.

  TFltTrV AvgV, StdErrV;
  TFltPrV AvgV2, MedV, MinV, MaxV, BucketV;
  for (int i = ValMomH.FFirstKeyId(); ValMomH.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
    TMom Mom(ValMomH[i]);
    if (! Mom.IsDef()) { Mom.Def(); }
    const double x = ValMomH.GetKey(i);
    if (PlotAvg) { 
      if (PlotSDev) { 
        AvgV.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev())); } // std deviation
      else { 
        AvgV2.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMean())); 
      if (PlotStdErr) {
        StdErrV.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev()/sqrt((double)Mom.GetVals()))); 
    if (PlotMed) { MedV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMedian())); }
    if (PlotMin) { MinV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMn())); }
    if (PlotMax) { MaxV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMx())); }
  AvgV.Sort();  AvgV2.Sort();
  MedV.Sort();  MinV.Sort();  MaxV.Sort(); 
  int PlotId=0;
  // exponential bucketing
  if (! AvgV2.Empty()) { TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(AvgV2, BucketV);  BucketV.Swap(AvgV2); }
  if (! MedV.Empty()) { TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(MedV, BucketV);  BucketV.Swap(MedV); }
  if (! MinV.Empty()) { TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(MinV, BucketV);  BucketV.Swap(MinV); }
  if (! MaxV.Empty()) { TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(MaxV, BucketV);  BucketV.Swap(MaxV); }
  // plot
  if (! AvgV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddErrBar(AvgV, Label+" Average", "StdDev"); }
  if (! AvgV2.Empty()) { PlotId = AddPlot(AvgV2, SeriesTy, Label+" Average", Style); }
  if (! MedV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddPlot(MedV, SeriesTy, Label+" Median", Style); }
  if (! MinV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddPlot(MinV, SeriesTy, Label+" Min", Style); }
  if (! MaxV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddPlot(MaxV, SeriesTy, Label+" Max", Style); }
  if (! StdErrV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddErrBar(StdErrV, Label+" Standard error", Style); }
  return PlotId;
int TGnuPlot::AddPwrFit ( const int &  PlotId,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLines,
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 364 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  const int PlotId1 = AddPwrFit3(PlotId, SeriesTy);
  AddPwrFit2(PlotId, SeriesTy, 5.0);
  return PlotId1;
int TGnuPlot::AddPwrFit1 ( const int &  PlotId,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLines,
const TStr Style = TStr() 

!! skip zero values

Definition at line 371 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  if (PlotId < 0 || PlotId >= SeriesV.Len()) return -1;
  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2, MinY = TFlt::Mx, MinX = TFlt::Mx;
  // power fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  int s;
  for (s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key > 0) {
      XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat)); 
      MinX = TMath::Mn(MinX, XY[s].Key());
      MinY = TMath::Mn(MinY, XY[s].Dat());
  MinY = TMath::Mn(1.0, MinY);
  TSpecFunc::PowerFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f*x**%f", A, B),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("%.1g * x^{%.4g}  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  const int FitId = SeriesV.Len() - 1;
  NewPlot.DataFNm = ;
  TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  for (s = 0; s < XYPr.Len(); s++) {
    const double YVal = A*pow(XYPr[s].Val1(), B);
    if (YVal < MinY) continue;
    EstXY.Add(TFltKd(XYPr[s].Val1, YVal));
  NewPlot.Label = ;
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  //if (MinX < 5.0) MinX = 5.0;
  //AddPwrFit2(PlotId, SeriesTy, MinX);*/
int TGnuPlot::AddPwrFit2 ( const int &  PlotId,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLines,
const double &  MinX = -1.0,
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 413 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  // power fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  double MinY = TFlt::Mx;
  for (int s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key > 0.0) {
      XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat));
      MinY = TMath::Mn(MinY, XY[s].Dat());
  if (XYPr.Empty()) return -1;
  MinY = TMath::Mn(1.0, MinY);
  // determine the sign of power coefficient
  double CoefSign = 0.0;
  { double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2;
  TSpecFunc::PowerFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  CoefSign = B > 0.0 ? +1.0 : -1.0; }
  const double PowerCf = CoefSign * TSpecFunc::GetPowerCoef(XYPr, MinX);
  int Mid = (int) exp(log((double)XYPr.Len())/2.0);
  if (Mid >= XYPr.Len()) { Mid = XYPr.Len()-1; }
  const double MidX = XYPr[Mid].Val1();
  const double MidY = XYPr[Mid].Val2();
  const double B = MidY / pow(MidX, PowerCf);
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f*x**%f", B, PowerCf),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("MLE = x^{%.4g}", PowerCf), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  TFltKdV& XYFit = NewPlot.XYValV;
  XYFit.Gen(XYPr.Len(), 0);
  for (int s = 0; s < XYPr.Len(); s++) {
    const double XVal = XYPr[s].Val1;
    const double YVal = B * pow(XYPr[s].Val1(), PowerCf);
    if (YVal < MinY || XVal < MinX) continue;
    XYFit.Add(TFltKd(XVal, YVal));
  NewPlot.Label = TStr::Fmt("PowerFit: %g", PowerCf);
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
int TGnuPlot::AddPwrFit3 ( const int &  PlotId,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLines,
const double &  MinX = -1.0,
const TStr Style = TStr() 

Definition at line 461 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  double Intercept, Slope, R2;
  return AddPwrFit3(PlotId, SeriesTy, MinX, Style, Intercept, Slope, R2);
int TGnuPlot::AddPwrFit3 ( const int &  PlotId,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy,
const double &  MinX,
const TStr Style,
double &  Intercept,
double &  Slope,
double &  R2 

!! skip zero values

Definition at line 467 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  if (PlotId < 0 || PlotId >= SeriesV.Len()) return -1;
  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  double A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, MinY=TFlt::Mx;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  //TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  //TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  TFltPrV FitXY, NewFitXY;
  for (int s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key > 0 && XY[s].Key >= MinX) {
      FitXY.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat)); 
      MinY = TMath::Mn(MinY, XY[s].Dat());
  MinY = TMath::Mn(1.0, MinY);
  // power fit (if tail is too fat, cut everything where
  // extrapolation sets the value < MinY
  while (true) {
    TSpecFunc::PowerFit(FitXY, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
    for (int s = 0; s < FitXY.Len(); s++) {
      const double YVal = A*pow(FitXY[s].Val1(), B);
      if (YVal < MinY) continue;
      //EstXY.Add(TFltKd(FitXY[s].Val1, YVal));
      NewFitXY.Add(TFltPr(FitXY[s].Val1, FitXY[s].Val2));
    if (NewFitXY.Len() < 10 || FitXY.Last().Val1 < 1.2 * NewFitXY.Last().Val1) { break; }
    else { FitXY.Swap(NewFitXY); }
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f*x**%f", A, B),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("%.1g * x^{%.4g}  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  /*NewPlot.Label = TStr::Fmt("%.1g * x^{%.4g}  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2);
  Intercept = A;
  Slope = B;
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
void TGnuPlot::CreatePlotFile ( const TStr Comment = TStr())

Definition at line 762 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  time_t ltime;  time(&ltime);
  char* TimeStr = ctime(&ltime);  TimeStr[strlen(TimeStr) - 1] = 0;
  // rearrange columns so that longest are on the left
  TIntV SerIdV(SeriesV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < SeriesV.Len(); i++) { SerIdV.Add(i); }
  // set columns
  int ColCnt = 1;
  bool SaveData = false;
  for (int s = 0; s < SeriesV.Len(); s++) {
    TGpSeries& Plt = SeriesV[SerIdV[s]];
    if (Plt.XYValV.Empty()) { continue; }
    Plt.DataFNm = DataFNm;
    // plots use same X column
    const int PrevCol = s > 0 ? IsSameXCol(SerIdV[s], SerIdV[s-1]) : -1;
    if (PrevCol != -1) { Plt.XCol = PrevCol; }
    else { Plt.XCol = ColCnt;  ColCnt++; }
    Plt.YCol = ColCnt;  ColCnt++;
    if (! Plt.ZValV.Empty()) { Plt.ZCol = ColCnt;  ColCnt++; }
    if (! Plt.XYValV.Empty()) { SaveData=true; }
  // save data file (skip duplicate X columns)
  if (SaveData) {
    FILE *F = fopen(DataFNm.CStr(), "wt");
    EAssertR(F != NULL, TStr("Can not open data file ")+DataFNm);
    fprintf(F, "#\n");
    fprintf(F, "# %s (%s)\n", Comment.CStr(), TimeStr);
    fprintf(F, "#\n");
    // column names
    for (int i = 0; i < SerIdV.Len(); i++) {
      const TGpSeries& Ser = SeriesV[SerIdV[i]];
      if (Ser.XYValV.Empty()) { continue; }
      if (i == 0) { fprintf(F, "# "); } else { fprintf(F, "\t"); }
      if (Ser.SaveXVals()) {
        if (! LblX.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "%s\t", LblX.CStr()); }
        else { fprintf(F, "XVals\t"); }
      if (Ser.Label.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "%s", LblY.CStr()); }
      else { fprintf(F, "%s", SeriesV[SerIdV[i]].Label.CStr()); }
      if (Ser.ZCol > 0) fprintf(F, "\tDeltaY");
    fprintf(F, "\n");
    // data
    for (int row = 0; row < SeriesV[SerIdV[0]].XYValV.Len(); row++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < SeriesV.Len(); i++) {
        const TGpSeries& Ser = SeriesV[SerIdV[i]];
        if (row < Ser.XYValV.Len()) {
          if (i > 0) { fprintf(F, "\t"); }
          if (Ser.SaveXVals()) { fprintf(F, "%g\t%g", Ser.XYValV[row].Key(), Ser.XYValV[row].Dat()); }
          else { fprintf(F, "%g", Ser.XYValV[row].Dat()); }
          if (! Ser.ZValV.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "\t%g", Ser.ZValV[row]()); }
      fprintf(F, "\n");
  // save plot file
  FILE *F = fopen(PlotFNm.CStr(), "wt");
  EAssertR(F != 0, TStr("Can not open plot file ")+PlotFNm);
  TStr CurDir = TDir::GetCurDir();
  CurDir.ChangeStrAll("\\", "\\\\");
  fprintf(F, "#\n");
  fprintf(F, "# %s (%s)\n", Comment.CStr(), TimeStr);
  fprintf(F, "#\n\n");
  if (! Title.Empty()) fprintf(F, "set title \"%s\"\n", Title.CStr());
  fprintf(F, "set key bottom right\n");
  fprintf(F, "%s\n", GetScaleStr(ScaleTy).CStr());
  if (ScaleTy==gpsLog || ScaleTy==gpsLog10X || ScaleTy==gpsLog10XY) {
    fprintf(F, "set format x \"10^{%%L}\"\n");
    fprintf(F, "set mxtics 10\n"); }
  if (ScaleTy==gpsLog || ScaleTy==gpsLog10Y || ScaleTy==gpsLog10XY) {
    fprintf(F, "set format y \"10^{%%L}\"\n");
    fprintf(F, "set mytics 10\n"); }
  if (ScaleTy==gpsLog2X || ScaleTy==gpsLog2XY) { fprintf(F, "set format x \"2^{%%L}\"\n"); }
  if (ScaleTy==gpsLog2Y || ScaleTy==gpsLog2XY) { fprintf(F, "set format y \"2^{%%L}\"\n"); }
  if (SetGrid) fprintf(F, "set grid\n");
  if (XRange.Val1 != XRange.Val2) fprintf(F, "set xrange [%g:%g]\n", XRange.Val1(), XRange.Val2());
  if (YRange.Val1 != YRange.Val2) fprintf(F, "set yrange [%g:%g]\n", YRange.Val1(), YRange.Val2());
  if (! LblX.Empty()) fprintf(F, "set xlabel \"%s\"\n", LblX.CStr());
  if (! LblY.Empty()) fprintf(F, "set ylabel \"%s\"\n", LblY.CStr());
  if (Tics42) {
    fprintf(F, "set tics scale 2\n"); // New in version 4.2
  } else {
    fprintf(F, "set ticscale 2 1\n"); // Old (deprecated)
  // custom commands
  for (int i = 0; i < MoreCmds.Len(); i++) {
    fprintf(F, "%s\n", MoreCmds[i].CStr()); }
  // plot
  if (! SeriesV.Empty()) {
    fprintf(F, "plot \t");
    for (int i = 0; i < SeriesV.Len(); i++) {
      fprintf(F, "%s", GetSeriesPlotStr(i).CStr()); }
    fprintf(F, "\n");
  if (SetPause) fprintf(F, "pause -1 \"Hit return to exit. %s\"\n", PlotFNm.CStr());
TStr TGnuPlot::GetLineStyle ( const int &  PlotId) const [inline]

Definition at line 76 of file gnuplot.h.

{ return SeriesV[PlotId].WithStyle; }
TStr TGnuPlot::GetScaleStr ( const TGpScaleTy ScaleTy) [static]

Definition at line 677 of file gnuplot.cpp.

    case gpsNoAuto: return TStr("set noautoscale");
    case gpsAuto: return TStr("set autoscale");
    case gpsLog: return TStr("set logscale");
    case gpsLog2X: return TStr("set logscale x 2");
    case gpsLog2Y: return TStr("set logscale y 2");
    case gpsLog2XY: return TStr("set logscale xy 2");
    case gpsLog10X: return TStr("set logscale x 10");
    case gpsLog10Y: return TStr("set logscale y 10");
    case gpsLog10XY: return TStr("set logscale xy 10");
    default: Fail;
  return TStr();
TStr TGnuPlot::GetSeriesPlotStr ( const int &  PlotN)

Definition at line 122 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TChA PlotStr;
  TGpSeries& Series = SeriesV[SeriesId];
  if (SeriesId != 0) PlotStr += ",\\\n\t";
  if (Series.XCol >= 0) {
    PlotStr += "\"" + Series.DataFNm + "\" using " + TInt::GetStr(Series.XCol);
    if (Series.YCol != 0) { PlotStr += ":" + TInt::GetStr(Series.YCol); }
    if (Series.ZCol != 0) { PlotStr += ":" + TInt::GetStr(Series.ZCol); }
    else if (Series.SeriesTy==gpwFilledCurves) { PlotStr += ":(0)"; } // filled curves requres 3rd column
  } else {
    // function
    //IAssertR(Series.DataFNm.SearchCh('=') != -1, TStr::Fmt("Expression %s is not a function", Series.DataFNm.CStr()));
    PlotStr += Series.DataFNm;
  PlotStr += " title \"" + Series.Label + "\"";
  // hard coded line style
  if (Series.WithStyle.Empty()) {
    if (Series.SeriesTy == gpwLines) Series.WithStyle = "lw 1";
    //if (Series.SeriesTy == gpwPoints) Series.WithStyle = "pt 6 ps 1 lw 1"; // circles
    //if (Series.SeriesTy == gpwLinesPoints) Series.WithStyle = "pt 6 ps 1 lw 1"; // circles
    if (Series.SeriesTy == gpwBoxes) Series.WithStyle = "fill solid 0.3";
  PlotStr += " with " + GetSeriesTyStr(Series.SeriesTy) + " " + Series.WithStyle;
  return PlotStr;
TStr TGnuPlot::GetSeriesTyStr ( const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy) [static]

Definition at line 693 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  switch(SeriesTy) {
    case gpwLines: return TStr("lines");
    case gpwPoints: return TStr("points");
    case gpwLinesPoints: return TStr("linespoints");
    case gpwImpulses: return TStr("impulses");
    case gpwDots: return TStr("dots");
    case gpwSteps: return TStr("steps");
    case gpwFSteps: return TStr("fsteps");
    case gpwHiSteps: return TStr("histeps");
    case gpwBoxes: return TStr("boxes");
    case gpwErrBars: return TStr("errorbars");
    case gpwFilledCurves: return TStr("filledcurves");
    default: Fail;
  return TStr();
int TGnuPlot::GetTics42 ( ) [static, private]

Definition at line 16 of file gnuplot.cpp.

#ifdef GLib_WIN
  return -1;
  FILE* p;
  char Buf[1024];
  char Version[1024];
  size_t n;

  // get gnuplot version
  p = popen("gnuplot -V","r");
  if (p == NULL) {
    return -1;
  n = fread(Buf, 1, 100, p);
  if (n <= 0) {
    return -1;
  Buf[n] = '\0';

  // printf("Buf %d .%s.\n", n, Buf);
  n = sscanf(Buf, "gnuplot %s", Version);
  if (n <= 0) {
    return -1;
  // printf("Version %d .%s.\n", n, Version);
  if ((strlen(Version) < 3) || (Version[1] != '.')) {
    return -1;

  // test version < 4.2
  if ((Version[0] < '4') || ((Version[0] == '4') && (Version[2] < '2'))) {
    // printf("TGnuPlot::GetTics42 0\n");
    return 0;
  // printf("TGnuPlot::GetTics42 1\n");
  return 1;
int TGnuPlot::IsSameXCol ( const int &  CurId,
const int &  PrevId 
) const

Definition at line 752 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  //if (SerId < 1) { return -1; }
  if (SeriesV[CurId].XYValV.Len() != SeriesV[PrevId].XYValV.Len()) { return -1; }
  for (int x = 0; x < SeriesV[CurId].XYValV.Len(); x++) {
    if (SeriesV[CurId].XYValV[x] != SeriesV[PrevId].XYValV[x]) { return -1; }
  IAssert(SeriesV[PrevId].XCol > 0);
  return SeriesV[PrevId].XCol;
void TGnuPlot::LoadTs ( const TStr FNm,
TStrV ColNmV,
TVec< TFltKdV > &  ColV 
) [static]

Definition at line 659 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  PSs Ss = TSs::LoadTxt(ssfTabSep, FNm);
  int row = 0;
  while (Ss->At(0, row)[0] == '#') { row++; }
  for (int c = 1; c < Ss->GetXLen(row); c+=2) {
    ColNmV.Add(Ss->At(c, row));
  ColV.Gen(ColNmV.Len(), ColNmV.Len());
  for (; row < Ss->GetYLen(); row++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < Ss->GetXLen(row); c+=2) {
      if (Ss->At(c,row).Empty()) break;
      ColV[c/2].Add(TFltKd(Ss->At(c,row).GetFlt(), Ss->At(c+1,row).GetFlt()));
void TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins ( const TFltPrV XYValV,
TFltPrV ExpXYValV,
const double &  BinFactor = 2,
const double &  MinYVal = 1 
) [static]

Definition at line 608 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltKdV KdV(XYValV.Len(), 0), OutV;
  for (int i = 0; i < XYValV.Len(); i++) {
    KdV.Add(TFltKd(XYValV[i].Val1, XYValV[i].Val2)); }
  TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(KdV, OutV, BinFactor, MinYVal);
  ExpXYValV.Gen(OutV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < OutV.Len(); i++) {
    ExpXYValV.Add(TFltPr(OutV[i].Key, OutV[i].Dat)); }
void TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins ( const TFltKdV XYValV,
TFltKdV ExpXYValV,
const double &  BinFactor = 2,
const double &  MinYVal = 1 
) [static]

Definition at line 619 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  if (XYValV.Empty()) { ExpXYValV.Clr(false); return; }
  IAssert(! XYValV.Empty());
  const TFlt MxX = XYValV.Last().Key;
  // find buckets
  TFltV BucketEndV; BucketEndV.Add(1);
  double PrevBPos = 1, BPos = 1;
  while (BPos <= MxX) {
    PrevBPos = (uint) floor(BPos);
    BPos *= BinFactor;
    if (floor(BPos) == PrevBPos) {
      BPos = PrevBPos + 1; }
  //printf("buckets:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < BucketEndV.Len(); i++) { printf("\t%g\n", BucketEndV[i]);}
  ExpXYValV.Gen(BucketEndV.Len(), 0);
  int CurB = 0;
  double AvgPos=0, Cnt=0, AvgVal=0;
  for (int v = 0; v < XYValV.Len(); v++) {
    if (XYValV[v].Key() == 0.0) { continue; }
    AvgPos += XYValV[v].Key ;//* XYValV[v].Dat;  // x
    AvgVal += XYValV[v].Dat;  // y
    if (v+1 == XYValV.Len() || XYValV[v+1].Key > BucketEndV[CurB]) {
      if (Cnt != 0) {
        //AvgPos /= AvgVal;
        //AvgVal /= (BucketEndV[CurB]-BucketEndV[CurB-1]);
        AvgPos /= (double) Cnt;
        AvgVal /= (double) Cnt;
        if (AvgVal < MinYVal) { AvgVal = MinYVal; }
        ExpXYValV.Add(TFltKd(AvgPos, AvgVal));
        //printf("b: %6.2f\t%6.2f\n", AvgPos, AvgVal);
        AvgPos = 0;  AvgVal = 0;  Cnt = 0;
TGnuPlot & TGnuPlot::operator= ( const TGnuPlot GnuPlot)

Definition at line 104 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  if (this != &GnuPlot) {
    DataFNm = GnuPlot.DataFNm;
    PlotFNm = GnuPlot.PlotFNm;
    Title = GnuPlot.Title;
    LblX = GnuPlot.LblX;
    LblY = GnuPlot.LblY;
    ScaleTy = GnuPlot.ScaleTy;
    YRange = GnuPlot.YRange;
    XRange = GnuPlot.XRange;
    SetGrid = GnuPlot.SetGrid;
    SetPause = GnuPlot.SetPause;
    SeriesV = GnuPlot.SeriesV;
    MoreCmds = GnuPlot.MoreCmds;
  return *this;
void TGnuPlot::Pause ( const bool &  DoPause) [inline]

Definition at line 71 of file gnuplot.h.

{ SetPause = DoPause; }
void TGnuPlot::Plot ( const TStr Comment = TStr()) [inline]

Definition at line 120 of file gnuplot.h.

{ CreatePlotFile(Comment);  RunGnuPlot(); }
template<class TKey , class TVal , class THashFunc >
void TGnuPlot::PlotValCntH ( const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &  ValCntH,
const TStr OutFNmPref,
const TStr Desc = "",
const TStr XLabel = "",
const TStr YLabel = "",
const TGpScaleTy ScaleTy = gpsAuto,
const bool &  PowerFit = false,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
const bool &  PlotNCDF = false,
const bool &  ExpBucket = false 
) [static]

Definition at line 291 of file gnuplot.h.

  TFltPrV IdCntV(ValCntH.Len(), 0), BucketV;
  for (int i = ValCntH.FFirstKeyId(); ValCntH.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
    IdCntV.Add(TFltPr(double(ValCntH.GetKey(i)), double(ValCntH[i]))); }
  if (ExpBucket) { 
    TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(IdCntV, BucketV);
  if (PlotNCDF) { 
    TFltPrV NCdfV = IdCntV;
    for (int i = NCdfV.Len()-2; i >= 0; i--) {
      NCdfV[i].Val2 = NCdfV[i].Val2 + NCdfV[i+1].Val2; 
    PlotValV(NCdfV, OutFNmPref, Desc, "NCDF "+XLabel, "NCDF "+YLabel, ScaleTy, PowerFit, SeriesTy);
  } else {
    PlotValV(IdCntV, OutFNmPref, Desc, XLabel, YLabel, ScaleTy, PowerFit, SeriesTy); 
template<class TKey , class TVal , class THashFunc >
void TGnuPlot::PlotValCntH ( const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &  ValCntH1,
const TStr Label1,
const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &  ValCntH2,
const TStr Label2,
const TStr OutFNmPref,
const TStr Desc,
const TStr XLabel,
const TStr YLabel,
const TGpScaleTy ScaleTy = gpsAuto,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints 
) [static]

Definition at line 314 of file gnuplot.h.

  PlotValCntH(ValCntH1, Label1, ValCntH2, Label2, THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>(), "", OutFNmPref, Desc, XLabel, YLabel,
    ScaleTy, SeriesTy);
template<class TKey , class TVal , class THashFunc >
void TGnuPlot::PlotValCntH ( const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &  ValCntH1,
const TStr Label1,
const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &  ValCntH2,
const TStr Label2,
const THash< TKey, TVal, THashFunc > &  ValCntH3,
const TStr Label3,
const TStr OutFNmPref,
const TStr Desc,
const TStr XLabel,
const TStr YLabel,
const TGpScaleTy ScaleTy = gpsAuto,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints 
) [static]

Definition at line 323 of file gnuplot.h.

  TFltPrV IdCntV1(ValCntH1.Len(), 0), IdCntV2(ValCntH2.Len(), 0), IdCntV3(ValCntH3.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = ValCntH1.FFirstKeyId(); ValCntH1.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
    IdCntV1.Add(TFltPr(double(ValCntH1.GetKey(i)), double(ValCntH1[i]))); }
  for (int i = ValCntH2.FFirstKeyId(); ValCntH2.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
    IdCntV2.Add(TFltPr(double(ValCntH2.GetKey(i)), double(ValCntH2[i]))); }
  for (int i = ValCntH3.FFirstKeyId(); ValCntH3.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
    IdCntV3.Add(TFltPr(double(ValCntH3.GetKey(i)), double(ValCntH3[i]))); }
  TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
  GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
  if (! IdCntV1.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(IdCntV1, SeriesTy, Label1); }
  if (! IdCntV2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(IdCntV2, SeriesTy, Label2); }
  if (! IdCntV3.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(IdCntV3, SeriesTy, Label3); }
template<class TVal1 >
void TGnuPlot::PlotValMomH ( const THash< TVal1, TMom > &  ValMomH,
const TStr OutFNmPref,
const TStr Desc = "",
const TStr XLabel = "",
const TStr YLabel = "",
const TGpScaleTy ScaleTy = gpsAuto,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints,
bool  PlotAvg = true,
bool  PlotMed = true,
bool  PlotMin = false,
bool  PlotMax = false,
bool  PlotSDev = false,
bool  PlotStdErr = true,
bool  PlotScatter = false 
) [static]

Definition at line 426 of file gnuplot.h.

  TFltTrV AvgV, StdErrV;
  TFltPrV AvgV2, MedV, MinV, MaxV;
  TFltPrV ScatterV;
  for (int i = ValMomH.FFirstKeyId(); ValMomH.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
    TMom Mom(ValMomH[i]);
    if (! Mom.IsDef()) { Mom.Def(); }
    const double x = ValMomH.GetKey(i);
    if (PlotAvg) { 
      if (PlotSDev) { 
        AvgV.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev())); } // std deviation
      else { 
        AvgV2.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMean())); 
      if (PlotStdErr) {
        StdErrV.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev()/sqrt((double)Mom.GetVals()))); 
    if (PlotMed) { MedV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMedian())); }
    if (PlotMin) { MinV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMn())); }
    if (PlotMax) { MaxV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMx())); }
    if (PlotScatter) {
      THashSet<TFlt> PointSet;
      for (int xi = 0; xi < ValMomH[i].GetVals(); xi++) {
        PointSet.AddKey(ValMomH[i].GetVal(xi)); }
        //ScatterV.Add(TFltPr(x, ValMomH[i].GetVal(xi)));  }
      for (int xi = 0; xi < PointSet.Len(); xi++) {
        ScatterV.Add(TFltPr(x, PointSet[xi]));  }
      //printf("S%d %d %d.", ValMomH[i].GetVals(), PointSet.Len(), ScatterV.Len());
  AvgV.Sort();  AvgV2.Sort();
  MedV.Sort();  MinV.Sort();  MaxV.Sort();  StdErrV.Sort();
  TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
  GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
  if (! ScatterV.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(ScatterV, gpwPoints, "Scatter"); }
  if (! AvgV.Empty()) { GP.AddErrBar(AvgV, "Average", "StdDev"); }
  if (! AvgV2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(AvgV2, SeriesTy, "Average"); }
  if (! MedV.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MedV, SeriesTy, "Median"); }
  if (! MinV.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MinV, SeriesTy, "Min"); }
  if (! MaxV.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MaxV, SeriesTy, "Max"); }
  if (! StdErrV.Empty()) { GP.AddErrBar(StdErrV, "Standard error"); }
template<class TVal1 , class TVal2 >
void TGnuPlot::PlotValV ( const TVec< TPair< TVal1, TVal2 > > &  ValV,
const TStr OutFNmPref,
const TStr Desc = "",
const TStr XLabel = "",
const TStr YLabel = "",
const TGpScaleTy ScaleTy = gpsAuto,
const bool &  PowerFit = false,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints 
) [static]

Definition at line 348 of file gnuplot.h.

  TFltKdV IdCntV(ValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
    IdCntV.Add(TFltKd(double(ValV[i].Val1), double(ValV[i].Val2))); }
  if (IdCntV.Empty()) { printf("*** Empty plot %s\n", OutFNmPref.CStr());  return; }
  TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
  GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
  const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV, SeriesTy);
  if (PowerFit) { 
    double MaxY = IdCntV.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV[0].Dat;
    if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
    //GP.SetYRange(MinY, pow(10.0, floor(log10(MaxY))+1.0));
    GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
template<class TVal1 , class TVal2 >
void TGnuPlot::PlotValV ( const TVec< TPair< TVal1, TVal2 > > &  ValV1,
const TStr Name1,
const TVec< TPair< TVal1, TVal2 > > &  ValV2,
const TStr Name2,
const TStr OutFNmPref,
const TStr Desc = "",
const TStr XLabel = "",
const TStr YLabel = "",
const TGpScaleTy ScaleTy = gpsAuto,
const bool &  PowerFit = false,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints 
) [static]

Definition at line 370 of file gnuplot.h.

  TFltKdV IdCntV1(ValV1.Len(), 0), IdCntV2(ValV2.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < ValV1.Len(); i++) {
    IdCntV1.Add(TFltKd(double(ValV1[i].Val1), double(ValV1[i].Val2))); }
  for (int i = 0; i < ValV2.Len(); i++) {
    IdCntV2.Add(TFltKd(double(ValV2[i].Val1), double(ValV2[i].Val2))); }
  if (IdCntV1.Empty() || IdCntV2.Empty()) { printf("*** Empty plot %s\n", OutFNmPref.CStr());  return; }
  TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
  GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
  { const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV1, SeriesTy, Name1);
  if (PowerFit) { 
    double MaxY = IdCntV1.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV1[0].Dat;
    if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
    GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
  } }
  { const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV2, SeriesTy, Name2);
  if (PowerFit) { 
    double MaxY = IdCntV2.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV2[0].Dat;
    if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
    GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
  } }
template<class TVal1 >
void TGnuPlot::PlotValV ( const TVec< TVal1 > &  ValV,
const TStr OutFNmPref,
const TStr Desc = "",
const TStr XLabel = "",
const TStr YLabel = "",
const TGpScaleTy ScaleTy = gpsAuto,
const bool &  PowerFit = false,
const TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy = gpwLinesPoints 
) [static]

Definition at line 404 of file gnuplot.h.

  TFltKdV IdCntV(ValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
    IdCntV.Add(TFltKd(double(i+1), double(ValV[i]))); }
  if (IdCntV.Empty()) { printf("*** Empty plot %s\n", OutFNmPref.CStr());  return; }
  TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
  GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
  const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV, SeriesTy);
  if (PowerFit) { 
    double MaxY = IdCntV.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV[0].Dat;
    if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
    //GP.SetYRange(MinY, pow(10.0, floor(log10(MaxY))+1.0));
    GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
void TGnuPlot::RunGnuPlot ( ) const

Definition at line 864 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TStr GpFNm, GpPath;
  #if defined(GLib_WIN)
    GpFNm = "wgnuplot.exe";
    GpPath = "C:\\gnuplot\\";
  #elif defined(GLib_CYGWIN)
    GpFNm = "gnuplot.exe";
    GpPath = "/usr/bin/";
    GpFNm = "gnuplot";
    GpPath = "/usr/bin/";
  if (system(TStr::Fmt("%s %s", GpFNm.CStr(), PlotFNm.CStr()).CStr())==0) { return; }
  #if defined(GLib_WIN)
  if (system(TStr::Fmt(".\\%s %s", GpFNm.CStr(), PlotFNm.CStr()).CStr())==0) { return; }
  if (system(TStr::Fmt("./%s %s", GpFNm.CStr(), PlotFNm.CStr()).CStr())==0) { return; }
  if (system(TStr::Fmt("%s%s %s", GpPath.CStr(), GpFNm.CStr(), PlotFNm.CStr()).CStr())==0) { return; }
  //FailR(TStr::Fmt("Cat not find GnuPlot (%s) for plot %s. Set the PATH.", GpFNm.CStr(), PlotFNm.CStr()).CStr());
  //ErrNotify(TStr::Fmt("Cat not find GnuPlot (%s) for plot %s. Set the PATH.", GpFNm.CStr(), PlotFNm.CStr()).CStr());
  fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%d] Cat not find GnuPlot (%s) for plot %s. Set the PATH.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GpFNm.CStr(), PlotFNm.CStr());
void TGnuPlot::SaveEps ( const int &  FontSz = 30,
const TStr Comment = TStr() 
) [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file gnuplot.h.

    SaveEps(PlotFNm.GetFMid()+".eps", FontSz, Comment); }
void TGnuPlot::SaveEps ( const TStr FNm,
const int &  FontSz = 30,
const TStr Comment = TStr() 

Definition at line 598 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set terminal postscript enhanced eps %d color", FontSz));
  AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set output '%s'", FNm.CStr()));
  CreatePlotFile(Comment.Empty()? Title : Comment);
void TGnuPlot::SavePng ( const int &  SizeX = 1000,
const int &  SizeY = 800,
const TStr Comment = TStr() 
) [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file gnuplot.h.

    SavePng(PlotFNm.GetFMid()+".png", SizeX, SizeY, Comment); }
void TGnuPlot::SavePng ( const TStr FNm,
const int &  SizeX = 1000,
const int &  SizeY = 800,
const TStr Comment = TStr(),
const TStr Terminal = TStr() 

else // EPS

AddCmd("set terminal postscript eps 10 enhanced color"); AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set output '%s.eps'", FNm.GetFMid().CStr()));


Definition at line 576 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  if (Terminal.Empty()) {
    //#ifdef GLib_WIN
    AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set terminal png small size %d,%d", SizeX, SizeY));
    AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set output '%s'", FNm.CStr()));
  } else {
    AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set output '%s'", FNm.CStr()));
  CreatePlotFile(Comment.Empty()? Title : Comment);
void TGnuPlot::SaveTs ( const TIntKdV KdV,
const TStr FNm,
const TStr HeadLn = TStr() 
) [static]

Definition at line 711 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  FILE *F = fopen(FNm.CStr(), "wt");
  if (! HeadLn.Empty()) fprintf(F, "# %s\n", HeadLn.CStr());
  for (int i = 0; i < KdV.Len(); i++) {
    fprintf(F, "%d\t%d\n", KdV[i].Key(), KdV[i].Dat()); }
static void TGnuPlot::SaveTs ( const TIntFltKdV KdV,
const TStr FNm,
const TStr HeadLn = TStr() 
) [static]
template<class TVal1 , class TVal2 >
void TGnuPlot::SaveTs ( const TVec< TPair< TVal1, TVal2 > > &  ValV,
const TStr FNm,
const TStr HeadLn = TStr() 
) [static]

Definition at line 201 of file gnuplot.h.

  FILE *F = fopen(FNm.CStr(), "wt");
  if (! HeadLn.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "# %s\n", HeadLn.CStr()); }
  for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
    fprintf(F, "%g\t%g\n", double(ValV[i].Val1), double(ValV[i].Val2)); }
template<class TVal1 , class TVal2 , class TVal3 >
void TGnuPlot::SaveTs ( const TVec< TTriple< TVal1, TVal2, TVal3 > > &  ValV,
const TStr FNm,
const TStr HeadLn = TStr() 
) [static]

Definition at line 211 of file gnuplot.h.

  FILE *F = fopen(FNm.CStr(), "wt");
  if (! HeadLn.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "# %s\n", HeadLn.CStr()); }
  for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
    fprintf(F, "%g\t%g\t%g\n", double(ValV[i].Val1), double(ValV[i].Val2), double(ValV[i].Val3)); }
template<class TVal , int Vals>
void TGnuPlot::SaveTs ( const TVec< TTuple< TVal, Vals > > &  ValV,
const TStr FNm,
const TStr HeadLn = TStr() 
) [static]

Definition at line 221 of file gnuplot.h.

  FILE *F = fopen(FNm.CStr(), "wt");
  if (! HeadLn.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "# %s\n", HeadLn.CStr()); }
  for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
    fprintf(F, "%g", double(ValV[i][0]));
    for (int v = 1; v < Vals; v++) {
      fprintf(F, "\t%g", double(ValV[i][v])); }
    fprintf(F, "\n");
void TGnuPlot::SetDataPlotFNm ( const TStr DatFNm,
const TStr PltFNm 
) [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file gnuplot.h.

{ DataFNm = DatFNm;  PlotFNm = PltFNm; }
void TGnuPlot::SetLineStyle ( const int &  PlotId,
const TStr StyleStr 
) [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file gnuplot.h.

{ SeriesV[PlotId].WithStyle = StyleStr; }
void TGnuPlot::SetScale ( const TGpScaleTy GpScaleTy) [inline]

Definition at line 72 of file gnuplot.h.

{ ScaleTy = GpScaleTy;}
void TGnuPlot::SetTitle ( const TStr PlotTitle) [inline]

Definition at line 64 of file gnuplot.h.

{ Title = PlotTitle; }
void TGnuPlot::SetXLabel ( const TStr XLabel) [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file gnuplot.h.

{ LblX = XLabel; }
void TGnuPlot::SetXRange ( const double &  Min,
const double &  Max 
) [inline]

Definition at line 73 of file gnuplot.h.

{ XRange = TFltPr(Min, Max); }
void TGnuPlot::SetXYLabel ( const TStr XLabel,
const TStr YLabel 
) [inline]

Definition at line 67 of file gnuplot.h.

{ LblX = XLabel;  LblY = YLabel; }
void TGnuPlot::SetYLabel ( const TStr YLabel) [inline]

Definition at line 66 of file gnuplot.h.

{ LblY = YLabel; }
void TGnuPlot::SetYRange ( const double &  Min,
const double &  Max 
) [inline]

Definition at line 74 of file gnuplot.h.

{ YRange = TFltPr(Min, Max); }
void TGnuPlot::ShowGrid ( const bool &  Show) [inline]

Definition at line 70 of file gnuplot.h.

{ SetGrid = Show; }
void TGnuPlot::Test ( ) [static]

Definition at line 730 of file gnuplot.cpp.

  TFltV DeltaY;
  TFltPrV ValV1, ValV2, ValV3;
  for (int i = 1; i < 30; i++) {
    ValV1.Add(TFltPr(i, pow(double(i), 1.2)));
    ValV2.Add(TFltPr(i, 5*i-1));
  for (int i = -10; i < 20; i++) {
    ValV3.Add(TFltPr(i, 2*i + 2 + TInt::Rnd.GetUniDev()));
  TGnuPlot GnuPlot("testDat", "TestPlot", true);
  GnuPlot.SetXYLabel("X", "Y");
  const int id2 = GnuPlot.AddPlot(ValV2, gpwPoints, "y=5*x-1");
  const int id3 = GnuPlot.AddPlot(ValV3, gpwPoints, "y=2*x+2");
  GnuPlot.AddErrBar(ValV1, DeltaY, "y=x^2", "Error bar");
  GnuPlot.AddLinFit(id2, gpwLines);
  GnuPlot.AddLinFit(id3, gpwLines);

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 45 of file gnuplot.h.

TStr TGnuPlot::DefDataFNm = "" [static]

Definition at line 19 of file gnuplot.h.

TStr TGnuPlot::DefPlotFNm = "GnuPlot.plt" [static]

Definition at line 18 of file gnuplot.h.

TStr TGnuPlot::LblX [private]

Definition at line 46 of file gnuplot.h.

TStr TGnuPlot::LblY [private]

Definition at line 46 of file gnuplot.h.

Definition at line 51 of file gnuplot.h.

Definition at line 45 of file gnuplot.h.

Definition at line 47 of file gnuplot.h.

Definition at line 50 of file gnuplot.h.

bool TGnuPlot::SetGrid [private]

Definition at line 49 of file gnuplot.h.

bool TGnuPlot::SetPause [private]

Definition at line 49 of file gnuplot.h.

int TGnuPlot::Tics42 = TGnuPlot::GetTics42() [static, private]

Definition at line 44 of file gnuplot.h.

TStr TGnuPlot::Title [private]

Definition at line 46 of file gnuplot.h.

Definition at line 48 of file gnuplot.h.

Definition at line 48 of file gnuplot.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: