SNAP Library, User Reference
2012-10-15 15:06:59
SNAP, a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library
#include <xml.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | SkipWs () |
TXmlLx (const PSIn &_SIn, const TXmlSpacing &_Spacing=xspIntact) | |
TXmlLx & | operator= (const TXmlLx &) |
TXmlLxSym | GetSym () |
TStr | GetSymStr () const |
void | EThrow (const TStr &MsgStr) const |
TStr | GetFPosStr () const |
void | ClrArgV () |
void | AddArg (const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &ArgVal) |
bool | IsArgNm (const TStr &ArgNm) const |
int | GetArgs () const |
void | GetArg (const int &ArgN, TStr &ArgNm, TStr &ArgVal) const |
TStr | GetArgVal (const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &DfVal=TStr()) const |
bool | IsEntityNm (const TStr &EntityNm, TStr &EntityVal) const |
void | PutEntityVal (const TStr &Nm, const TStr &Val) |
bool | IsPEntityNm (const TStr &EntityNm, TStr &EntityVal) const |
void | PutPEntityVal (const TStr &Nm, const TStr &Val) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static char | GetArgValQCh (const TStr &ArgVal) |
static TStr | GetXmlLxSymStr (const TXmlLxSym &XmlLxSym) |
static bool | IsTagNm (const TStr &Str) |
static TStr | GetXmlStrFromPlainMem (const TMem &PlainMem) |
static TStr | GetXmlStrFromPlainStr (const TChA &PlainChA) |
static TStr | GetPlainStrFromXmlStr (const TStr &XmlStr) |
static TStr | GetUsAsciiStrFromXmlStr (const TStr &EntRefStr) |
static TStr | GetChRefFromYuEntRef (const TStr &YuEntRefStr) |
Public Attributes | |
TXmlLxSym | Sym |
TChA | TxtChA |
TStr | TagNm |
TStrKdV | ArgNmValKdV |
Private Member Functions | |
uchar | GetCh () |
void | PutCh (const uchar &_Ch) |
void | PutStr (const TStr &Str) |
void | ToNrSpacing () |
void | GetWs (const bool &IsRq) |
TStr | GetReference () |
void | GetEq () |
TStr | GetName () |
TStr | GetName (const TStr &RqNm) |
void | GetComment () |
TStr | GetAttValue () |
TStr | GetVersionNum () |
TStr | GetEncName () |
TStr | GetStalVal () |
void | GetXmlDecl () |
void | GetPI () |
TStr | GetSystemLiteral () |
TStr | GetPubidLiteral () |
TStr | GetPEReference () |
void | GetExternalId () |
void | GetNData () |
void | GetDocTypeDecl () |
void | GetElement () |
void | GetAttList () |
TStr | GetEntityValue () |
void | GetEntity () |
void | GetNotation () |
void | GetCDSect () |
Private Attributes | |
PSIn | SIn |
TSIn & | RSIn |
TChA | ChStack |
uchar | PrevCh |
uchar | Ch |
int | LnN |
int | LnChN |
int | ChN |
TXmlSpacing | Spacing |
TStrStrH | EntityNmToValH |
TStrStrH | PEntityNmToValH |
Static Private Attributes | |
static TXmlChDef | ChDef |
TXmlLx::TXmlLx | ( | const PSIn & | _SIn, |
const TXmlSpacing & | _Spacing = xspIntact |
) | [inline] |
void TXmlLx::AddArg | ( | const TStr & | ArgNm, |
const TStr & | ArgVal | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 159 of file xml.h.
{ ArgNmValKdV.Add(TStrKd(ArgNm, ArgVal));}
void TXmlLx::ClrArgV | ( | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 158 of file xml.h.
void TXmlLx::EThrow | ( | const TStr & | MsgStr | ) | const |
Definition at line 885 of file xml.cpp.
{ TChA FPosChA; FPosChA+=" [File:"; FPosChA+=SIn->GetSNm(); FPosChA+=" Line:"; FPosChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnN); FPosChA+=" Char:"; FPosChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnChN); FPosChA+="]"; TStr FullMsgStr=MsgStr+FPosChA; TExcept::Throw(FullMsgStr); }
void TXmlLx::GetArg | ( | const int & | ArgN, |
TStr & | ArgNm, | ||
TStr & | ArgVal | ||
) | const [inline] |
Definition at line 164 of file xml.h.
{ ArgNm=ArgNmValKdV[ArgN].Key; ArgVal=ArgNmValKdV[ArgN].Dat;}
int TXmlLx::GetArgs | ( | ) | const [inline] |
Definition at line 163 of file xml.h.
{return ArgNmValKdV.Len();}
TStr TXmlLx::GetArgVal | ( | const TStr & | ArgNm, |
const TStr & | DfVal = TStr() |
) | const [inline] |
Definition at line 166 of file xml.h.
{ int ArgN=ArgNmValKdV.SearchForw(TStrKd(ArgNm)); if (ArgN==-1){return DfVal;} else {return ArgNmValKdV[ArgN].Dat;}}
static char TXmlLx::GetArgValQCh | ( | const TStr & | ArgVal | ) | [inline, static] |
void TXmlLx::GetAttList | ( | ) | [private] |
TStr TXmlLx::GetAttValue | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 457 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [10] AttValue ::= '"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"' // | "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'" uchar QCh=Ch; if ((QCh!='"')&&(QCh!='\'')){EThrow("Invalid attribute-value start.");} TChA ValChA; GetCh(); forever { if ((Ch=='<')||(!ChDef.IsChar(Ch))){ EThrow("Invalid attribute-value character.");} if (Ch==QCh){GetCh(); break;} // final quote else if (Ch=='&'){GetCh(); ValChA+=GetReference();} // reference else {ValChA+=Ch; GetCh();} // usual char } return ValChA; }
void TXmlLx::GetCDSect | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 733 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [18] CDSect ::= CDStart CData CDEnd // [19] CDStart ::= '<![CDATA{{['}} // [20] CData ::= (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char*)) // [21] CDEnd ::= ']]>' if (Ch=='['){GetCh();} else {EThrow("Invalid start of CDATA section.");} TxtChA.Clr(); forever { if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid CDATA character.");} if ((Ch=='>')&&(TxtChA.Len()>=2)&& (TxtChA.LastLastCh()==']') && (TxtChA.LastCh()==']')){ GetCh(); TxtChA.Pop(); TxtChA.Pop(); break; } else { TxtChA+=Ch; GetCh(); } } }
uchar TXmlLx::GetCh | ( | ) | [private] |
TStr TXmlLx::GetChRefFromYuEntRef | ( | const TStr & | YuEntRefStr | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 1066 of file xml.cpp.
{ TStr ChRefStr=YuEntRefStr; ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&ch;", "è"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Ch;", "È"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&sh;", "š"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Sh;", "Š"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&zh;", "ž"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Zh;", "Ž"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&cs", "c"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Cs;", "C"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&dz;", "dz"); ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Dz;", "Dz"); return ChRefStr; }
void TXmlLx::GetComment | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 436 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [15] Comment ::= {{'<!-}}-' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->' if (GetCh()!='-'){EThrow("Invalid comment start.");} TxtChA.Clr(); forever { GetCh(); if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid comment character.");} if (Ch=='-'){ if (GetCh()=='-'){ if (GetCh()=='>'){GetCh(); break;} // final bracket else {EThrow("Invalid comment end.");} } else { if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid comment character.");} TxtChA+='-'; TxtChA+=Ch; // special case if single '-' } } else { TxtChA+=Ch; // usual char } } }
void TXmlLx::GetDocTypeDecl | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 627 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [28] doctypedecl ::= {{'<!DOCTYPE'}} S Name (S ExternalID)? S? // ('[' (markupdecl | PEReference | S)* ']' S?)? '>' GetWs(true); TStr DocTypeDeclNm=GetName(); GetWs(false); if (Ch=='>'){GetCh(); return;} if (Ch!='['){GetExternalId();} GetWs(false); if (Ch=='['){ GetCh(); // [28] (markupdecl | PEReference | S)* GetWs(false); while (Ch!=']'){ if (ChDef.IsWs(Ch)){GetWs(true);} else if (Ch=='%'){GetPEReference();} else { GetSym(); } } GetCh(); } GetWs(false); // '>' if (Ch=='>'){GetCh();} else {EThrow("Invalid end-of-tag in document-type-declaration.");} TagNm=DocTypeDeclNm; }
void TXmlLx::GetElement | ( | ) | [private] |
TStr TXmlLx::GetEncName | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 493 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [80] EncodingDecl ::= {{S 'encoding' Eq}} ('"' EncName '"' | "'" EncName "'" ) // [81] EncName ::= [A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')* char QCh=Ch; if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");} TChA EncNmChA; GetCh(); if ((('a'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='z'))||(('A'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='Z'))){EncNmChA+=Ch;} else {EThrow("Invalid encoding-name character.");} GetCh(); while (Ch!=QCh){ if ((('a'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='z'))||(('A'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='Z'))|| (('0'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='9'))||(Ch=='.')||(Ch=='_')||(Ch=='-')){EncNmChA+=Ch;} else {EThrow("Invalid version-number character.");} GetCh(); } GetCh(); return EncNmChA; }
void TXmlLx::GetEntity | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 690 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [70] EntityDecl ::= GEDecl | PEDecl // [71] GEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>' // [72] PEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S? '>' GetWs(true); TStr EntityNm; if (Ch=='%'){ GetCh(); GetWs(true); EntityNm=GetName(); GetWs(true); // [74] PEDef ::= EntityValue | ExternalID if ((Ch=='\"')||(Ch=='\'')){ TStr EntityVal=GetEntityValue(); PutPEntityVal(EntityNm, EntityVal); } else { GetExternalId(); GetWs(false); if (Ch!='>'){GetNData();} } } else { EntityNm=GetName(); GetWs(true); // [73] EntityDef ::= EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?) if ((Ch=='\"')||(Ch=='\'')){ TStr EntityVal=GetEntityValue(); PutEntityVal(EntityNm, EntityVal); } else { GetExternalId(); } } GetWs(false); if (Ch=='>'){GetCh();} else {EThrow("Invalid end-of-tag in entity-declaration.");} TagNm=EntityNm; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetEntityValue | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 674 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [9] EntityValue ::= '"' ([^%&"] | PEReference | Reference)* '"' // | "'" ([^%&'] | PEReference | Reference)* "'" uchar QCh=Ch; if ((QCh!='"')&&(QCh!='\'')){EThrow("Invalid entity-value start.");} TChA ValChA; GetCh(); forever { if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid entity-value character.");} if (Ch==QCh){GetCh(); break;} // final quote else if (Ch=='&'){GetCh(); ValChA+=GetReference();} // reference else if (Ch=='%'){GetCh(); ValChA+=GetPEReference();} // pereference else {ValChA+=Ch; GetCh();} // usual char } return ValChA; }
void TXmlLx::GetEq | ( | ) | [private] |
void TXmlLx::GetExternalId | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 609 of file xml.cpp.
{ // ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral // | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral TStr ExtIdNm=GetName(); if (ExtIdNm=="SYSTEM"){ GetWs(true); GetSystemLiteral(); } else if (ExtIdNm=="PUBLIC"){ GetWs(true); GetPubidLiteral(); GetWs(true); GetSystemLiteral(); } else { EThrow("Invalid external-id ('SYSTEM' or 'PUBLIC' expected)."); } }
TStr TXmlLx::GetFPosStr | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 895 of file xml.cpp.
{ TChA FPosChA; FPosChA+=" [File:"; FPosChA+=SIn->GetSNm(); FPosChA+=" Line:"; FPosChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnN); FPosChA+=" Char:"; FPosChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnChN); FPosChA+="]"; return FPosChA; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetName | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 416 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [5] Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)* TChA NmChA; if (ChDef.IsFirstNameCh(Ch)){ do {NmChA+=Ch;} while (ChDef.IsName(GetCh())); } else { EThrow("Invalid first name character."); // EThrow(TStr::Fmt("Invalid first name character [%u:'%c%c%c%c%c'].", // uint(Ch), Ch, RSIn.GetCh(), RSIn.GetCh(), RSIn.GetCh(), RSIn.GetCh())); } return NmChA; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetName | ( | const TStr & | RqNm | ) | [private] |
void TXmlLx::GetNData | ( | ) | [private] |
void TXmlLx::GetNotation | ( | ) | [private] |
TStr TXmlLx::GetPEReference | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 397 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [69] PEReference ::= '%' Name ';' TStr EntityNm=GetName(); if ((EntityNm.Empty())||(Ch!=';')){EThrow("Invalid PEntity-Reference.");} GetCh(); TStr EntityVal; if (IsPEntityNm(EntityNm, EntityVal)){/*intentionaly empty*/} else {EThrow(TStr("PEntity-Reference (")+EntityNm+") does not exist.");} return EntityVal; }
void TXmlLx::GetPI | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 562 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [16] PI ::= {{'<?' PITarget}} (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>' // [17] PITarget ::= Name - (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' | 'l')) GetWs(false); TxtChA.Clr(); forever { if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid PI character.");} if (Ch=='?'){ if (GetCh()=='>'){ GetCh(); break; } else { if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid PI character.");} TxtChA+='?'; TxtChA+=Ch; // special case if single '?' } } else { TxtChA+=Ch; // usual char } GetCh(); } }
TStr TXmlLx::GetPlainStrFromXmlStr | ( | const TStr & | XmlStr | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 991 of file xml.cpp.
{ TChA PlainChA; TChRet Ch(TStrIn::New(XmlStr)); Ch.GetCh(); while (!Ch.Eof()){ if (Ch()!='&'){ PlainChA+=Ch(); Ch.GetCh(); } else { // [67] Reference ::= EntityRef | CharRef if (Ch.GetCh()=='#'){ // [66] CharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' TChA RefChA; int RefCd=0; if (Ch.GetCh()=='x'){ // hex-decimal character code forever { Ch.GetCh(); if (TCh::IsHex(Ch())){ RefChA+=Ch(); RefCd=RefCd*16+TCh::GetHex(Ch()); } else { break; } } } else { // decimal character code forever { if (TCh::IsNum(Ch())){ RefChA+=Ch(); RefCd=RefCd*10+TCh::GetNum(Ch()); } else { break; } Ch.GetCh(); } } if ((!RefChA.Empty())&&(Ch()==';')){ Ch.GetCh(); uchar RefCh=uchar(RefCd); PlainChA+=RefCh; } } else { // [68] EntityRef ::= '&' Name ';' TChA EntityNm; while ((!Ch.Eof())&&(Ch()!=';')){ EntityNm+=Ch(); Ch.GetCh();} if ((!EntityNm.Empty())&&(Ch()==';')){ Ch.GetCh(); if (EntityNm=="quot"){PlainChA+='"';} else if (EntityNm=="amp"){PlainChA+='&';} else if (EntityNm=="apos"){PlainChA+='\'';} else if (EntityNm=="lt"){PlainChA+='<';} else if (EntityNm=="gt"){PlainChA+='>';} } } } } return PlainChA; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetPubidLiteral | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 596 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [12] PubidLiteral ::= '"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'" char QCh=Ch; if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");} TChA LitChA; GetCh(); while (Ch!=QCh){ if (!ChDef.IsPubid(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid Public-Id-Literal character.");} LitChA+=Ch; GetCh(); } GetCh(); return LitChA; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetReference | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 340 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [67] Reference ::= EntityRef | CharRef if (Ch=='#'){ // [66] CharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' TChA RefChA; int RefCd=0; if (GetCh()=='x'){ // hex-decimal character code forever { GetCh(); if (TCh::IsHex(Ch)){ RefChA+=Ch; RefCd=RefCd*16+TCh::GetHex(Ch); } else { break; } } } else { // decimal character code forever { if (TCh::IsNum(Ch)){ RefChA+=Ch; RefCd=RefCd*10+TCh::GetNum(Ch); } else { break; } GetCh(); } } if ((!RefChA.Empty())&&(Ch==';')){ GetCh(); if (RefCd < 0x100) { // 8-bit char uchar RefCh=uchar(RefCd); return TStr(RefCh); } else { TStr ResStr = TUStr::EncodeUtf8(RefCd); return ResStr; } } else { EThrow("Invalid Char-Reference."); Fail; return TStr(); } } else { // [68] EntityRef ::= '&' Name ';' TStr EntityNm=GetName(); if ((!EntityNm.Empty())&&(Ch==';')){ GetCh(); TStr EntityVal; if (IsEntityNm(EntityNm, EntityVal)){/*intentionaly empty*/} else if (ChDef.IsEntityNm(EntityNm, EntityVal)){/*intentionaly empty*/} else {EThrow(TStr("Entity-Reference (")+EntityNm+") does not exist.");} return EntityVal; } else { EThrow("Invalid Entity-Reference."); Fail; return TStr(); } } }
TStr TXmlLx::GetStalVal | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 513 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [32] SDDecl ::= {{S 'standalone' Eq}} // (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"')) char QCh=Ch; if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");} TChA StalChA; GetCh(); while (Ch!=QCh){ if (('a'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='z')){StalChA+=Ch;} else {EThrow("Invalid standalone-value character.");} GetCh(); } GetCh(); TStr StalVal=StalChA; if ((StalVal=="yes")||(StalVal=="no")){return StalVal;} else {EThrow("Invalid standalone-value."); Fail; return TStr();} }
Definition at line 757 of file xml.cpp.
{ if (Ch=='<'){ GetCh(); ClrArgV(); if (Ch=='?'){ GetCh(); TagNm=GetName(); if (TagNm.GetLc()=="xml"){Sym=xsyXmlDecl; GetXmlDecl();} else {Sym=xsyPI; GetPI();} } else if (Ch=='!'){ GetCh(); if (Ch=='['){ GetCh(); TagNm=GetName(); if (TagNm=="CDATA"){Sym=xsyQStr; GetCDSect();} else {EThrow(TStr("Invalid tag after '<![' (")+TagNm+").");} } else if (Ch=='-'){ Sym=xsyComment; GetComment(); } else { TagNm=GetName(); if (TagNm=="DOCTYPE"){GetDocTypeDecl(); Sym=xsyDocTypeDecl;} else if (TagNm=="ELEMENT"){GetElement(); Sym=xsyElement;} else if (TagNm=="ATTLIST"){GetAttList(); Sym=xsyAttList;} else if (TagNm=="ENTITY"){GetEntity(); Sym=xsyEntity;} else if (TagNm=="NOTATION"){GetNotation(); Sym=xsyNotation;} else {EThrow(TStr("Invalid tag (")+TagNm+").");} } } else if (Ch=='/'){ // xsyETag GetCh(); Sym=xsyETag; TagNm=GetName(); GetWs(false); if (Ch=='>'){GetCh();} else {EThrow("Invalid End-Tag.");} } else { // xsySTag or xsySETag TagNm=GetName(); GetWs(false); while ((Ch!='>')&&(Ch!='/')){ TStr AttrNm=GetName(); GetEq(); TStr AttrVal=GetAttValue(); GetWs(false); AddArg(AttrNm, AttrVal); } if (Ch=='/'){ if (GetCh()=='>'){Sym=xsySETag; GetCh();} else {EThrow("Invalid Empty-Element-Tag.");} } else { Sym=xsySTag; GetCh(); } } if (Spacing==xspTruncate){SkipWs();} } else if (ChDef.IsWs(Ch)){ Sym=xsyWs; GetWs(true); ToNrSpacing(); if (Spacing==xspTruncate){GetSym();} } else if (Ch==TCh::EofCh){ Sym=xsyEof; } else { Sym=xsyStr; TxtChA.Clr(); // [14] CharData ::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*) forever { if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){ EThrow(TUInt::GetStr(Ch, "Invalid character (%d)."));} // GetCh(); continue; // skip invalid characters if (Ch=='<'){break;} // tag if (Ch=='&'){GetCh(); TxtChA+=GetReference();} // reference else { if ((Ch=='>')&&(TxtChA.Len()>=2)&& (TxtChA.LastLastCh()==']')&&(TxtChA.LastCh()==']')){ EThrow("Forbidden substring ']]>' in character data.");} TxtChA+=Ch; GetCh(); // usual char } } ToNrSpacing(); } return Sym; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetSymStr | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 835 of file xml.cpp.
{ TChA SymChA; switch (Sym){ case xsyUndef: SymChA="{Undef}"; break; case xsyWs: SymChA+="{Space:'"; SymChA+=TStr(TxtChA).GetHex(); SymChA+="'}"; break; case xsyComment: SymChA+="<!--"; SymChA+=TxtChA; SymChA+="-->"; break; case xsyXmlDecl:{ SymChA+="<?"; SymChA+=TagNm; for (int ArgN=0; ArgN<GetArgs(); ArgN++){ TStr ArgNm; TStr ArgVal; GetArg(ArgN, ArgNm, ArgVal); char ArgValQCh=GetArgValQCh(ArgVal); SymChA+=' '; SymChA+=ArgNm; SymChA+='='; SymChA+=ArgValQCh; SymChA+=ArgVal; SymChA+=ArgValQCh; } SymChA+="?>"; break;} case xsyPI: SymChA+="<?"; SymChA+=TagNm; if (!TxtChA.Empty()){SymChA+=' '; SymChA+=TxtChA;} SymChA+="?>"; break; case xsyDocTypeDecl: SymChA+="<!DOCTYPE "; SymChA+=TagNm; SymChA+=">"; break; case xsySTag: case xsySETag:{ SymChA+="<"; SymChA+=TagNm; for (int ArgN=0; ArgN<GetArgs(); ArgN++){ TStr ArgNm; TStr ArgVal; GetArg(ArgN, ArgNm, ArgVal); char ArgValQCh=GetArgValQCh(ArgVal); SymChA+=' '; SymChA+=ArgNm; SymChA+='='; SymChA+=ArgValQCh; SymChA+=ArgVal; SymChA+=ArgValQCh; } if (Sym==xsySTag){SymChA+=">";} else if (Sym==xsySETag){SymChA+="/>";} else {Fail;} break;} case xsyETag: SymChA+="</"; SymChA+=TagNm; SymChA+=">"; break; case xsyStr: SymChA="{String:'"; SymChA+=TxtChA; SymChA+="'}"; break; case xsyQStr: SymChA="{QString:'"; SymChA+=TxtChA; SymChA+="'}"; break; case xsyEof: SymChA="{Eof}"; break; default: Fail; } return SymChA; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetSystemLiteral | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 583 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [11] SystemLiteral ::= ('"' [^"]* '"') | ("'" [^']* "'") char QCh=Ch; if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");} TChA LitChA; GetCh(); while (Ch!=QCh){ if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid System-Literal character.");} LitChA+=Ch; GetCh(); } GetCh(); return LitChA; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetUsAsciiStrFromXmlStr | ( | const TStr & | EntRefStr | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 1050 of file xml.cpp.
{ TStr UsAsciiStr=XmlStr; UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("è", "c"); UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("È", "C"); UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("š", "s"); UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("Š", "S"); UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("ž", "z"); UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("Ž", "Z"); TChA UsAsciiChA=TXmlLx::GetPlainStrFromXmlStr(UsAsciiStr); for (int ChN=0; ChN<UsAsciiChA.Len(); ChN++){ char Ch=UsAsciiChA[ChN]; if ((Ch<' ')||('~'<Ch)){UsAsciiChA.PutCh(ChN, 'x');} } return UsAsciiChA; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetVersionNum | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 473 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [24] VersionInfo ::= {{S 'version' Eq}} (' VersionNum ' | " VersionNum ") // [26] VersionNum ::= ([a-zA-Z0-9_.:] | '-')+ char QCh=Ch; if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");} TChA VerNumChA; GetCh(); do { if ((('a'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='z'))||(('A'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='Z'))|| (('0'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='9'))||(Ch=='_')||(Ch=='.')||(Ch==':')||(Ch=='-')){ VerNumChA+=Ch; } else { EThrow("Invalid version-number character."); } GetCh(); } while (Ch!=QCh); GetCh(); return VerNumChA; }
void TXmlLx::GetWs | ( | const bool & | IsRq | ) | [private] |
void TXmlLx::GetXmlDecl | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 531 of file xml.cpp.
{ // [23] XMLDecl ::= {{'<?xml'}}... VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>' // [24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq (' VersionNum ' | " VersionNum ") GetWs(true); TStr VerNm=GetName("version"); GetEq(); TStr VerVal=GetVersionNum(); if (VerVal!="1.0"){EThrow("Invalid XML version.");} AddArg(VerNm, VerVal); GetWs(false); if (Ch!='?'){ // EncodingDecl ::= {{S}} 'encoding' Eq // ('"' EncName '"' | "'" EncName "'" ) TStr EncNm=GetName("encoding"); GetEq(); TStr EncVal=GetEncName(); AddArg(EncNm, EncVal); } GetWs(false); if (Ch!='?'){ // SDDecl ::= {{S}} 'standalone' Eq // (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"')) TStr StalNm=GetName("standalone"); GetEq(); TStr StalVal=GetStalVal(); AddArg(StalNm, StalVal); } GetWs(false); if (Ch=='?'){ GetCh(); if (Ch=='>'){GetCh();} else {EThrow("Invalid end-of-tag in XML-declaration.");} } else { EThrow("Invalid end-of-tag in XML-declaration."); } }
TStr TXmlLx::GetXmlLxSymStr | ( | const TXmlLxSym & | XmlLxSym | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 904 of file xml.cpp.
{ switch (XmlLxSym){ case xsyUndef: return "Undef"; case xsyWs: return "White-Space"; case xsyComment: return "Comment"; case xsyXmlDecl: return "Declaration"; case xsyPI: return "PI"; case xsyDocTypeDecl: return "Document-Type"; case xsyElement: return "Element"; case xsyAttList: return "Attribute-List"; case xsyEntity: return "Entity"; case xsyNotation: return "Notation"; case xsyTag: return "Tag"; case xsySTag: return "Start-Tag"; case xsyETag: return "End-Tag"; case xsySETag: return "Start-End-Tag"; case xsyStr: return "String"; case xsyQStr: return "Quoted-String"; case xsyEof: return "Eon-Of-File"; default: return "Undef"; } }
TStr TXmlLx::GetXmlStrFromPlainMem | ( | const TMem & | PlainMem | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 945 of file xml.cpp.
{ TChA XmlChA; for (int ChN=0; ChN<PlainMem.Len(); ChN++){ uchar Ch=PlainMem[ChN]; if ((' '<=Ch)&&(Ch<='~')){ switch (Ch){ case '"': XmlChA+="""; break; case '&': XmlChA+="&"; break; case '\'': XmlChA+="'"; break; case '<': XmlChA+="<"; break; case '>': XmlChA+=">"; break; default: XmlChA+=Ch; } } else if ((Ch=='\r')||(Ch=='\n')){ XmlChA+=Ch; } else { XmlChA+='&'; XmlChA+='#'; XmlChA+=TUInt::GetStr(Ch); XmlChA+=';'; } } return XmlChA; }
TStr TXmlLx::GetXmlStrFromPlainStr | ( | const TChA & | PlainChA | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 968 of file xml.cpp.
{ TChA XmlChA; for (int ChN=0; ChN<PlainChA.Len(); ChN++){ uchar Ch=PlainChA[ChN]; if ((' '<=Ch)&&(Ch<='~')){ switch (Ch){ case '"': XmlChA+="""; break; case '&': XmlChA+="&"; break; case '\'': XmlChA+="'"; break; case '<': XmlChA+="<"; break; case '>': XmlChA+=">"; break; default: XmlChA+=Ch; } } else if ((Ch=='\r')||(Ch=='\n')){ XmlChA+=Ch; } else { XmlChA+='&'; XmlChA+='#'; XmlChA+=TUInt::GetStr(Ch); XmlChA+=';'; } } return XmlChA; }
bool TXmlLx::IsArgNm | ( | const TStr & | ArgNm | ) | const [inline] |
Definition at line 161 of file xml.h.
{ return ArgNmValKdV.IsIn(TStrKd(ArgNm));}
bool TXmlLx::IsEntityNm | ( | const TStr & | EntityNm, |
TStr & | EntityVal | ||
) | const [inline] |
Definition at line 173 of file xml.h.
{ return EntityNmToValH.IsKeyGetDat(EntityNm, EntityVal);}
bool TXmlLx::IsPEntityNm | ( | const TStr & | EntityNm, |
TStr & | EntityVal | ||
) | const [inline] |
Definition at line 177 of file xml.h.
{ return PEntityNmToValH.IsKeyGetDat(EntityNm, EntityVal);}
bool TXmlLx::IsTagNm | ( | const TStr & | Str | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 927 of file xml.cpp.
{ TChA ChA=Str; if (ChA.Len()>0){ if (TXmlLx::ChDef.IsFirstNameCh(ChA[0])){ for (int ChN=1; ChN<ChA.Len(); ChN++){ if (!TXmlLx::ChDef.IsName(ChA[ChN])){ return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
void TXmlLx::PutCh | ( | const uchar & | _Ch | ) | [inline, private] |
void TXmlLx::PutEntityVal | ( | const TStr & | Nm, |
const TStr & | Val | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 175 of file xml.h.
{ EntityNmToValH.AddDat(Nm, Val);}
void TXmlLx::PutPEntityVal | ( | const TStr & | Nm, |
const TStr & | Val | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 179 of file xml.h.
{ PEntityNmToValH.AddDat(Nm, Val);}
void TXmlLx::PutStr | ( | const TStr & | Str | ) | [inline, private] |
void TXmlLx::SkipWs | ( | ) |
void TXmlLx::ToNrSpacing | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 270 of file xml.cpp.
{ if (Spacing==xspIntact){ } else if (Spacing==xspPreserve){ int SrcChN=0; int DstChN=0; while (SrcChN<TxtChA.Len()){ if (TxtChA[SrcChN]==TCh::CrCh){ TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, TCh::LfCh); SrcChN++; DstChN++; if ((SrcChN<TxtChA.Len())&&(TxtChA[SrcChN]==TCh::LfCh)){SrcChN++;} } else { if (SrcChN!=DstChN){ TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, TxtChA[SrcChN]);} SrcChN++; DstChN++; } } TxtChA.Trunc(DstChN); } else if (Spacing==xspSeparate){ // squeeze series of white-spaces to single space int SrcChN=0; int DstChN=0; while (SrcChN<TxtChA.Len()){ if (ChDef.IsWs(TxtChA[SrcChN])){ if ((DstChN>0)&&(TxtChA[DstChN-1]==' ')){ SrcChN++; } else { TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, ' '); SrcChN++; DstChN++; } } else { TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, TxtChA[SrcChN]); SrcChN++; DstChN++; } } TxtChA.Trunc(DstChN); } else if (Spacing==xspTruncate){ // cut leading and trailing white-spaces and // squeeze series of white-spaces to single space int SrcChN=0; int DstChN=0; while (SrcChN<TxtChA.Len()){ if (ChDef.IsWs(TxtChA[SrcChN])){ if ((DstChN>0)&&(TxtChA[DstChN-1]==' ')){ SrcChN++; } else { TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, ' '); SrcChN++; DstChN++; } } else { TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, TxtChA[SrcChN]); SrcChN++; DstChN++; } } TxtChA.Trunc(DstChN); // delete trailing white-spaces while ((TxtChA.Len()>0)&&(ChDef.IsWs(TxtChA.LastCh()))){ TxtChA.Pop();} } else { Fail; } }
uchar TXmlLx::Ch [private] |
TXmlChDef TXmlLx::ChDef [static, private] |
int TXmlLx::ChN [private] |
TChA TXmlLx::ChStack [private] |
TStrStrH TXmlLx::EntityNmToValH [private] |
int TXmlLx::LnChN [private] |
int TXmlLx::LnN [private] |
TStrStrH TXmlLx::PEntityNmToValH [private] |
uchar TXmlLx::PrevCh [private] |
TSIn& TXmlLx::RSIn [private] |
PSIn TXmlLx::SIn [private] |
TXmlSpacing TXmlLx::Spacing [private] |