SNAP Library , User Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
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TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir > Class Template Reference

#include <bignet.h>

List of all members.


class  TEdgeI
class  TNode
class  TNodeI

Public Types

enum  { DelNId = INT_MAX }
typedef TNodeData TNodeDat
typedef TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir > TNet
typedef TPt< TNetPNet
typedef THash< TInt, TNodeTNodeH
typedef TPt< TBigNet
< TNodeData, IsDir > > 
typedef TVecPool< TIntTPool
typedef TPt< TPoolPPool

Public Member Functions

 TBigNet (const int &Nodes, const TSize &Edges, const bool &Sources=false)
 TBigNet (TSIn &SIn)
virtual ~TBigNet ()
virtual void Save (TSOut &SOut) const
TBigNetoperator= (const TBigNet &Net)
bool OnlySources () const
bool HasFlag (const TGraphFlag &Flag) const
void DumpFlags () const
int GetNodes () const
int GetMxNId () const
int AddNode (int NId, const int &InDeg, const int &OutDeg)
int AddNode (int NId, const int &InDeg, const int &OutDeg, const TNodeDat &NodeDat)
int AddNode (int NId, const TIntV &InNIdV, const TIntV &OutNIdV)
int AddNode (int NId, const TIntV &InNIdV, const TIntV &OutNIdV, const TNodeDat &NodeDat)
int AddUndirNode (int NId, const int &Deg)
int AddUndirNode (int NId, const int &Deg, const TNodeDat &NodeDat)
int AddUndirNode (int NId, const TIntV &EdgeNIdV)
int AddUndirNode (int NId, const TIntV &EdgeNIdV, const TNodeDat &NodeDat)
void SetInNIdV (int NId, const TIntV &InNIdV)
void SetOutNIdV (int NId, const TIntV &OutNIdV)
void GetInNIdV (int NId, TIntV &OutNIdV) const
void GetOutNIdV (int NId, TIntV &OutNIdV) const
bool IsNode (const int &NId) const
TNodeI BegNI () const
TNodeI EndNI () const
TNodeI GetNI (const int &NId) const
TNodeDatGetNDat (const int &NId)
const TNodeDatGetNDat (const int &NId) const
TEdgeI BegEI () const
TEdgeI EndEI () const
TEdgeI GetEI (const int &EId) const
int IsolateNode (int NId)
int DelNode (int NId)
bool IsIsoNode (const int &NId) const
uint GetDelEdges ()
void CompactEdgePool ()
::TSize GetEdges () const
int AddEdge (const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId)
bool IsEdge (const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, const bool &Dir=true) const
void SortEdgeV ()
void InvertFromSources (uint ExpectNodes=0)
void Rewire (TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
PNGraph GetNGraph (const bool &RenumberNodes=false) const
PNGraph GetSubNGraph (const TIntV &NIdV) const
PBigNet GetSubGraph (const TIntV &NIdV, const bool &RenumberNodes=false) const
void GetSubGraph (const TIntV &NIdV, TBigNet *NewNet, const bool &RenumberNodes=false) const
int GetRndNId (TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd) const
TNodeI GetRndNI (TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd) const
void GetNIdV (TIntV &NIdV) const
bool Empty () const
void Clr (const bool &DoDel=true)
void Reserve (const int &Nodes, const TSize &Edges)
void Defrag (const bool &OnlyNodeLinks=false)
bool IsOk () const
void Dump (const TStr &Desc=TStr()) const
void SaveForDisk (const TStr &OutFNm) const

Static Public Member Functions

static PBigNet New (const int &Nodes, const TSize &Edges, const bool &Sources=false)
static PBigNet Load (TSIn &SIn)
static void LoadNodeDatH (const TStr &InFNm, TNodeH &NodeH)
static void SaveToDisk (const TStr &InFNm, const TStr &OutFNm, const bool &SaveSparseHash)

Protected Member Functions

bool IsNode (const int &NId, TNode &Node) const
int * GetInNIdVPt (const int &NId) const
int * GetOutNIdVPt (const int &NId) const
const TNodeGetNode (const int &NId) const
TNodeGetNode (const int &NId)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void AddSorted (int *Beg, int *End, const int &Val)
static const int * BinSearch (const int *Beg, const int *End, const int &Val)
static const int * BinSearch2 (const int *Beg, const int *End, const int &Val)

Protected Attributes

TCRef CRef
TInt MxNId
TB32Set Flags
TPool Pool
TNodeH NodeH


class TPt< TBigNet >

Detailed Description

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
class TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >

Definition at line 4 of file bignet.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
typedef TPt<TBigNet<TNodeData, IsDir> > TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::PBigNet

Definition at line 13 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
typedef TPt<TNet> TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::PNet

Definition at line 8 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
typedef TPt<TPool> TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::PPool

Definition at line 15 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
typedef TBigNet<TNodeData, IsDir> TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::TNet

Definition at line 7 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
typedef TNodeData TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::TNodeDat

Definition at line 6 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
typedef THash<TInt, TNode> TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::TNodeH

Definition at line 10 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
typedef TVecPool<TInt> TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::TPool

Definition at line 14 of file bignet.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
anonymous enum

Definition at line 105 of file bignet.h.

{ DelNId = INT_MAX }; // id of a deleted node

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::TBigNet ( const int &  Nodes,
const TSize Edges,
const bool &  Sources = false 

Definition at line 265 of file bignet.h.

CRef(), MxNId(0), Flags(), Pool(IsDir ? 2*Edges:Edges, 10000000, true, TInt::Mx), NodeH(Nodes) {
  //if (IsDir) { Flags.Incl(gfDirected); }
  if (Sources) {
    IAssertR(! IsDir, "Jure: not clear what happens is graph is Undirected and has only sources.");
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::TBigNet ( TSIn SIn) [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file bignet.h.

: MxNId(SIn), Flags(SIn), Pool(SIn), NodeH(SIn) { TBool Dir(SIn); IAssert(Dir()==IsDir); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
virtual TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::~TBigNet ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 115 of file bignet.h.

{ }

Member Function Documentation

template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddEdge ( const int &  SrcNId,
const int &  DstNId 

Definition at line 514 of file bignet.h.

  TNode Src;  IAssert(IsNode(SrcNId, Src));
  int* OutV = (int *)Pool.GetValVPt(Src.OutVId);
  const int OutVLen = Pool.GetVLen(Src.OutVId);
  Assert(BinSearch(OutV, OutV+OutVLen, DstNId)==NULL); // no edge yet
  AddSorted(OutV, OutV+OutVLen, DstNId);
  if (! OnlySources()) {
    TNode Dst;  IAssert(IsNode(DstNId, Dst));
    int* InV = (int *)Pool.GetValVPt(Dst.InVId);
    const int InVLen = Pool.GetVLen(Dst.InVId);
    AddSorted(InV, InV+InVLen, SrcNId);
  return -1; // edge id
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddNode ( int  NId,
const int &  InDeg,
const int &  OutDeg 

Definition at line 297 of file bignet.h.

  if (NId == -1) { NId = MxNId;  MxNId.Val++; }
  else { MxNId = TMath::Mx(NId+1, MxNId()); }
  TNode& Node = NodeH.AddDat(NId);
  IAssertR(Node.IsUnused(), TStr::Fmt("NodeId %d already exists", NId));
  Node.InVId = Pool.AddEmptyV(InDeg);
  Node.OutVId = Pool.AddEmptyV(OutDeg);
  return NId;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddNode ( int  NId,
const int &  InDeg,
const int &  OutDeg,
const TNodeDat NodeDat 

Definition at line 309 of file bignet.h.

  if (NId == -1) { NId = MxNId;  MxNId.Val++; }
  else { MxNId = TMath::Mx(NId+1, MxNId()); }
  TNode& Node = NodeH.AddDat(NId);
  IAssertR(Node.IsUnused(), TStr::Fmt("NodeId %d already exists", NId));
  Node.InVId = Pool.AddEmptyV(InDeg);
  Node.OutVId = Pool.AddEmptyV(OutDeg);
  Node.Dat = NodeDat;
  return NId;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddNode ( int  NId,
const TIntV InNIdV,
const TIntV OutNIdV 

Definition at line 347 of file bignet.h.

  IAssert(InNIdV.IsSorted() && OutNIdV.IsSorted());
  if (NId == -1) { NId = MxNId;  MxNId.Val++; }
  else { MxNId = TMath::Mx(NId+1, MxNId()); }
  TNode& Node = NodeH.AddDat(NId);
  IAssertR(Node.IsUnused(), TStr::Fmt("NodeId %d already exists", NId));
  Node.InVId = Pool.AddV(InNIdV);
  Node.OutVId = Pool.AddV(OutNIdV);
  return NId;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddNode ( int  NId,
const TIntV InNIdV,
const TIntV OutNIdV,
const TNodeDat NodeDat 

Definition at line 360 of file bignet.h.

  IAssert(InNIdV.IsSorted() && OutNIdV.IsSorted());
  if (NId == -1) { NId = MxNId;  MxNId.Val++; }
  else { MxNId = TMath::Mx(NId+1, MxNId()); }
  TNode& Node = NodeH.AddDat(NId);
  IAssertR(Node.IsUnused(), TStr::Fmt("NodeId %d already exists", NId));
  Node.InVId = Pool.AddV(InNIdV);
  Node.OutVId = Pool.AddV(OutNIdV);
  Node.Dat = NodeDat;
  return NId;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddSorted ( int *  Beg,
int *  End,
const int &  Val 
) [static, protected]

Definition at line 225 of file bignet.h.

  // there is at least one free slot available for the Val
  IAssertR(*(End-1)==TInt::Mx, "Edge can not be added: no free space");
  // find position to insert
  int Half, Len = int(End-Beg);
  while (Len > 0) {
    Half = Len/2;
    int* Mid=Beg+Half;
    if (*Mid < Val) { Beg=Mid+1; Len=Len-Half-1; } else { Len=Half; } }
  IAssertR(*Beg != Val, "Value already existis");
  // insert
  memmove(Beg+1, Beg, sizeof(int)*(End-Beg-1));
  *Beg = Val;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddUndirNode ( int  NId,
const int &  Deg 

Definition at line 322 of file bignet.h.

  CAssert(! IsDir);
  if (NId == -1) { NId = MxNId;  MxNId.Val++; }
  else { MxNId = TMath::Mx(NId+1, MxNId()); }
  TNode& Node = NodeH.AddDat(NId);
  IAssertR(Node.IsUnused(), TStr::Fmt("NodeId %d already exists", NId));
  Node.InVId = Pool.AddEmptyV(Deg);
  Node.OutVId = Node.InVId; // same vector
  return NId;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddUndirNode ( int  NId,
const int &  Deg,
const TNodeDat NodeDat 

Definition at line 334 of file bignet.h.

  CAssert(! IsDir);
  if (NId == -1) { NId = MxNId;  MxNId.Val++; }
  else { MxNId = TMath::Mx(NId+1, MxNId()); }
  TNode& Node = NodeH.AddDat(NId);
  IAssertR(Node.IsUnused(), TStr::Fmt("NodeId %d already exists", NId));
  Node.InVId = Pool.AddEmptyV(Deg);
  Node.OutVId = Node.InVId; // same vector
  Node.Dat = NodeDat;
  return NId;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddUndirNode ( int  NId,
const TIntV EdgeNIdV 

Definition at line 374 of file bignet.h.

  CAssert(! IsDir);
  if (NId == -1) { NId = MxNId;  MxNId.Val++; }
  else { MxNId = TMath::Mx(NId+1, MxNId()); }
  TNode& Node = NodeH.AddDat(NId);
  IAssertR(Node.IsUnused(), TStr::Fmt("NodeId %d already exists", NId));
  Node.InVId = Pool.AddV(EdgeNIdV);
  Node.OutVId = Node.InVId;
  return NId;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::AddUndirNode ( int  NId,
const TIntV EdgeNIdV,
const TNodeDat NodeDat 

Definition at line 387 of file bignet.h.

  CAssert(! IsDir);
  if (NId == -1) { NId = MxNId;  MxNId.Val++; }
  else { MxNId = TMath::Mx(NId+1, MxNId()); }
  TNode& Node = NodeH.AddDat(NId);
  IAssertR(Node.IsUnused(), TStr::Fmt("NodeId %d already exists", NId));
  Node.InVId = Pool.AddV(EdgeNIdV);
  Node.OutVId = Node.InVId;
  Node.Dat = NodeDat;
  return NId;
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TEdgeI TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::BegEI ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 150 of file bignet.h.

{ TNodeI NI=BegNI();  while(NI<EndNI() && NI.GetOutDeg()==0) NI++;  return TEdgeI(NI, EndNI()); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TNodeI TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::BegNI ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 144 of file bignet.h.

{ return TNodeI(NodeH.BegI(), (TPool *)&Pool); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
const int * TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::BinSearch ( const int *  Beg,
const int *  End,
const int &  Val 
) [static, protected]

Definition at line 241 of file bignet.h.

  End--;  const int *Mid;
  while (Beg <= End) { Mid = Beg+(End-Beg)/2;
    if (*Mid == Val) { return Mid; }
    else if (Val < *Mid) { End=Mid-1; } else { Beg=Mid+1; }
  return NULL;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
const int * TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::BinSearch2 ( const int *  Beg,
const int *  End,
const int &  Val 
) [static, protected]

Definition at line 251 of file bignet.h.

  const int* First = Beg;
  const int* Last = End;
  const int* Mid;
  TSize len = End-Beg, half;
  while (len > 0) {
    half = len>>1;  Mid=First+half;
    if (*Mid < Val) { First = Mid; First++; len=len-half-1; }
    else { len=half; }
  return First==Last ? Last-1 : First;
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Clr ( const bool &  DoDel = true) [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file bignet.h.

{ MxNId = 0;  NodeH.Clr(DoDel); Pool.Clr(DoDel); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::CompactEdgePool ( )

Definition at line 509 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Defrag ( const bool &  OnlyNodeLinks = false) [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file bignet.h.

{ }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::DelNode ( int  NId)

Definition at line 478 of file bignet.h.

  const int DelEdges = IsolateNode(NId);
  return DelEdges;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Dump ( const TStr Desc = TStr()) const

Definition at line 1014 of file bignet.h.

  if (! Desc.Empty()) { printf("\n%s (%d, %u):\n", Desc.CStr(), GetNodes(), GetEdges()); }
  else { printf("\nNodes: %d,  Edges: %u\n", GetNodes(), GetEdges()); }
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) {
    printf("%d]\n  IN %d]", NI.GetId(), NI.GetInDeg());
    for (int i=0; i<NI.GetInDeg(); i++) { printf(" %d", NI.GetInNId(i)); }
    if (IsDir) {
      printf("\n  OUT %d]", NI.GetOutDeg());
      for (int i=0; i<NI.GetOutDeg(); i++) { printf(" %d", NI.GetOutNId(i)); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::DumpFlags ( ) const

Definition at line 287 of file bignet.h.

  for (int i = 1; i <int(gfMx); i++) {
    if (HasFlag(TGraphFlag(i))) { printf("  +"); }
    else { printf("  -"); }
    printf("%s", TSnap::GetFlagStr(TGraphFlag(i)).CStr());
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
bool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Empty ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 180 of file bignet.h.

{ return GetNodes()==0; }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TEdgeI TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::EndEI ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file bignet.h.

{ return TEdgeI(EndNI(), EndNI()); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TNodeI TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::EndNI ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 145 of file bignet.h.

{ return TNodeI(NodeH.EndI(), (TPool *)&Pool); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
uint TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetDelEdges ( )

Definition at line 495 of file bignet.h.

  uint DelEdges = 0;
  TIntV OutV;
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    GetOutNIdV(NId, OutV);
    for (int i = 0; i < OutV.Len(); i++) {
      if (OutV[i] == DelNId) { DelEdges++; }
  return DelEdges;
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
::TSize TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetEdges ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 162 of file bignet.h.

{ return Pool.GetVals(); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TEdgeI TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetEI ( const int &  EId) const
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetInNIdV ( int  NId,
TIntV OutNIdV 
) const

Definition at line 417 of file bignet.h.

  TNode Node;  EAssertR(IsNode(NId, Node), TStr::Fmt("Not node: NId=%d\n", NId).CStr());
  Pool.GetV(Node.InVId, InNIdV);
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
int* TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetInNIdVPt ( const int &  NId) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 97 of file bignet.h.

{ return (int *) Pool.GetValVPt(GetNode(NId).InVId); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetMxNId ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 130 of file bignet.h.

{ return MxNId; }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TNodeDat& TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetNDat ( const int &  NId) [inline]

Definition at line 147 of file bignet.h.

{ return NodeH.GetDat(NId).Dat; }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
const TNodeDat& TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetNDat ( const int &  NId) const [inline]

Definition at line 148 of file bignet.h.

{ return NodeH.GetDat(NId).Dat; }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
PNGraph TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetNGraph ( const bool &  RenumberNodes = false) const

Definition at line 743 of file bignet.h.

  IAssert(RenumberNodes == false);
  PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New();
  Graph->Reserve(GetNodes(), 0);
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) {
    Graph->AddNode(NI.GetId(), Pool, NI.GetInVId(), NI.GetOutVId());
  return Graph;
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TNodeI TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetNI ( const int &  NId) const [inline]

Definition at line 146 of file bignet.h.

{ return TNodeI(NodeH.GetI(NId), (TPool *)&Pool); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetNIdV ( TIntV NIdV) const

Definition at line 546 of file bignet.h.

  NIdV.Reserve(GetNodes(), 0);
  for (typename TNodeH::TIter I = NodeH.BegI(); I < NodeH.EndI(); I++) {
    NIdV.Add(I->Key); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
const TNode& TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetNode ( const int &  NId) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 102 of file bignet.h.

{ return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TNode& TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetNode ( const int &  NId) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 103 of file bignet.h.

{ return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetNodes ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file bignet.h.

{ return NodeH.Len(); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetOutNIdV ( int  NId,
TIntV OutNIdV 
) const

Definition at line 423 of file bignet.h.

  TNode Node;  EAssert(IsNode(NId, Node));
  Pool.GetV(Node.OutVId, OutNIdV);
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
int* TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetOutNIdVPt ( const int &  NId) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 98 of file bignet.h.

{ return (int *) Pool.GetValVPt(GetNode(NId).OutVId); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TNodeI TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetRndNI ( TRnd Rnd = TInt::Rnd) const [inline]

Definition at line 177 of file bignet.h.

{ return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetRndNId ( TRnd Rnd = TInt::Rnd) const [inline]

Definition at line 176 of file bignet.h.

{ return NodeH.GetKey(NodeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd)); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
TPt< TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir > > TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetSubGraph ( const TIntV NIdV,
const bool &  RenumberNodes = false 
) const

Definition at line 783 of file bignet.h.

  const bool isDir = IsDir, onlySources = HasFlag(gfSources);
  TSize Edges=0;
  // find in- and out-degree
  TSparseHash<TInt, TIntPr> NIdDegH(NIdV.Len());
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) { NIdDegH.AddDat(NIdV[i]); }
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
    const TNodeI NI = GetNI(NIdV[i]);
    int InDeg=0, OutDeg=0;
    for (int n = 0; n < NI.GetOutDeg(); n++) {
      if (NIdDegH.IsKey(NI.GetOutNId(n))) OutDeg++; }
    if (! onlySources && isDir) {
      for (int n = 0; n < NI.GetInDeg(); n++) {
        if (NIdDegH.IsKey(NI.GetInNId(n))) InDeg++; }
    Edges += OutDeg;
    NIdDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]) = TIntPr(InDeg, OutDeg);
  // make network
  typedef TBigNet<TNodeData, IsDir> TBNet;
  TPt<TBNet> NewNetPt = TBNet::New(NIdV.Len(), Edges, HasFlag(gfDirected));
  TBNet& NewNet = *NewNetPt;
  NewNet.Flags = Flags;
  // add nodes
  if (isDir || onlySources) {
    for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
      const TIntPr& Deg = NIdDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]);
      NewNet.AddNode(NIdV[i], Deg.Val1, Deg.Val2, GetNDat(NIdV[i])); } // also copy the node data
  } else {
    for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
      const TIntPr& Deg = NIdDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]);
      NewNet.AddUndirNode(NIdV[i], Deg.Val2, GetNDat(NIdV[i])); } // also copy the node data
  // add edges
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
    int NId = NIdV[i];
    const TNodeI NI = GetNI(NId);
    int *NIdVPt = (int *) NewNet.GetOutNIdVPt(NId);
    int deg = 0;
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
      const int Dst = NI.GetOutNId(e);
      if (NewNet.IsNode(Dst)) {
        *NIdVPt = Dst;  NIdVPt++;  deg++; }
    EAssert(deg == NIdDegH.GetDat(NId).Val2);
    if (isDir && ! onlySources) {
      EAssert((NI.GetInVId()==NI.GetOutVId() && NI.GetInVId()==0)
        || (NI.GetInVId() != NI.GetOutVId()));
      int * NIdVPt = (int *) NewNet.GetInNIdVPt(NId);
      int deg = 0;
      for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) {
        const int Dst = NI.GetInNId(e);
        if (NewNet.IsNode(Dst)) {
          *NIdVPt = Dst;  NIdVPt++;  deg++; }
      EAssert(deg == NIdDegH.GetDat(NId).Val1);
  return NewNetPt;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetSubGraph ( const TIntV NIdV,
TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir > *  NewNet,
const bool &  RenumberNodes = false 
) const

Definition at line 845 of file bignet.h.

  printf("Set subgraph on %d nodes\n", NIdV.Len()); TExeTm ExeTm;
  const bool isDir = IsDir, onlySources = HasFlag(gfSources);
  TSize Edges=0;
  // find in- and out-degree
  THash<TInt, TIntPr> NIdDegH(NIdV.Len());
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) { NIdDegH.AddDat(NIdV[i]); }
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
    const TNodeI NI = GetNI(NIdV[i]);
    int InDeg=0, OutDeg=0;
    for (int n = 0; n < NI.GetOutDeg(); n++) {
      if (NIdDegH.IsKey(NI.GetOutNId(n))) OutDeg++; }
    if (! onlySources && isDir) {
      for (int n = 0; n < NI.GetInDeg(); n++) {
        if (NIdDegH.IsKey(NI.GetInNId(n))) InDeg++; }
    Edges += OutDeg;
    NIdDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]) = TIntPr(InDeg, OutDeg);
  // make network
  //typedef TBigNet<TNodeData, IsDir> TBNet;
  //TPt<TBNet> NewNetPt = TBNet::New(NIdV.Len(), Edges, HasFlag(gfDirected));
  NewNetPt->Reserve(NIdV.Len(), Edges);
  TBigNet<TNodeData, IsDir>& NewNet = *NewNetPt;
  NewNet.Flags = Flags;
  TIntSet NIdMap;
  // add nodes
  if (! RenumberNodes) {
    if (isDir || onlySources) {
      for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
        const TIntPr& Deg = NIdDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]);
        NewNet.AddNode(NIdV[i], Deg.Val1, Deg.Val2, GetNDat(NIdV[i])); } // also copy the node data
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
        const TIntPr& Deg = NIdDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]);
        NewNet.AddUndirNode(NIdV[i], Deg.Val2, GetNDat(NIdV[i])); } // also copy the node data
  } else { // renumber nodes
    for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) { NIdMap.AddKey(NIdV[i]);  }
    if (isDir || onlySources) {
      for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
        const TIntPr& Deg = NIdDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]);
        NewNet.AddNode(NIdMap.GetKeyId(NIdV[i]), Deg.Val1, Deg.Val2, GetNDat(NIdV[i])); } // also copy the node data
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
        const TIntPr& Deg = NIdDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]);
        NewNet.AddUndirNode(NIdMap.GetKeyId(NIdV[i]), Deg.Val2, GetNDat(NIdV[i])); } // also copy the node data
  // add edges
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
    int NId = NIdV[i];
    const TNodeI NI = GetNI(NId);
    int *NIdVPt = (int *) NewNet.GetOutNIdVPt(RenumberNodes?NIdMap.GetKeyId(NId):NId);
    int deg = 0;
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
      const int Dst = RenumberNodes?NIdMap.GetKeyId(NI.GetOutNId(e)):NI.GetOutNId(e);
      if (NewNet.IsNode(Dst)) {
        *NIdVPt = Dst;  NIdVPt++;  deg++; }
    EAssert(deg == NIdDegH.GetDat(NId).Val2);
    if (isDir && ! onlySources) {
      EAssert((NI.GetInVId()==NI.GetOutVId() && NI.GetInVId()==0)
        || (NI.GetInVId() != NI.GetOutVId()));
      int * NIdVPt = (int *) NewNet.GetInNIdVPt(RenumberNodes?NIdMap.GetKeyId(NId):NId);
      int deg = 0;
      for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) {
        const int Dst = RenumberNodes?NIdMap.GetKeyId(NI.GetInNId(e)):NI.GetInNId(e);
        if (NewNet.IsNode(Dst)) {
          *NIdVPt = Dst;  NIdVPt++;  deg++; }
      EAssert(deg == NIdDegH.GetDat(NId).Val1);
  printf("  %u edges [%s]\n", uint(Edges), ExeTm.GetStr());
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
PNGraph TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetSubNGraph ( const TIntV NIdV) const

Definition at line 754 of file bignet.h.

  PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(NIdV.Len(), 0);
  // add nodes
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
    Graph->AddNode(NIdV[i]); }
  // reserve node in- and out-degree
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
    const int SrcNId = NIdV[i];
    const TNodeI NI = GetNI(SrcNId);
    int InDeg=0, OutDeg=0;
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) { if (Graph->IsNode(NI.GetInNId(e))) InDeg++; }
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) { if (Graph->IsNode(NI.GetOutNId(e))) OutDeg++; }
    Graph->ReserveNIdInDeg(SrcNId, InDeg);
    Graph->ReserveNIdOutDeg(SrcNId, OutDeg);
  // add edges
  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
    const int SrcNId = NIdV[i];
    const TNodeI NI = GetNI(SrcNId);
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
      const int DstNId = NI.GetOutNId(e);
      if (Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) {
        Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId); }
  return Graph;
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
bool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::HasFlag ( const TGraphFlag Flag) const [inline]

Definition at line 124 of file bignet.h.

    return HasGraphFlag(typename TBigNet, Flag) || (Flag==gfSources && OnlySources()); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::InvertFromSources ( uint  ExpectNodes = 0)

Definition at line 581 of file bignet.h.

  typedef THash<TInt, TInt> TDegHash;
  typedef int* TIntPt;
  if (ExpectNodes == 0) ExpectNodes=4*GetNodes();
  printf("\nInverting BigNet: reserved for %s nodes\n", TInt::GetMegaStr(ExpectNodes).CStr());
  TDegHash InDegH(ExpectNodes);
  TSize NDest=0;
  // get node in-degree
  uint c=0;  TExeTm ExeTm;
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++, c++) {
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
      InDegH.AddDat(NI.GetOutNId(e)) += 1; }
    if (c%100000==0) printf("\r%s h:%d [%g]    ", TInt::GetMegaStr(c).CStr(), InDegH.Len(), ExeTm.GetSecs());
  printf("\n Resizing NodePool: %lld -> %lld\n", uint64(Pool.Reserved()), uint64(GetEdges()));
  if (2*GetEdges() > Pool.Reserved()) {
    Pool.Reserve(2*GetEdges()); }
  // add nodes
  printf("NodeH: %s nodes, InDeg: %s nodes, Reserve: %s\n", TInt::GetMegaStr(NodeH.Len()).CStr(),
    TInt::GetMegaStr(InDegH.Len()).CStr(), TInt::GetMegaStr(ExpectNodes).CStr());
  for (TDegHash::TIter I = InDegH.BegI(); I < InDegH.EndI(); I++) {
    const int NId = I->Key, InDeg = I->Dat;
    if (! IsNode(NId)) {
      AddNode(NId, InDeg, 0); NDest++; } // new destination node, no out-links
    else {
      TNode& Node = GetNode(NId);
      IAssert(Node.InVId == 0); // no in-links
      Node.InVId = Pool.AddEmptyV(InDeg); }
  printf("Added: %lld destination nodes\n", uint64(NDest));
  printf("Graph nodes: %lld nodes\n", uint64(GetNodes()));
  // pointer to in-links vector
  THash<TInt, int*> NIdToPtH(GetNodes());
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++, c++)
    NIdToPtH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), (int *)Pool.GetValVPt(NI.GetInVId()));
  // add in-edges
  printf("Adding edges...\n");
  c = 0;
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++, c++) {
    const int SrcNId = NI.GetId();
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
      TIntPt& InV = NIdToPtH.GetDat(NI.GetOutNId(e));
      IAssert(*InV == TInt::Mx);
      *InV = SrcNId;  InV++;
    if (c%100000==0) printf("\r%s [%g]   ", TInt::GetMegaStr(c).CStr(), ExeTm.GetSecs());
  // sort in-links
  printf("\nSorting in-links...\n");
  TIntV InNIdV;  c = 0;
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++, c++) {
    Pool.GetV(NI.GetInVId(), InNIdV);
    if (c%100000==0) printf("\r%s [%g]    ", TInt::GetMegaStr(c).CStr(), ExeTm.GetSecs());
  printf("\r...done [%g]\n", ExeTm.GetSecs());
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
bool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::IsEdge ( const int &  SrcNId,
const int &  DstNId,
const bool &  Dir = true 
) const

Definition at line 530 of file bignet.h.

  TNode Src, Dst;
  if (! IsNode(SrcNId, Src)) { return false; } // no source node
  int* OutV1 = (int *)Pool.GetValVPt(Src.OutVId);
  const bool IsEdge = BinSearch(OutV1, OutV1+Pool.GetVLen(Src.OutVId), DstNId) != NULL;
  if (IsEdge && OnlySources()) { return true; }
  const bool IsDstNode = IsNode(DstNId, Dst);
  if (! IsDstNode) { return false; } // no destination node
  else if (IsEdge) { return true; } // destination and link found
  else if (! Dir) { // check for the undirected version of the edge
    int* OutV2 = (int *)Pool.GetValVPt(Dst.OutVId);
    return BinSearch(OutV2, OutV2+Pool.GetVLen(Dst.OutVId), SrcNId) != NULL; }
  else { return false; }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
bool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::IsIsoNode ( const int &  NId) const

Definition at line 485 of file bignet.h.

  if (NId == DelNId) { return true; }
  TIntV OutV;
  GetOutNIdV(NId, OutV);
  if (OutV.Empty() || OutV[0] == DelNId) { return true; }
  return false;
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
bool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::IsNode ( const int &  NId,
TNode Node 
) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 96 of file bignet.h.

{ return NodeH.IsKeyGetDat(NId, Node); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
bool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::IsNode ( const int &  NId) const [inline]

Definition at line 143 of file bignet.h.

{ return NodeH.IsKey(NId); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
bool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::IsOk ( ) const

Definition at line 931 of file bignet.h.

  // check the node pool
  TIntV ValV; TExeTm ExeTm;
  printf("Is ok network:\n  Check Vec...");
  for (uint id = 1; id < Pool.GetVecs(); id++) {
    Pool.GetV(id, ValV);
    if (! ValV.Empty()) {
      EAssert((0<=ValV[0] && ValV[0]<MxNId) || ValV[0]==DelNId);
      try {
      for (int i = 1; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
        //if (ValV[i]==DelNId) { continue; }
        // sorted & no duplicates & no empty values (can have deleted nodes)
        EAssertR((ValV[i-1]<ValV[i]) || (ValV[i-1]==ValV[i] && ValV[i]==DelNId),
          TStr::Fmt("NId1: %d NId2:%d", ValV[i-1](),ValV[i]()));
        EAssertR((0<=ValV[i] && ValV[i]<MxNId) || ValV[i]==DelNId,
          TStr::Fmt("NId1: %dm MxNId: %d", ValV[i](), MxNId));
        if (! OnlySources()) {
          EAssertR(IsNode(ValV[i]) || ValV[i]==DelNId,
            TStr::Fmt("NId1: %dm MxNId: %d", ValV[i](), MxNId)); } // every link is a node
      } catch (PExcept Except){
        printf("  %s\n", Except->GetStr().CStr());
        printf("  vec id: %d, lenght: %d\n", id, ValV.Len());
        for (int i = 1; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
          printf("  %d", ValV[i]());
          if (!((ValV[i-1]<ValV[i]) || (ValV[i-1]==ValV[i] && ValV[i]==DelNId))) { printf("*"); }
        return false;
    if (id % 10000 == 0) {
      printf("\r  %dk / %dk [%s]", id/1000, Pool.GetVecs()/1000, ExeTm.GetStr()); }
  printf("[%s]\n  Check Edges...\n", ExeTm.GetStr());
  // check edges
  int ErrCnt = 0;
  if (! OnlySources()) {
    int Cnt=0;
    for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++, Cnt++) {
      // nodes that point to NI, have it on out-list
      for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) {
        if (NI.GetInNId(e) == DelNId) { continue; } // skip deleted nodes
    if (! IsEdge(NI.GetInNId(e), NI.GetId())) {
      printf("\nno edge: %d --> %d", NI.GetInNId(e), NI.GetId());
      printf("NId: %d   deg %d,%d\n", NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg(), NI.GetInDeg());
      for (int i = 0; i < NI.GetInDeg(); i++) { printf("  %d", NI.GetInNId(i)); }
      TNodeI NI2 = GetNI(NI.GetInNId(e));
      printf("\nNId2: %d   deg %d,%d\n", NI2.GetId(), NI2.GetOutDeg(), NI2.GetInDeg());
      for (int j = 0; j < NI2.GetOutDeg(); j++) { printf("  %d", NI2.GetOutNId(j)); }
        //EAssertR(IsEdge(NI.GetInNId(e), NI.GetId()),
        //  TStr::Fmt("no edge: %d --> %d", NI.GetInNId(e), NI.GetId()));
      // nodes NI points to, have it on in-list
      for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
        if (NI.GetOutNId(e) == DelNId) { continue; }
        const int InVId = GetNode(NI.GetOutNId(e)).InVId;
        int* DstInV = (int *)Pool.GetValVPt(InVId);
    if (BinSearch(DstInV, DstInV+Pool.GetVLen(InVId), NI.GetId()) == NULL) {
      printf("no edge: %d --> %d", NI.GetId(), NI.GetInNId(e));
      printf("NId: %d   deg %d,%d\n", NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg(), NI.GetInDeg());
      for (int i = 0; i < NI.GetOutDeg(); i++) { printf("  %d", NI.GetOutNId(i)); }
      TNodeI NI2 = GetNI(NI.GetOutNId(e));
      printf("\nNId2: %d   deg %d,%d\n", NI2.GetId(), NI2.GetOutDeg(), NI2.GetInDeg());
      for (int j = 0; j < NI2.GetInDeg(); j++) { printf("  %d", NI2.GetInNId(j)); }
      printf("\n");  ErrCnt++;
        //EAssertR(BinSearch(DstInV, DstInV+Pool.GetVLen(InVId), NI.GetId()) != NULL,
        //  TStr::Fmt("no edge: %d --> %d", NI.GetId(), NI.GetInNId(e)));
    if (ErrCnt > 5) { FailR("error count too large!"); }
      if (Cnt % 100000 == 0) {
        printf("\r%s [%s]", TInt::GetMegaStr(Cnt).CStr(), ExeTm.GetStr()); }
    printf("\r%s [%s]\n", TInt::GetMegaStr(Cnt).CStr(), ExeTm.GetStr());
  return true;
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
int TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::IsolateNode ( int  NId)

Definition at line 431 of file bignet.h.

  TIntV OutV;
  int NDel = 0;
  // out-edges
  GetOutNIdV(NId, OutV);
  for (int i = 0; i < OutV.Len(); i++) {
    if (OutV[i] == DelNId) { break; } // because they are sorted
    // fast implementation
    const TNode& N = NodeH.GetDat(OutV[i]);
    int *InNIdV = (int *) Pool.GetValVPt(N.InVId);
    const int Deg = Pool.GetVLen(N.InVId);
    int* Val = (int *) BinSearch(InNIdV, InNIdV+Deg, NId);
    if (Val == NULL) {
      printf("BAD: Can't find: OUT: NId: %d -- OutNbrId: %d\n", NId, OutV[i]());
    IAssert(Val != 0);
    memcpy(Val, Val+1, sizeof(int)*int(InNIdV+Deg-Val));
    *(InNIdV+Deg-1) = DelNId;  NDel++;
  // in-edges
  if (IsDir) {
    TIntV InV;
    GetInNIdV(NId, InV);
    for (int i = 0; i < InV.Len(); i++) {
      if (InV[i] == DelNId) { break; }
      // fast implementation
      const TNode& N = NodeH.GetDat(InV[i]);
      int *OutNIdV = (int *) Pool.GetValVPt(N.OutVId);
      const int Deg = Pool.GetVLen(N.OutVId);
      int* Val = (int *) BinSearch(OutNIdV, OutNIdV+Deg, NId);
      if (Val == NULL) {
        printf("IN: NId: %d -- InNbrId: %d\n", NId, OutV[i]());
      IAssert(Val != 0);
      memcpy(Val, Val+1, sizeof(int)*int(OutNIdV+Deg-Val));
      *(OutNIdV+Deg-1) = DelNId;  NDel++;
  return NDel;
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
static PBigNet TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Load ( TSIn SIn) [inline, static]

Definition at line 119 of file bignet.h.

{ return PBigNet(new TBigNet(SIn)); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::LoadNodeDatH ( const TStr InFNm,
TNodeH NodeH 
) [static]

Definition at line 1054 of file bignet.h.

  TFIn SIn(InFNm);
  TInt MxNId(SIn);
  TB32Set Flags(SIn);
  printf("skipping Pool...\n");
  TBool FastCopy(SIn);
  uint64 _GrowBy, _MxVals, _Vals;
  SIn.Load(_GrowBy); SIn.Load(_MxVals);  SIn.Load(_Vals);
  TInt EmptyVal(SIn);
  int Tmp;
  for (TSize ValN = 0; ValN < _Vals; ValN++) { SIn.Load(Tmp); }
  TInt MxVals(SIn), Vals(SIn);
  uint64 Offset;
  for (int ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++) { SIn.Load(Offset); }
  printf("loading Hode hash table...\n");
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
static PBigNet TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::New ( const int &  Nodes,
const TSize Edges,
const bool &  Sources = false 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 117 of file bignet.h.

    return PBigNet(new TBigNet(Nodes, Edges, Sources)); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
bool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::OnlySources ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 123 of file bignet.h.

{ return Flags.In(gfSources); }
template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TBigNet& TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::operator= ( const TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir > &  Net) [inline]

Definition at line 120 of file bignet.h.

                                           { if (this!=&Net) {
    MxNId=Net.MxNId; Flags=Net.Flags; Pool=Net.Pool; NodeH=Net.NodeH; }  return *this; }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Reserve ( const int &  Nodes,
const TSize Edges 

Definition at line 924 of file bignet.h.

  NodeH.Gen(TMath::Mx(int(1.1*Nodes), 100));
  Pool = TPool(TMath::Mx(Edges, (TSize) Mega(1)), Mega(100), true);
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Rewire ( TRnd Rnd = TInt::Rnd)

Definition at line 645 of file bignet.h.

  uint64 NDup=0, NResolve=0, NAddit=0, cnt = 0;
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  IAssertR(! IsDir, "Only undirected networks are supported");
  printf("Rewiring the network... 1");
  Pool.ShuffleAll(Rnd);  printf("[%s]\n", ExeTm.GetStr());
  //Pool.ShuffleAll(Rnd);  printf(" done [%s]\n", ExeTm.GetStr());
  printf("  sorting edges...\n");
  SortEdgeV(); // sort individual edge vectors
  printf(" done [%s]\n", ExeTm.GetStr());
  // remove duplicates and self edges
  printf("  removing duplicates...\n");
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++, cnt++) {
    const int VId = NI.GetOutVId();
    int Len = Pool.GetVLen(VId);
    int* V = (int *)Pool.GetValVPt(VId);
    for (int i = 0; i < Len-1 && V[i]!=DelNId; i++) {
      if (V[i] == V[i+1] || V[i]==NI.GetId()) {
        memcpy(V+i, V+i+1, sizeof(int)*(Len-i-1)); i--;
        V[Len-1] = DelNId;  NDup++;
    if (Len > 0 && V[Len-1]==NI.GetId()) { V[Len-1] = DelNId;  NDup++; }
    if (cnt % Mega(10) == 0) { printf(".");  fflush(stdout); }
  printf("\n    %llu duplicate edges removed [%s]\n", NDup, ExeTm.GetStr());
  if (OnlySources()) { return; }
  // resolve one way edges
  printf("  resolving one way edges...\n"); cnt=0; fflush(stdout);
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++, cnt++) {
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
      if (NI.GetOutNId(e) == DelNId) { continue; } // skip deleted nodes
      const int InVId = GetNode(NI.GetOutNId(e)).InVId;
      const int InVLen = Pool.GetVLen(InVId); IAssert(InVLen>=0 && InVLen < Mega(3));
      int* InV = (int *) Pool.GetValVPt(InVId);
      int* Val = (int *) BinSearch2(InV, InV+InVLen, NI.GetId());
      if (*Val == NI.GetId()) { continue; } // points back, everything is ok
      if (InVLen>0 && InV[InVLen-1] == DelNId) { // there is space at the end, insert
        IAssert((InVLen-(Val-InV)-1) >= 0);
        memmove(Val+1, Val, sizeof(int)*(InVLen-(Val-InV)-1));
        *Val = NI.GetId();
      } else { // the other end could point at us but it doesn't
        memmove(NI.OutNIdV+e, NI.OutNIdV+e+1, sizeof(int)*(NI.GetOutDeg()-e-1));
        NI.OutNIdV[NI.GetOutDeg()-1]=DelNId;  e--;
    if (cnt % Mega(10) == 0) { printf(".");  fflush(stdout); }
  printf("\n    %llu resolved edges [%s]\n", NResolve, ExeTm.GetStr());
  // check if there are two nodes that still have space and are not yet connected and connect them
  printf("  filling empty edge slots...\n");
  TIntPrV SlotNIdV;
  THash<TInt, TInt> SlotNIdH;
  int CumSlots=0;
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) {
    if (NI.GetOutNId(NI.GetOutDeg()-1) == DelNId) {
      int NSlots = 0;
      for (int s = NI.GetOutDeg()-1; s >= 0; s--) {
        if (NI.GetOutNId(s) == DelNId) { NSlots++; }
        else { break; }
      SlotNIdV.Add(TIntPr(NI.GetId(), NSlots));
      SlotNIdH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), NSlots);
  printf("    %d nodes, with %d spokes available, %d edges\n", SlotNIdH.Len(), CumSlots, CumSlots/2);
  TIntV NIdV;  SlotNIdH.GetKeyV(NIdV);
  for (int ni1 = 0; ni1 < NIdV.Len(); ni1++) {
    const int nid = NIdV[ni1];
    if (! SlotNIdH.IsKey(nid) || SlotNIdH.GetDat(nid) == 0) { continue; }
    const int NI1Slots = SlotNIdH.GetDat(nid);
    if ((SlotNIdH.GetMxKeyIds() - SlotNIdH.Len())/double(SlotNIdH.GetMxKeyIds()) > 0.5) { SlotNIdH.Defrag(); }
    TNodeI NI  = GetNI(nid);
    for (int NTries = 0; NTries < 4*NI1Slots && NI.GetOutNId(NI.GetOutDeg()-1) == DelNId; NTries++) {
      const int nid2 = SlotNIdH.GetKey(SlotNIdH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd));
      if (nid == nid2) { continue; }
      TNodeI NI2  = GetNI(nid2);
      // insert the edge
      if (NI2.GetOutNId(NI2.GetOutDeg()-1)==DelNId && ! NI2.IsInNId(NI.GetId())) {
        int *V1 = (int *) BinSearch2(NI.OutNIdV, NI.OutNIdV+NI.GetOutDeg(), NI2.GetId());
        int *V2 = (int *) BinSearch2(NI2.InNIdV, NI2.InNIdV+NI2.GetInDeg(), NI.GetId());
        if (*V1 != DelNId) { memmove(V1+1, V1, sizeof(int)*(NI.GetOutDeg()-(V1-NI.OutNIdV)-1)); }
        if (*V2 != DelNId) { memmove(V2+1, V2, sizeof(int)*(NI2.GetInDeg()-(V2-NI2.InNIdV)-1)); }
        *V1 = NI2.GetId();  *V2 = NI.GetId();
        SlotNIdH.GetDat(nid)--;  SlotNIdH.GetDat(nid2)--;
      if (SlotNIdH.GetDat(nid2) == 0) { SlotNIdH.DelKey(nid2); continue; }
      if (SlotNIdH.GetDat(nid) == 0) { SlotNIdH.DelKey(nid); break; }
    if (ni1 % Mega(1) == 0) { printf(".");  fflush(stdout); }
  printf("    %llu edges added.\nDONE. TOTAL REWIRE TIME [%s]\n\n", NAddit, ExeTm.GetStr());
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Save ( TSOut SOut) const [virtual]

Definition at line 278 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::SaveForDisk ( const TStr OutFNm) const

Definition at line 1032 of file bignet.h.

  const bool IsDirected = IsDir;
  TFOut FOut(OutFNm);
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < NI.GetOutDeg(); i++) {
      FOut.Save(NI.GetOutNId(i)); }
    if (IsDirected) {
      for (int i = 0; i < NI.GetInDeg(); i++) {
        FOut.Save(NI.GetInNId(i)); }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::SaveToDisk ( const TStr InFNm,
const TStr OutFNm,
const bool &  SaveSparseHash 
) [static]

Definition at line 1074 of file bignet.h.

  TFIn FIn(InFNm);
  TFOut FOut(OutFNm);
  { TInt MxNId(FIn);  MxNId.Save(FOut);
  TB32Set Flags(FIn);  Flags.Save(FOut);
  TPool Pool(FIn);  Pool.Save(FOut); }
  { TNodeH NodeH(FIn);
  if (! SaveSparseHash) {
    THash<TInt, TNode> NewH(NodeH.Len(), true);
    for (typename TNodeH::TIter I = NodeH.BegI(); I < NodeH.EndI(); I++) {
      NewH.AddDat(I->Key, I->Dat);
  } else {
    FailR("Not implemented");
  } }
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::SetInNIdV ( int  NId,
const TIntV InNIdV 

Definition at line 401 of file bignet.h.

  TNode Node;  EAssert(IsNode(NId, Node));
  TIntV InNodesV;  Pool.GetV(Node.InVId, InNodesV);
  EAssert(InNIdV.Len() == InNodesV.Len());
  memcpy(InNodesV.BegI(), InNIdV.BegI(), sizeof(TInt)*InNIdV.Len());
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::SetOutNIdV ( int  NId,
const TIntV OutNIdV 

Definition at line 409 of file bignet.h.

  TNode Node;  EAssert(IsNode(NId, Node));
  TIntV OutNodesV;  Pool.GetV(Node.OutVId, OutNodesV);
  EAssert(OutNIdV.Len() == OutNodesV.Len());
  memcpy(OutNodesV.BegI(), OutNIdV.BegI(), sizeof(TInt)*OutNIdV.Len());
template<class TNodeData , bool IsDir>
void TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::SortEdgeV ( )

Definition at line 553 of file bignet.h.

  printf("Sorting Edges... ");
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  TIntV OutV, InV;
  int cnt = 0;
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    GetOutNIdV(NId, OutV);
    if (IsDir) {
      GetInNIdV(NId, InV);
    if (++cnt % Mega(1) == 0) { printf("\r  sort:%dm  %s", cnt/Mega(1), ExeTm.GetStr()); }
  for (TNodeI NI = BegNI(); NI < EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    GetOutNIdV(NId, OutV);
    GetInNIdV(NId, InV);
    if (++cnt % Mega(1) == 0) { printf("\r  check sorted:%dm  %s", cnt/Mega(1), ExeTm.GetStr()); }
  printf("done. [%s]\n", ExeTm.GetStr());

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
friend class TPt< TBigNet > [friend]

Definition at line 190 of file bignet.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TCRef TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::CRef [protected]

Definition at line 107 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TB32Set TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Flags [protected]

Definition at line 109 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TInt TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::MxNId [protected]

Definition at line 108 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TNodeH TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::NodeH [protected]

Definition at line 111 of file bignet.h.

template<class TNodeData, bool IsDir>
TPool TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::Pool [protected]

Definition at line 110 of file bignet.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: