SNAP Library 4.1, Developer Reference  2018-07-26 16:30:42
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NTSnapMain namespace for all the Snap global entities
 CGroupStmtA class representing a cached grouping statement identifier
 CTAGMAffiliation Graph Model (AGM) graph generator
 CTAGMFastCommunity detection with AGM. Sparse AGM-fast with coordinate ascent
 CTAGMFastUtilUtility functions for BigCLAM, Coda
 CTAGMFitFitting the Affilialiton Graph Model (AGM)
 CTAGMUtilAffiliation Graph Model (AGM) graph generator
 CTArtPointVisitorArticulation point Depth-First-Search visitor class
 CTAtomicPredicateAtomic predicate - encapsulates comparison operations
 CTBiConVisitorBiconnected componetns Depth-First-Search visitor class
 CTBigNetBig Network
 CTBPGraphBipartite graph
 CTCmpPairByVal2Compares the pair by the second value
 CTCmpTripleByVal2Compares the triple by the second value
 CTCmpTripleByVal3Compares the triple by the third value
 CTCrossNetImplements a single CrossNet consisting of edges between two TModeNets (could be the same TModeNet)
 CTDirNetDirected network
 CTGHashGraph Hash Table
 CTGraphKeySmall Directed Graphs
 CTGStatStatistics of a Graph Snapshot
 CTGStatVecGraph Statistics Sequence
 CTGUtilGraph Utilities
 CTHashMPHash-Table with multiprocessing support
 CTHeapSimple heap data structure
 CTLocClustLocal Spectral Clustering algorithm
 CTLocClustStatLocal-Spectral-Clustering statistics of a given Graph
 CTMMNetMultimodal networks
 CTModeNetThe nodes of one particular mode in a TMMNet, and their neighbor vectors as TIntV attributes
 CTNcpGraphsBaseLocal-Spectral-Clustering for a set of graphs (loads ncp-*.tab files)
 CTNEANetDirected multigraph with node edge attributes
 CTNEANetMPDirected multigraph with node edge attributes
 CTNEGraphDirected multigraph
 CTNGraphDirected graph
 CTNGraphMPDirected graph for multi-threaded operations
 CTNodeEDatNetNode Edge Network (directed graph, TNGraph with data on nodes and edges)
 CTNodeEdgeNetNode Edge Network (directed multigraph, TNEGraph with data on nodes and edges)
 CTNodeNetNode Network (directed graph, TNGraph with data on nodes only)
 CTNum< int64 >
 CTPairHashImpl1Computes a hash code from a pair of hash codes
 CTPairHashImpl2Computes a hash code from a pair of hash codes
 CTPredicatePredicate - encapsulates comparison operations
 CTPredicateNodePredicate node - represents a binary predicate operation on two predicate nodes
 CTPrimitivePrimitive class: Wrapper around primitive data types
 CTRowIteratorIterator class for TTable rows
 CTRowIteratorWithRemoveIterator class for TTable rows, that allows logical row removal while iterating
 CTSccVisitorStrongly connected componetns Depht-First-Search visitor class
 CTSimpleGraphSimple directed/undirected graph defined by its edges
 CTSnapQueueFast Queue used by the TBreathFS (uses memcpy to move objects TVal around)
 CTStaticAssert< true >
 CTStopwatchRoutines to benchmark table operations
 CTStrUtilString helper functions and utilities. Quick and ditry!
 CTSubGraphsEnumConnected Sub-graph Enumeration
 CTTableTable class: Relational table with columnar data storage
 CTTableContextExecution context
 CTTableIteratorIterator over a vector of tables
 CTTableRowTable Row (Record)
 CTUndirFFireSimulates a single Forest Fire on a undirected graph starting for a given starting node (does not densify!)
 CTUndirNetUndirected network
 CTUNGraphUndirected graph
 CTUnionFindUnion Find class (Disjoint-set data structure)
 CTVecVector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size
 CTVecElt< TChA >
 CTVecElt< TVec< TDat > >
 CTVecPoolVector Pool