SNAP Library 4.1, Developer Reference  2018-07-26 16:30:42
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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TModeNet Member List

This is the complete list of members for TModeNet, including all inherited members.

AddAttributes(const int NId)TNEANetprotected
AddEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, int EId=-1)TNEANet
AddEdge(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)TNEANetinline
AddFltAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TFlt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AddFltAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TFlt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
AddFltAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TFlt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AddFltAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TFlt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
AddFltAttrE(const TStr &attr, TFlt defaultValue=TFlt::Mn)TNEANet
AddFltAttrN(const TStr &attr, TFlt defaultValue=TFlt::Mn)TNEANet
AddIntAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AddIntAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
AddIntAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AddIntAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
AddIntAttrE(const TStr &attr, TInt defaultValue=TInt::Mn)TNEANet
AddIntAttrN(const TStr &attr, TInt defaultValue=TInt::Mn)TNEANet
AddIntVAttrByHashN(const TStr &attr, THash< TInt, TIntV > &Attrs)TModeNetprivate
AddIntVAttrByVecN(const TStr &attr, TVec< TIntV > &Attrs, TBool UseDense=true)TModeNetprivate
AddIntVAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TIntV &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AddIntVAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TIntV &value, const TStr &attr, TBool UseDense=true)TNEANet
AddIntVAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TIntV &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AddIntVAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TIntV &value, const TStr &attr, TBool UseDense=true)TNEANet
AddIntVAttrE(const TStr &attr, TBool UseDense=true)TNEANet
AddIntVAttrN(const TStr &attr, TBool UseDense=true)TNEANet
AddNbrType(const TStr &CrossName, const bool sameMode, bool isDir)TModeNetprivate
AddNeighbor(const int &NId, const int &EId, const bool outEdge, const int linkId, const bool sameMode, bool isDir)TModeNetprivate
AddNeighbor(const int &NId, const int &EId, const bool outEdge, const TStr &linkName, const bool sameMode, bool isDir)TModeNetprivate
AddNode(int NId=-1)TNEANet
AddNode(const TNodeI &NodeI)TNEANetinline
AddNodeUnchecked(int NId=-1)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TStr &AttrName, const TInt &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TInt &AttrId, const TInt &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &AttrName, const TInt &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &AttrId, const TInt &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TStr &AttrName, const TFlt &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TInt &AttrId, const TFlt &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &AttrName, const TFlt &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &AttrId, const TFlt &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TStr &AttrName, const TStr &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TInt &AttrId, const TStr &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &AttrName, const TStr &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &AttrId, const TStr &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TStr &AttrName, const TInt &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TInt &AttrId, const TInt &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &AttrName, const TInt &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &AttrId, const TInt &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TStr &AttrName, const TFlt &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TInt &AttrId, const TFlt &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &AttrName, const TFlt &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &AttrId, const TFlt &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TStr &AttrName, const TStr &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TInt &AttrId, const TStr &Val)TNEANet
AddSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &AttrName, const TStr &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &AttrId, const TStr &Val)TNEANetinline
AddSAttrE(const TStr &Name, const TAttrType &AttrType, TInt &AttrId)TNEANet
AddSAttrN(const TStr &Name, const TAttrType &AttrType, TInt &AttrId)TNEANet
AddStrAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AddStrAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TStr &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
AddStrAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AddStrAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TStr &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
AddStrAttrE(const TStr &attr, TStr defaultValue=TStr::GetNullStr())TNEANet
AddStrAttrN(const TStr &attr, TStr defaultValue=TStr::GetNullStr())TNEANet
AppendIntVAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AppendIntVAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr, TBool UseDense=true)TNEANet
AppendIntVAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
AppendIntVAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr, TBool UseDense=true)TNEANet
AttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
AttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
AttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
AttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
AttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TStrV &Values) const TNEANetinline
AttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TStrV &Values) const TNEANet
AttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TStrV &Values) const TNEANetinline
AttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TStrV &Values) const TNEANet
BegEAFltI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
BegEAIntI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
BegEAIntVI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
BegEAStrI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
BegEI() const TNEANetinline
BegMMNI() const TModeNetinline
BegNAFltI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
BegNAIntI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
BegNAIntVI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
BegNAStrI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
BegNI() const TNEANetinline
CheckDenseOrSparseE(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinlineprotected
CheckDenseOrSparseN(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinlineprotected
ClrNbr(const TStr &CrossNetName, const bool &outEdge, const bool &sameMode, bool &isDir)TModeNetprivate
Defrag(const bool &OnlyNodeLinks=false)TNEANet
DelAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
DelAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
DelAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
DelAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
DelAttrE(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
DelAttrN(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
DelEdge(const int &EId)TNEANet
DelEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, const bool &IsDir=true)TNEANet
DelFromIntVAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
DelFromIntVAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TInt &value, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
DelNbrType(const TStr &CrossName)TModeNetprivate
DelNeighbor(const int &NId, const int &EId, bool outEdge, const TStr &CrossName, const bool sameMode, bool isDir)TModeNetprivate
DelNeighbor(const int &NId, const int &EId, bool outEdge, const TInt &linkId, const bool sameMode, bool isDir)TModeNetprivate
DelNode(const int &NId)TModeNetvirtual
TNEANet::DelNode(const TNode &NodeI)TNEANetinline
DelSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TStr &AttrName)TNEANet
DelSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TInt &AttrId)TNEANet
DelSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &AttrName)TNEANetinline
DelSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &AttrId)TNEANetinline
DelSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TStr &AttrName)TNEANet
DelSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TInt &AttrId)TNEANet
DelSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &AttrName)TNEANetinline
DelSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &AttrId)TNEANetinline
Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const TNEANet
EdgeAttrIsDeleted(const int &EId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &EdgeHI) const TNEANet
EdgeAttrIsFltDeleted(const int &EId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &EdgeHI) const TNEANet
EdgeAttrIsIntDeleted(const int &EId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &EdgeHI) const TNEANet
EdgeAttrIsIntVDeleted(const int &EId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &EdgeHI) const TNEANet
EdgeAttrIsStrDeleted(const int &EId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &EdgeHI) const TNEANet
Empty() const TNEANetinline
EndEAFltI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
EndEAIntI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
EndEAIntVI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
EndEAStrI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
EndEI() const TNEANetinline
EndMMNI() const TModeNetinline
EndNAFltI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
EndNAIntI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
EndNAIntVI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
EndNAStrI(const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
EndNI() const TNEANetinline
FltAttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
FltAttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
FltAttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
FltAttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
FltAttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TFltV &Values) const TNEANetinline
FltAttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TFltV &Values) const TNEANet
FltAttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TFltV &Values) const TNEANetinline
FltAttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TFltV &Values) const TNEANet
FltType enum valueTNEANetprotected
GetAttrENames(TStrV &IntAttrNames, TStrV &FltAttrNames, TStrV &StrAttrNames) const TNEANet
GetAttrIndE(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetAttrIndN(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetAttrNNames(TStrV &IntAttrNames, TStrV &FltAttrNames, TStrV &StrAttrNames) const TNEANet
GetAttrTypeN(const TStr &attr) const TModeNetprivate
GetCrossNetNames(TStrV &Names) const TModeNetinline
GetEAFltI(const TStr &attr, const int &EId) const TNEANetinline
GetEAIntI(const TStr &attr, const int &EId) const TNEANetinline
GetEAIntVI(const TStr &attr, const int &EId) const TNEANetinline
GetEAStrI(const TStr &attr, const int &EId) const TNEANetinline
GetEdge(const int &EId)TNEANetinlineprotected
GetEdge(const int &EId) const TNEANetinlineprotected
GetEdgeAttrValue(const int &EId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &EdgeHI) const TNEANet
GetEdges() const TNEANetinline
GetEI(const int &EId) const TNEANetinline
GetEI(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId) const TNEANetinline
GetEId(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId) const TNEANetinline
GetEIdV(TIntV &EIdV) const TNEANet
GetFltAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
GetFltAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetFltAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
GetFltAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetFltAttrDefaultE(const TStr &attribute) const TNEANetinlineprotected
GetFltAttrDefaultN(const TStr &attribute) const TNEANetinlineprotected
GetFltAttrIndDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const int &index)TNEANetinline
GetFltAttrIndDatE(const int &EId, const int &index)TNEANet
GetFltAttrIndDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const int &index)TNEANetinline
GetFltAttrIndDatN(const int &NId, const int &index)TNEANet
GetFltAttrVecE(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetFltKeyIdE(const int &EId)TNEANet
GetIdVSAttrE(const TStr &AttrName, TIntV &IdV) const TNEANet
GetIdVSAttrE(const TInt &AttrId, TIntV &IdV) const TNEANet
GetIdVSAttrN(const TStr &AttrName, TIntV &IdV) const TNEANet
GetIdVSAttrN(const TInt &AttrId, TIntV &IdV) const TNEANet
GetIntAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
GetIntAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetIntAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
GetIntAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetIntAttrDefaultE(const TStr &attribute) const TNEANetinlineprotected
GetIntAttrDefaultN(const TStr &attribute) const TNEANetinlineprotected
GetIntAttrIndDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const int &index)TNEANetinline
GetIntAttrIndDatE(const int &EId, const int &index)TNEANet
GetIntAttrIndDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const int &index)TNEANetinline
GetIntAttrIndDatN(const int &NId, const int &index)TNEANet
GetIntAttrIndE(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetIntAttrIndN(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetIntVAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
GetIntVAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetIntVAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &attr) const TNEANetinline
GetIntVAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
GetMMNI(const int &NId) const TModeNetinline
GetMxEId() const TNEANetinline
GetMxNId() const TNEANetinline
GetNAFltI(const TStr &attr, const int &NId) const TNEANetinline
GetNAIntI(const TStr &attr, const int &NId) const TNEANetinline
GetNAIntVI(const TStr &attr, const int &NId) const TNEANetinline
GetNAStrI(const TStr &attr, const int &NId) const TNEANetinline
GetNeighborCrossName(const TStr &CrossName, bool isOutEdge, const bool sameMode, bool isDir) const TModeNetprivate
GetNeighborsByCrossNet(const int &NId, TStr &Name, TIntV &Neighbors, const bool isOutEId=false) const TModeNet
GetNI(const int &NId) const TNEANetinline
GetNIdV(TIntV &NIdV) const TNEANet
GetNode(const int &NId)TNEANetinlineprotected
GetNode(const int &NId) const TNEANetinlineprotected
GetNodeAttrValue(const int &NId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &NodeHI) const TNEANet
GetNodes() const TNEANetinline
GetRndEI(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)TNEANetinline
GetRndEId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)TNEANetinline
GetRndNI(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)TNEANetinline
GetRndNId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TStr &AttrName, TInt &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TInt &AttrId, TInt &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &AttrName, TInt &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &AttrId, TInt &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TStr &AttrName, TFlt &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TInt &AttrId, TFlt &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &AttrName, TFlt &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &AttrId, TFlt &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TStr &AttrName, TStr &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatE(const TInt &EId, const TInt &AttrId, TStr &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &AttrName, TStr &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TInt &AttrId, TStr &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TStr &AttrName, TInt &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TInt &AttrId, TInt &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &AttrName, TInt &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &AttrId, TInt &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TStr &AttrName, TFlt &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TInt &AttrId, TFlt &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &AttrName, TFlt &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &AttrId, TFlt &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TStr &AttrName, TStr &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatN(const TInt &NId, const TInt &AttrId, TStr &ValX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &AttrName, TStr &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TInt &AttrId, TStr &ValX) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrIdE(const TStr &Name, TInt &AttrIdX, TAttrType &AttrTypeX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrIdN(const TStr &Name, TInt &AttrIdX, TAttrType &AttrTypeX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrNameE(const TInt &AttrId, TStr &NameX, TAttrType &AttrTypeX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrNameN(const TInt &AttrId, TStr &NameX, TAttrType &AttrTypeX) const TNEANet
GetSAttrVE(const TInt &EId, const TAttrType AttrType, TAttrPrV &AttrV) const TNEANet
GetSAttrVE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TAttrType AttrType, TAttrPrV &AttrV) const TNEANetinline
GetSAttrVN(const TInt &NId, const TAttrType AttrType, TAttrPrV &AttrV) const TNEANet
GetSAttrVN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TAttrType AttrType, TAttrPrV &AttrV) const TNEANetinline
GetStrAttrDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
GetStrAttrDatE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetStrAttrDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TStr &attr)TNEANetinline
GetStrAttrDatN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetStrAttrDefaultE(const TStr &attribute) const TNEANetinlineprotected
GetStrAttrDefaultN(const TStr &attribute) const TNEANetinlineprotected
GetStrAttrIndDatE(const TEdgeI &EdgeI, const int &index)TNEANetinline
GetStrAttrIndDatE(const int &EId, const int &index)TNEANet
GetStrAttrIndDatN(const TNodeI &NodeI, const int &index)TNEANetinline
GetStrAttrIndDatN(const int &NId, const int &index)TNEANet
GetWeightOutEdges(const TNodeI &NI, const TStr &attr)TNEANet
GetWeightOutEdgesV(TFltV &OutWeights, const TFltV &AttrVal)TNEANet
HasFlag(const TGraphFlag &Flag) const TNEANet
IntAttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
IntAttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
IntAttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
IntAttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
IntAttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TIntV &Values) const TNEANetinline
IntAttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TIntV &Values) const TNEANet
IntAttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TIntV &Values) const TNEANetinline
IntAttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TIntV &Values) const TNEANet
IntType enum valueTNEANetprotected
IntVAttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
IntVAttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
IntVAttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
IntVAttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
IntVAttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TVec< TIntV > &Values) const TNEANetinline
IntVAttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TVec< TIntV > &Values) const TNEANet
IntVAttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TVec< TIntV > &Values) const TNEANetinline
IntVAttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TVec< TIntV > &Values) const TNEANet
IntVType enum valueTNEANetprotected
IsAttrDeletedE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsAttrDeletedN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsEdge(const int &EId) const TNEANetinline
IsEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, const bool &IsDir=true) const TNEANetinline
IsEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, int &EId, const bool &IsDir=true) const TNEANet
IsFltAttrDeletedE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsFltAttrDeletedN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsFltAttrE(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
IsIntAttrDeletedE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsIntAttrDeletedN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsIntAttrE(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
IsIntVAttrDeletedE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsIntVAttrDeletedN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsNode(const int &NId) const TNEANetinline
IsOk(const bool &ThrowExcept=true) const TNEANet
IsStrAttrDeletedE(const int &EId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsStrAttrDeletedN(const int &NId, const TStr &attr) const TNEANet
IsStrAttrE(const TStr &attr)TNEANet
Load(TSIn &SIn)TNEANetinlinestatic
Load_V1(TSIn &SIn)TNEANetinlinestatic
Load_V2(TSIn &SIn)TNEANetinlinestatic
LoadNetworkShM(TShMIn &ShMIn)TNEANet
LoadShM(TShMIn &ShMIn)TModeNetinline
New(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)TNEANetinlinestatic
NodeAttrIsDeleted(const int &NId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &NodeHI) const TNEANet
NodeAttrIsFltDeleted(const int &NId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &NodeHI) const TNEANet
NodeAttrIsIntDeleted(const int &NId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &NodeHI) const TNEANet
NodeAttrIsIntVDeleted(const int &NId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &NodeHI) const TNEANet
NodeAttrIsStrDeleted(const int &NId, const TStrIntPrH::TIter &NodeHI) const TNEANet
operator=(const TModeNet &Graph)TModeNetinline
TNEANet::operator=(const TNEANet &Graph)TNEANetinline
PNet typedefTNEANet
RemoveCrossNets(TModeNet &Result, TStrV &CrossNets)TModeNetprivate
Reserve(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)TNEANetinline
Save(TSOut &SOut) const TModeNetinline
Save_V1(TSOut &SOut) const TNEANetinline
Save_V2(TSOut &SOut) const TNEANetinline
SetParentPointer(TMMNet *parent)TModeNetprivate
StrAttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
StrAttrNameEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
StrAttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrV &Names) const TNEANetinline
StrAttrNameNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TStrV &Names) const TNEANet
StrAttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TStrV &Values) const TNEANetinline
StrAttrValueEI(const TInt &EId, TStrIntPrH::TIter EdgeHI, TStrV &Values) const TNEANet
StrAttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TStrV &Values) const TNEANetinline
StrAttrValueNI(const TInt &NId, TStrIntPrH::TIter NodeHI, TStrV &Values) const TNEANet
StrType enum valueTNEANetprotected
TCrossNet classTModeNetfriend
TMMNet classTModeNetfriend
TModeNet(const int &TypeId)TModeNetinline
TModeNet(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)TModeNetinlineexplicit
TModeNet(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges, const int &TypeId)TModeNetinlineexplicit
TModeNet(const TModeNet &Graph)TModeNetinline
TModeNet(TSIn &SIn)TModeNetinline
TModeNet(const TModeNet &Graph, bool isSubModeGraph)TModeNetinlineprivate
TNEANet(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)TNEANetinlineexplicit
TNEANet(const TNEANet &Graph)TNEANetinline
TNEANet(TSIn &SIn)TNEANetinline
TNEANet(const TNEANet &Graph, bool modeSubGraph)TNEANetinlineprotected
TNEANet(bool copyAll, const TNEANet &Graph)TNEANetinlineprotected
TNet typedefTNEANet
TNetMM typedefTModeNet