SNAP Library 4.1, Developer Reference
2018-07-26 16:30:42
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
This is the complete list of members for MotifCluster, including all inherited members.
BifanMotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | privatestatic |
CliqueMotifAdjacency(PUNGraph graph, int clique_size, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | privatestatic |
DegreeOrdering(PNGraph graph, TIntV &order) | MotifCluster | static |
EdgeMotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | privatestatic |
EdgeMotifAdjacency(PUNGraph graph, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | privatestatic |
GetMotifCluster(PNGraph graph, MotifType motif, TSweepCut &sweepcut, double tol=kDefaultTol, int maxiter=kMaxIter) | MotifCluster | static |
GetMotifCluster(PUNGraph graph, MotifType motif, TSweepCut &sweepcut, double tol=kDefaultTol, int maxiter=kMaxIter) | MotifCluster | static |
IsBidirEdge(PNGraph graph, int u, int v) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM1(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM10(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM11(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM12(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM13(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM2(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM3(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM4(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM5(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM6(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM7(PNGraph graph, int u, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM8(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsMotifM9(PNGraph graph, int center, int v, int w) | MotifCluster | static |
IsNoEdge(PNGraph graph, int u, int v) | MotifCluster | static |
IsUnidirEdge(PNGraph graph, int u, int v) | MotifCluster | static |
MotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, MotifType motif, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | static |
MotifAdjacency(PUNGraph graph, MotifType motif, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | static |
NFiedlerVector(const TSparseColMatrix &W, TFltV &fvec, double tol=kDefaultTol, int maxiter=kMaxIter) | MotifCluster | static |
ParseMotifType(const TStr &motif) | MotifCluster | static |
SemicliqueMotifAdjacency(PUNGraph graph, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | privatestatic |
SpectralCut(const WeightVH &weights, TSweepCut &sweepcut, double tol=kDefaultTol, int maxiter=kMaxIter) | MotifCluster | static |
TriangleMotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, MotifType motif, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | privatestatic |
WedgeMotifAdjacency(PNGraph graph, MotifType motif, WeightVH &weights) | MotifCluster | privatestatic |