template<class PGraph > |
double | TSnap::GetClustCf (const PGraph &Graph, int SampleNodes=-1) |
| Computes the average clustering coefficient as defined in Watts and Strogatz, Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks. More...
template<class PGraph > |
double | TSnap::GetClustCf (const PGraph &Graph, TFltPrV &DegToCCfV, int SampleNodes=-1) |
| Computes the distribution of average clustering coefficient. More...
template<class PGraph > |
double | TSnap::GetClustCf (const PGraph &Graph, TFltPrV &DegToCCfV, int64 &ClosedTriadsX, int64 &OpenTriadsX, int SampleNodes=-1) |
| Computes the distribution of average clustering coefficient as well as the number of open and closed triads in the graph. More...
template<class PGraph > |
double | TSnap::GetClustCfAll (const PGraph &Graph, TFltPrV &DegToCCfV, int64 &ClosedTriadsX, int64 &OpenTriadsX, int SampleNodes=-1) |
| Computes the distribution of average clustering coefficient as well as the number of open and closed triads in the graph. More...
template<class PGraph > |
double | TSnap::GetNodeClustCf (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId) |
| Returns clustering coefficient of a particular node. More...
template<class PGraph > |
void | TSnap::GetNodeClustCf (const PGraph &Graph, TIntFltH &NIdCCfH) |
| Computes clustering coefficient of each node of the Graph. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int64 | TSnap::GetTriads (const PGraph &Graph, int SampleNodes=-1) |
| Returns the number of triangles in a graph. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int64 | TSnap::GetTriads (const PGraph &Graph, int64 &ClosedTriadsX, int64 &OpenTriadsX, int SampleNodes) |
| Computes the number of Closed and Open triads. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int64 | TSnap::GetTriadsAll (const PGraph &Graph, int64 &ClosedTriadsX, int64 &OpenTriadsX, int SampleNodes=-1) |
| Computes the number of Closed and Open triads. More...
template<class PGraph > |
void | TSnap::GetTriads (const PGraph &Graph, TIntTrV &NIdCOTriadV, int SampleNodes=-1) |
| Computes the number of open and close triads for every node of the network. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetTriadEdges (const PGraph &Graph, int SampleEdges=-1) |
| Counts the number of edges that participate in at least one triad. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetNodeTriads (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId) |
| Returns the number of undirected triads a node NId participates in. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetNodeTriads (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId, int &ClosedNTriadsX, int &OpenNTriadsX) |
| Returns number of Open and Closed triads a node NId participates in. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetNodeTriadsAll (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId, int &ClosedNTriadsX, int &OpenNTriadsX) |
| Returns number of Open and Closed triads a node NId participates in. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetNodeTriads (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId, const TIntSet &GroupSet, int &InGroupEdgesX, int &InOutGroupEdgesX, int &OutGroupEdgesX) |
| Returns the number of triads between a node NId and a subset of its neighbors GroupSet . More...
template<class PGraph > |
void | TSnap::GetTriadParticip (const PGraph &Graph, TIntPrV &TriadCntV) |
| Triangle Participation Ratio: For each node counts how many triangles it participates in and then returns a set of pairs (number of triangles, number of such nodes). More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetCmnNbrs (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId1, const int &NId2) |
| Returns a number of shared neighbors between a pair of nodes NId1 and NId2. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetCmnNbrs (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId1, const int &NId2, TIntV &NbrV) |
| Returns the shared neighbors between a pair of nodes NId1 and NId2. More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetLen2Paths (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId1, const int &NId2) |
| Returns the number of length 2 directed paths between a pair of nodes NId1, NId2 (NId1 –> U –> NId2). More...
template<class PGraph > |
int | TSnap::GetLen2Paths (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId1, const int &NId2, TIntV &NbrV) |
| Returns the 2 directed paths between a pair of nodes NId1, NId2 (NId1 –> U –> NId2). More...
template<class PGraph > |
int64 | TSnap::GetTriangleCnt (const PGraph &Graph) |
| Returns the number of triangles in graph Graph . More...
template<class PGraph > |
void | TSnap::MergeNbrs (TIntV &NeighbourV, const typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI &NI) |
| Merges neighbors by removing duplicates and produces one sorted vector of neighbors. More...
template<class PGraph > |
void | TSnap::GetUniqueNbrV (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId, TIntV &NbrV) |
| Returns sorted vector NbrV containing unique in or out neighbors of node NId in graph Graph . More...
int | TSnap::GetCommon (TIntV &A, TIntV &B) |
| Returns the number of common elements in two sorted TInt vectors. More...
template<class PGraph > |
void | TSnap::GetTriads_v0 (const PGraph &Graph, TIntTrV &NIdCOTriadV, int SampleNodes) |
template<> |
int | TSnap::GetCmnNbrs< PUNGraph > (const PUNGraph &Graph, const int &NId1, const int &NId2, TIntV &NbrV) |