SNAP Library , User Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
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TXmlLx Class Reference

#include <xml.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void SkipWs ()
 TXmlLx (const PSIn &_SIn, const TXmlSpacing &_Spacing=xspIntact)
TXmlLxoperator= (const TXmlLx &)
TXmlLxSym GetSym ()
TStr GetSymStr () const
void EThrow (const TStr &MsgStr) const
TStr GetFPosStr () const
void ClrArgV ()
void AddArg (const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &ArgVal)
bool IsArgNm (const TStr &ArgNm) const
int GetArgs () const
void GetArg (const int &ArgN, TStr &ArgNm, TStr &ArgVal) const
TStr GetArgVal (const TStr &ArgNm, const TStr &DfVal=TStr()) const
bool IsEntityNm (const TStr &EntityNm, TStr &EntityVal) const
void PutEntityVal (const TStr &Nm, const TStr &Val)
bool IsPEntityNm (const TStr &EntityNm, TStr &EntityVal) const
void PutPEntityVal (const TStr &Nm, const TStr &Val)

Static Public Member Functions

static char GetArgValQCh (const TStr &ArgVal)
static TStr GetXmlLxSymStr (const TXmlLxSym &XmlLxSym)
static bool IsTagNm (const TStr &Str)
static TStr GetXmlStrFromPlainMem (const TMem &PlainMem)
static TStr GetXmlStrFromPlainStr (const TChA &PlainChA)
static TStr GetPlainStrFromXmlStr (const TStr &XmlStr)
static TStr GetUsAsciiStrFromXmlStr (const TStr &EntRefStr)
static TStr GetChRefFromYuEntRef (const TStr &YuEntRefStr)

Public Attributes

TXmlLxSym Sym
TStr TagNm
TStrKdV ArgNmValKdV

Private Member Functions

uchar GetCh ()
void PutCh (const uchar &_Ch)
void PutStr (const TStr &Str)
void ToNrSpacing ()
void GetWs (const bool &IsRq)
TStr GetReference ()
void GetEq ()
TStr GetName ()
TStr GetName (const TStr &RqNm)
void GetComment ()
TStr GetAttValue ()
TStr GetVersionNum ()
TStr GetEncName ()
TStr GetStalVal ()
void GetXmlDecl ()
void GetPI ()
TStr GetSystemLiteral ()
TStr GetPubidLiteral ()
TStr GetPEReference ()
void GetExternalId ()
void GetNData ()
void GetDocTypeDecl ()
void GetElement ()
void GetAttList ()
TStr GetEntityValue ()
void GetEntity ()
void GetNotation ()
void GetCDSect ()

Private Attributes

TChA ChStack
uchar PrevCh
uchar Ch
int LnN
int LnChN
int ChN
TXmlSpacing Spacing
TStrStrH EntityNmToValH
TStrStrH PEntityNmToValH

Static Private Attributes

static TXmlChDef ChDef

Detailed Description

Definition at line 98 of file xml.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TXmlLx::TXmlLx ( const PSIn _SIn,
const TXmlSpacing _Spacing = xspIntact 
) [inline]

Definition at line 145 of file xml.h.

    SIn(_SIn), RSIn(*SIn),
    ChStack(), PrevCh(' '), Ch(' '),
    LnN(1), LnChN(0), ChN(0), Spacing(_Spacing),
    EntityNmToValH(100), PEntityNmToValH(100),
    Sym(xsyUndef), TxtChA(), TagNm(), ArgNmValKdV(10){GetCh();}

Member Function Documentation

void TXmlLx::AddArg ( const TStr ArgNm,
const TStr ArgVal 
) [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file xml.h.

    ArgNmValKdV.Add(TStrKd(ArgNm, ArgVal));}
void TXmlLx::ClrArgV ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file xml.h.

void TXmlLx::EThrow ( const TStr MsgStr) const

Definition at line 885 of file xml.cpp.

  TChA FPosChA;
  FPosChA+=" [File:"; FPosChA+=SIn->GetSNm();
  FPosChA+=" Line:"; FPosChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnN);
  FPosChA+=" Char:"; FPosChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnChN);
  TStr FullMsgStr=MsgStr+FPosChA;
void TXmlLx::GetArg ( const int &  ArgN,
TStr ArgNm,
TStr ArgVal 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file xml.h.

    ArgNm=ArgNmValKdV[ArgN].Key; ArgVal=ArgNmValKdV[ArgN].Dat;}
int TXmlLx::GetArgs ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file xml.h.

{return ArgNmValKdV.Len();}
TStr TXmlLx::GetArgVal ( const TStr ArgNm,
const TStr DfVal = TStr() 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file xml.h.

    int ArgN=ArgNmValKdV.SearchForw(TStrKd(ArgNm));
    if (ArgN==-1){return DfVal;} else {return ArgNmValKdV[ArgN].Dat;}}
static char TXmlLx::GetArgValQCh ( const TStr ArgVal) [inline, static]

Definition at line 171 of file xml.h.

    if (ArgVal.IsChIn('\"')){return '\'';} else {return '\"';}}
void TXmlLx::GetAttList ( ) [private]

Definition at line 665 of file xml.cpp.

  while (Ch!='>'){
    if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid Element character.");}
    TxtChA+=Ch; GetCh();
TStr TXmlLx::GetAttValue ( ) [private]

Definition at line 457 of file xml.cpp.

  // [10]  AttValue ::=  '"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"'
  //  |  "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'"
  uchar QCh=Ch;
  if ((QCh!='"')&&(QCh!='\'')){EThrow("Invalid attribute-value start.");}
  TChA ValChA; GetCh();
  forever {
    if ((Ch=='<')||(!ChDef.IsChar(Ch))){
      EThrow("Invalid attribute-value character.");}
    if (Ch==QCh){GetCh(); break;} // final quote
    else if (Ch=='&'){GetCh(); ValChA+=GetReference();} // reference
    else {ValChA+=Ch; GetCh();} // usual char
  return ValChA;
void TXmlLx::GetCDSect ( ) [private]

Definition at line 733 of file xml.cpp.

  // [18]  CDSect ::=  CDStart CData CDEnd
  // [19]  CDStart ::=  '<![CDATA{{['}}
  // [20]  CData ::=  (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char*))
  // [21]  CDEnd ::=  ']]>'
  if (Ch=='['){GetCh();}
  else {EThrow("Invalid start of CDATA section.");}
  forever {
    if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid CDATA character.");}
    if ((Ch=='>')&&(TxtChA.Len()>=2)&&
     (TxtChA.LastLastCh()==']') && (TxtChA.LastCh()==']')){
      GetCh(); TxtChA.Pop(); TxtChA.Pop(); break;
    } else {
      TxtChA+=Ch; GetCh();
uchar TXmlLx::GetCh ( ) [private]

Definition at line 260 of file xml.cpp.

  if (ChStack.Empty()){Ch=(RSIn.Eof()) ? TCh::EofCh : RSIn.GetCh();}
  else {Ch=ChStack.Pop();}
  ChN++; if (Ch==TCh::LfCh){LnN++; LnChN=0;} else {LnChN++;}
  return Ch;
TStr TXmlLx::GetChRefFromYuEntRef ( const TStr YuEntRefStr) [static]

Definition at line 1066 of file xml.cpp.

  TStr ChRefStr=YuEntRefStr;
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&ch;", "&#232;");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Ch;", "&#200;");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&sh;", "&#154;");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Sh;", "&#138;");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&zh;", "&#158;");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Zh;", "&#142;");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&cs", "c");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Cs;", "C");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&dz;", "dz");
  ChRefStr.ChangeStrAll("&Dz;", "Dz");
  return ChRefStr;
void TXmlLx::GetComment ( ) [private]

Definition at line 436 of file xml.cpp.

  // [15] Comment ::=  {{'<!-}}-' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'
  if (GetCh()!='-'){EThrow("Invalid comment start.");}
  forever {
    if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid comment character.");}
    if (Ch=='-'){
      if (GetCh()=='-'){
        if (GetCh()=='>'){GetCh(); break;} // final bracket
        else {EThrow("Invalid comment end.");}
      } else {
        if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid comment character.");}
        TxtChA+='-'; TxtChA+=Ch; // special case if single '-'
    } else {
      TxtChA+=Ch; // usual char
void TXmlLx::GetDocTypeDecl ( ) [private]

Definition at line 627 of file xml.cpp.

  // [28] doctypedecl ::=  {{'<!DOCTYPE'}} S Name (S ExternalID)? S?
  //  ('[' (markupdecl | PEReference | S)* ']' S?)? '>'
  TStr DocTypeDeclNm=GetName();
  if (Ch=='>'){GetCh(); return;}
  if (Ch!='['){GetExternalId();}
  if (Ch=='['){
    // [28] (markupdecl | PEReference | S)*
    while (Ch!=']'){
      if (ChDef.IsWs(Ch)){GetWs(true);}
      else if (Ch=='%'){GetPEReference();}
      else {
  // '>'
  if (Ch=='>'){GetCh();}
  else {EThrow("Invalid end-of-tag in document-type-declaration.");}
void TXmlLx::GetElement ( ) [private]

Definition at line 656 of file xml.cpp.

  while (Ch!='>'){
    if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid Element character.");}
    TxtChA+=Ch; GetCh();
TStr TXmlLx::GetEncName ( ) [private]

Definition at line 493 of file xml.cpp.

  // [80] EncodingDecl ::=  {{S 'encoding' Eq}} ('"' EncName '"' |  "'" EncName "'" )
  // [81] EncName ::=  [A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')*
  char QCh=Ch;
  if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");}
  TChA EncNmChA;
  if ((('a'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='z'))||(('A'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='Z'))){EncNmChA+=Ch;}
  else {EThrow("Invalid encoding-name character.");}
  while (Ch!=QCh){
    if ((('a'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='z'))||(('A'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='Z'))||
    else {EThrow("Invalid version-number character.");}
  return EncNmChA;
void TXmlLx::GetEntity ( ) [private]

Definition at line 690 of file xml.cpp.

  // [70] EntityDecl ::=  GEDecl | PEDecl
  // [71] GEDecl ::=  '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>'
  // [72] PEDecl ::=  '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S? '>'
  GetWs(true); TStr EntityNm;
  if (Ch=='%'){
    GetCh(); GetWs(true); EntityNm=GetName(); GetWs(true);
    // [74] PEDef ::=  EntityValue | ExternalID
    if ((Ch=='\"')||(Ch=='\'')){
      TStr EntityVal=GetEntityValue();
      PutPEntityVal(EntityNm, EntityVal);
    } else {
      if (Ch!='>'){GetNData();}
  } else {
    EntityNm=GetName(); GetWs(true);
    // [73] EntityDef ::=  EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?)
    if ((Ch=='\"')||(Ch=='\'')){
      TStr EntityVal=GetEntityValue();
      PutEntityVal(EntityNm, EntityVal);
    } else {
  if (Ch=='>'){GetCh();}
  else {EThrow("Invalid end-of-tag in entity-declaration.");}

Definition at line 674 of file xml.cpp.

  // [9]  EntityValue ::=  '"' ([^%&"] | PEReference | Reference)* '"'
  //  | "'" ([^%&'] | PEReference | Reference)* "'"
  uchar QCh=Ch;
  if ((QCh!='"')&&(QCh!='\'')){EThrow("Invalid entity-value start.");}
  TChA ValChA; GetCh();
  forever {
    if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid entity-value character.");}
    if (Ch==QCh){GetCh(); break;} // final quote
    else if (Ch=='&'){GetCh(); ValChA+=GetReference();} // reference
    else if (Ch=='%'){GetCh(); ValChA+=GetPEReference();} // pereference
    else {ValChA+=Ch; GetCh();} // usual char
  return ValChA;
void TXmlLx::GetEq ( ) [private]

Definition at line 408 of file xml.cpp.

  // [25] Eq ::=  S? '=' S?
  if (Ch=='='){GetCh();}
  else {EThrow("Equality ('=') character expected.");}
void TXmlLx::GetExternalId ( ) [private]

Definition at line 609 of file xml.cpp.

  // ExternalID ::=  'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral
  //  | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral
  TStr ExtIdNm=GetName();
  if (ExtIdNm=="SYSTEM"){
    GetWs(true); GetSystemLiteral();
  } else if (ExtIdNm=="PUBLIC"){
    GetWs(true); GetPubidLiteral(); GetWs(true); GetSystemLiteral();
  } else {
    EThrow("Invalid external-id ('SYSTEM' or 'PUBLIC' expected).");

Definition at line 895 of file xml.cpp.

  TChA FPosChA;
  FPosChA+=" [File:"; FPosChA+=SIn->GetSNm();
  FPosChA+=" Line:"; FPosChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnN);
  FPosChA+=" Char:"; FPosChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnChN);
  return FPosChA;
TStr TXmlLx::GetName ( ) [private]

Definition at line 416 of file xml.cpp.

  // [5] Name ::=  (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*
  TChA NmChA;
  if (ChDef.IsFirstNameCh(Ch)){
    do {NmChA+=Ch;} while (ChDef.IsName(GetCh()));
  } else {
    EThrow("Invalid first name character.");
    // EThrow(TStr::Fmt("Invalid first name character [%u:'%c%c%c%c%c'].",
    //  uint(Ch), Ch, RSIn.GetCh(), RSIn.GetCh(), RSIn.GetCh(), RSIn.GetCh()));
  return NmChA;
TStr TXmlLx::GetName ( const TStr RqNm) [private]

Definition at line 429 of file xml.cpp.

  TStr Nm=GetName();
  // test if the name is equal to the required name
  if (Nm==RqNm){return RqNm;}
  else {EThrow(TStr("Name '")+RqNm+"' expected."); Fail; return TStr();}
void TXmlLx::GetNData ( ) [private]

Definition at line 622 of file xml.cpp.

  // [76]  NDataDecl ::=  S 'NDATA' S Name
  GetName("NDATA"); GetWs(true); GetName();
void TXmlLx::GetNotation ( ) [private]

Definition at line 722 of file xml.cpp.

  // [82] NotationDecl ::=  '<!NOTATION' S Name S (ExternalID |  PublicID) S? '>'
  // [83]  PublicID ::=  'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral
  while (Ch!='>'){
    if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid Element character.");}
    TxtChA+=Ch; GetCh();

Definition at line 397 of file xml.cpp.

  // [69]  PEReference ::=  '%' Name ';'
  TStr EntityNm=GetName();
  if ((EntityNm.Empty())||(Ch!=';')){EThrow("Invalid PEntity-Reference.");}
  TStr EntityVal;
  if (IsPEntityNm(EntityNm, EntityVal)){/*intentionaly empty*/}
  else {EThrow(TStr("PEntity-Reference (")+EntityNm+") does not exist.");}
  return EntityVal;
void TXmlLx::GetPI ( ) [private]

Definition at line 562 of file xml.cpp.

  // [16]  PI ::=  {{'<?' PITarget}} (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>'
  // [17]  PITarget ::=  Name - (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' | 'l'))
  forever {
    if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid PI character.");}
    if (Ch=='?'){
      if (GetCh()=='>'){
        GetCh(); break;
      } else {
        if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid PI character.");}
        TxtChA+='?'; TxtChA+=Ch; // special case if single '?'
    } else {
      TxtChA+=Ch; // usual char
TStr TXmlLx::GetPlainStrFromXmlStr ( const TStr XmlStr) [static]

Definition at line 991 of file xml.cpp.

  TChA PlainChA;
  TChRet Ch(TStrIn::New(XmlStr));
  while (!Ch.Eof()){
    if (Ch()!='&'){
      PlainChA+=Ch(); Ch.GetCh();
    } else {
      // [67] Reference ::=  EntityRef | CharRef
      if (Ch.GetCh()=='#'){
        // [66]  CharRef ::=  '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'
        TChA RefChA; int RefCd=0;
        if (Ch.GetCh()=='x'){
          // hex-decimal character code
          forever {
            if (TCh::IsHex(Ch())){
            } else {
        } else {
          // decimal character code
          forever {
            if (TCh::IsNum(Ch())){
            } else {
        if ((!RefChA.Empty())&&(Ch()==';')){
          uchar RefCh=uchar(RefCd);
      } else {
        // [68]  EntityRef ::=  '&' Name ';'
        TChA EntityNm;
        while ((!Ch.Eof())&&(Ch()!=';')){
          EntityNm+=Ch(); Ch.GetCh();}
        if ((!EntityNm.Empty())&&(Ch()==';')){
          if (EntityNm=="quot"){PlainChA+='"';}
          else if (EntityNm=="amp"){PlainChA+='&';}
          else if (EntityNm=="apos"){PlainChA+='\'';}
          else if (EntityNm=="lt"){PlainChA+='<';}
          else if (EntityNm=="gt"){PlainChA+='>';}
  return PlainChA;

Definition at line 596 of file xml.cpp.

  // [12]  PubidLiteral ::=  '"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'"
  char QCh=Ch;
  if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");}
  TChA LitChA; GetCh();
  while (Ch!=QCh){
    if (!ChDef.IsPubid(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid Public-Id-Literal character.");}
    LitChA+=Ch; GetCh();
  return LitChA;
TStr TXmlLx::GetReference ( ) [private]

Definition at line 340 of file xml.cpp.

  // [67] Reference ::=  EntityRef | CharRef
  if (Ch=='#'){
    // [66]  CharRef ::=  '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'
    TChA RefChA; int RefCd=0;
    if (GetCh()=='x'){
      // hex-decimal character code
      forever {
        if (TCh::IsHex(Ch)){
        } else {
    } else {
      // decimal character code
      forever {
        if (TCh::IsNum(Ch)){
        } else {
    if ((!RefChA.Empty())&&(Ch==';')){
          if (RefCd < 0x100) {
                  // 8-bit char
              uchar RefCh=uchar(RefCd);
                  return TStr(RefCh);
          } else {
                  TStr ResStr = TUStr::EncodeUtf8(RefCd);
                  return ResStr;
    } else {
      EThrow("Invalid Char-Reference."); Fail; return TStr();
  } else {
    // [68]  EntityRef ::=  '&' Name ';'
    TStr EntityNm=GetName();
    if ((!EntityNm.Empty())&&(Ch==';')){
      TStr EntityVal;
      if (IsEntityNm(EntityNm, EntityVal)){/*intentionaly empty*/}
      else if (ChDef.IsEntityNm(EntityNm, EntityVal)){/*intentionaly empty*/}
      else {EThrow(TStr("Entity-Reference (")+EntityNm+") does not exist.");}
      return EntityVal;
    } else {
      EThrow("Invalid Entity-Reference."); Fail; return TStr();
TStr TXmlLx::GetStalVal ( ) [private]

Definition at line 513 of file xml.cpp.

  // [32] SDDecl ::=  {{S 'standalone' Eq}}
  //  (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"'))
  char QCh=Ch;
  if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");}
  TChA StalChA;
  while (Ch!=QCh){
    if (('a'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='z')){StalChA+=Ch;}
    else {EThrow("Invalid standalone-value character.");}
  TStr StalVal=StalChA;
  if ((StalVal=="yes")||(StalVal=="no")){return StalVal;}
  else {EThrow("Invalid standalone-value."); Fail; return TStr();}

Definition at line 757 of file xml.cpp.

  if (Ch=='<'){
    GetCh(); ClrArgV();
    if (Ch=='?'){
      GetCh(); TagNm=GetName();
      if (TagNm.GetLc()=="xml"){Sym=xsyXmlDecl; GetXmlDecl();}
      else {Sym=xsyPI; GetPI();}
    } else
    if (Ch=='!'){
      if (Ch=='['){
        GetCh(); TagNm=GetName();
        if (TagNm=="CDATA"){Sym=xsyQStr; GetCDSect();}
        else {EThrow(TStr("Invalid tag after '<![' (")+TagNm+").");}
      } else
      if (Ch=='-'){
        Sym=xsyComment; GetComment();
      } else {
        if (TagNm=="DOCTYPE"){GetDocTypeDecl(); Sym=xsyDocTypeDecl;}
        else if (TagNm=="ELEMENT"){GetElement(); Sym=xsyElement;}
        else if (TagNm=="ATTLIST"){GetAttList(); Sym=xsyAttList;}
        else if (TagNm=="ENTITY"){GetEntity(); Sym=xsyEntity;}
        else if (TagNm=="NOTATION"){GetNotation(); Sym=xsyNotation;}
        else {EThrow(TStr("Invalid tag (")+TagNm+").");}
    } else
    if (Ch=='/'){
      // xsyETag
      GetCh(); Sym=xsyETag; TagNm=GetName(); GetWs(false);
      if (Ch=='>'){GetCh();}
      else {EThrow("Invalid End-Tag.");}
    } else {
      // xsySTag or xsySETag
      TagNm=GetName(); GetWs(false);
      while ((Ch!='>')&&(Ch!='/')){
        TStr AttrNm=GetName();
        TStr AttrVal=GetAttValue();
        AddArg(AttrNm, AttrVal);
      if (Ch=='/'){
        if (GetCh()=='>'){Sym=xsySETag; GetCh();}
        else {EThrow("Invalid Empty-Element-Tag.");}
      } else {
        Sym=xsySTag; GetCh();
    if (Spacing==xspTruncate){SkipWs();}
  } else
  if (ChDef.IsWs(Ch)){
    Sym=xsyWs; GetWs(true); ToNrSpacing();
    if (Spacing==xspTruncate){GetSym();}
  } else
  if (Ch==TCh::EofCh){
  } else {
    Sym=xsyStr; TxtChA.Clr();
    // [14]  CharData ::=  [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*)
    forever {
      if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){
        EThrow(TUInt::GetStr(Ch, "Invalid character (%d)."));}
                // GetCh();  continue; // skip invalid characters
      if (Ch=='<'){break;} // tag
      if (Ch=='&'){GetCh(); TxtChA+=GetReference();} // reference
      else {
        if ((Ch=='>')&&(TxtChA.Len()>=2)&&
          EThrow("Forbidden substring ']]>' in character data.");}
        TxtChA+=Ch; GetCh(); // usual char
  return Sym;

Definition at line 835 of file xml.cpp.

  TChA SymChA;
  switch (Sym){
    case xsyUndef:
      SymChA="{Undef}"; break;
    case xsyWs:
      SymChA+="{Space:'"; SymChA+=TStr(TxtChA).GetHex(); SymChA+="'}"; break;
    case xsyComment:
      SymChA+="<!--"; SymChA+=TxtChA; SymChA+="-->"; break;
    case xsyXmlDecl:{
      SymChA+="<?"; SymChA+=TagNm;
      for (int ArgN=0; ArgN<GetArgs(); ArgN++){
        TStr ArgNm; TStr ArgVal; GetArg(ArgN, ArgNm, ArgVal);
        char ArgValQCh=GetArgValQCh(ArgVal);
        SymChA+=' '; SymChA+=ArgNm; SymChA+='=';
        SymChA+=ArgValQCh; SymChA+=ArgVal; SymChA+=ArgValQCh;
      SymChA+="?>"; break;}
    case xsyPI:
      SymChA+="<?"; SymChA+=TagNm;
      if (!TxtChA.Empty()){SymChA+=' '; SymChA+=TxtChA;}
      SymChA+="?>"; break;
    case xsyDocTypeDecl:
      SymChA+="<!DOCTYPE "; SymChA+=TagNm; SymChA+=">"; break;
    case xsySTag:
    case xsySETag:{
      SymChA+="<"; SymChA+=TagNm;
      for (int ArgN=0; ArgN<GetArgs(); ArgN++){
        TStr ArgNm; TStr ArgVal; GetArg(ArgN, ArgNm, ArgVal);
        char ArgValQCh=GetArgValQCh(ArgVal);
        SymChA+=' '; SymChA+=ArgNm; SymChA+='=';
        SymChA+=ArgValQCh; SymChA+=ArgVal; SymChA+=ArgValQCh;
      if (Sym==xsySTag){SymChA+=">";}
      else if (Sym==xsySETag){SymChA+="/>";}
      else {Fail;}
    case xsyETag:
      SymChA+="</"; SymChA+=TagNm; SymChA+=">"; break;
    case xsyStr:
      SymChA="{String:'"; SymChA+=TxtChA; SymChA+="'}"; break;
    case xsyQStr:
      SymChA="{QString:'"; SymChA+=TxtChA; SymChA+="'}"; break;
    case xsyEof:
      SymChA="{Eof}"; break;
    default: Fail;
  return SymChA;

Definition at line 583 of file xml.cpp.

  // [11]  SystemLiteral ::=  ('"' [^"]* '"') | ("'" [^']* "'")
  char QCh=Ch;
  if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");}
  TChA LitChA; GetCh();
  while (Ch!=QCh){
    if (!ChDef.IsChar(Ch)){EThrow("Invalid System-Literal character.");}
    LitChA+=Ch; GetCh();
  return LitChA;
TStr TXmlLx::GetUsAsciiStrFromXmlStr ( const TStr EntRefStr) [static]

Definition at line 1050 of file xml.cpp.

  TStr UsAsciiStr=XmlStr;
  UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("&#232;", "c");
  UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("&#200;", "C");
  UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("&#154;", "s");
  UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("&#138;", "S");
  UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("&#158;", "z");
  UsAsciiStr.ChangeStrAll("&#142;", "Z");
  TChA UsAsciiChA=TXmlLx::GetPlainStrFromXmlStr(UsAsciiStr);
  for (int ChN=0; ChN<UsAsciiChA.Len(); ChN++){
    char Ch=UsAsciiChA[ChN];
    if ((Ch<' ')||('~'<Ch)){UsAsciiChA.PutCh(ChN, 'x');}
  return UsAsciiChA;
TStr TXmlLx::GetVersionNum ( ) [private]

Definition at line 473 of file xml.cpp.

  // [24] VersionInfo ::=  {{S 'version' Eq}} (' VersionNum ' | " VersionNum ")
  // [26] VersionNum ::=  ([a-zA-Z0-9_.:] | '-')+
  char QCh=Ch;
  if ((Ch!='\'')&&(Ch!='"')){EThrow("Quote character (' or \") expected.");}
  TChA VerNumChA;
  do {
    if ((('a'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='z'))||(('A'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='Z'))||
    } else {
      EThrow("Invalid version-number character.");
  } while (Ch!=QCh);
  return VerNumChA;
void TXmlLx::GetWs ( const bool &  IsRq) [private]

Definition at line 331 of file xml.cpp.

  // [3] S ::=  (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
  int WSpaces=0; TxtChA.Clr();
  while (ChDef.IsWs(Ch)){
    WSpaces++; TxtChA+=Ch; GetCh();}
  if (IsRq&&(WSpaces==0)){
    EThrow("White-space required.");}
void TXmlLx::GetXmlDecl ( ) [private]

Definition at line 531 of file xml.cpp.

  // [23] XMLDecl ::=  {{'<?xml'}}... VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'
  // [24] VersionInfo ::=  S 'version' Eq (' VersionNum ' | " VersionNum ")
  TStr VerNm=GetName("version"); GetEq(); TStr VerVal=GetVersionNum();
  if (VerVal!="1.0"){EThrow("Invalid XML version.");}
  AddArg(VerNm, VerVal);
  if (Ch!='?'){
    // EncodingDecl ::=  {{S}} 'encoding' Eq
    //  ('"' EncName '"' |  "'" EncName "'" )
    TStr EncNm=GetName("encoding"); GetEq(); TStr EncVal=GetEncName();
    AddArg(EncNm, EncVal);
  if (Ch!='?'){
    // SDDecl ::=  {{S}} 'standalone' Eq
    //  (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"'))
    TStr StalNm=GetName("standalone"); GetEq(); TStr StalVal=GetStalVal();
    AddArg(StalNm, StalVal);
  if (Ch=='?'){
    if (Ch=='>'){GetCh();}
    else {EThrow("Invalid end-of-tag in XML-declaration.");}
  } else {
    EThrow("Invalid end-of-tag in XML-declaration.");
TStr TXmlLx::GetXmlLxSymStr ( const TXmlLxSym XmlLxSym) [static]

Definition at line 904 of file xml.cpp.

  switch (XmlLxSym){
    case xsyUndef: return "Undef";
    case xsyWs: return "White-Space";
    case xsyComment: return "Comment";
    case xsyXmlDecl: return "Declaration";
    case xsyPI: return "PI";
    case xsyDocTypeDecl: return "Document-Type";
    case xsyElement: return "Element";
    case xsyAttList: return "Attribute-List";
    case xsyEntity: return "Entity";
    case xsyNotation: return "Notation";
    case xsyTag: return "Tag";
    case xsySTag: return "Start-Tag";
    case xsyETag: return "End-Tag";
    case xsySETag: return "Start-End-Tag";
    case xsyStr: return "String";
    case xsyQStr: return "Quoted-String";
    case xsyEof: return "Eon-Of-File";
    default: return "Undef";
TStr TXmlLx::GetXmlStrFromPlainMem ( const TMem PlainMem) [static]

Definition at line 945 of file xml.cpp.

  TChA XmlChA;
  for (int ChN=0; ChN<PlainMem.Len(); ChN++){
    uchar Ch=PlainMem[ChN];
    if ((' '<=Ch)&&(Ch<='~')){
      switch (Ch){
        case '"': XmlChA+="&quot;"; break;
        case '&': XmlChA+="&amp;"; break;
        case '\'': XmlChA+="&apos;"; break;
        case '<': XmlChA+="&lt;"; break;
        case '>': XmlChA+="&gt;"; break;
        default: XmlChA+=Ch;
    } else
    if ((Ch=='\r')||(Ch=='\n')){
    } else {
      XmlChA+='&'; XmlChA+='#'; XmlChA+=TUInt::GetStr(Ch); XmlChA+=';';
  return XmlChA;
TStr TXmlLx::GetXmlStrFromPlainStr ( const TChA PlainChA) [static]

Definition at line 968 of file xml.cpp.

  TChA XmlChA;
  for (int ChN=0; ChN<PlainChA.Len(); ChN++){
    uchar Ch=PlainChA[ChN];
    if ((' '<=Ch)&&(Ch<='~')){
      switch (Ch){
        case '"': XmlChA+="&quot;"; break;
        case '&': XmlChA+="&amp;"; break;
        case '\'': XmlChA+="&apos;"; break;
        case '<': XmlChA+="&lt;"; break;
        case '>': XmlChA+="&gt;"; break;
        default: XmlChA+=Ch;
    } else
    if ((Ch=='\r')||(Ch=='\n')){
    } else {
      XmlChA+='&'; XmlChA+='#'; XmlChA+=TUInt::GetStr(Ch); XmlChA+=';';
  return XmlChA;
bool TXmlLx::IsArgNm ( const TStr ArgNm) const [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file xml.h.

    return ArgNmValKdV.IsIn(TStrKd(ArgNm));}
bool TXmlLx::IsEntityNm ( const TStr EntityNm,
TStr EntityVal 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 175 of file xml.h.

    return EntityNmToValH.IsKeyGetDat(EntityNm, EntityVal);}
bool TXmlLx::IsPEntityNm ( const TStr EntityNm,
TStr EntityVal 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file xml.h.

    return PEntityNmToValH.IsKeyGetDat(EntityNm, EntityVal);}
bool TXmlLx::IsTagNm ( const TStr Str) [static]

Definition at line 927 of file xml.cpp.

  TChA ChA=Str;
  if (ChA.Len()>0){
    if (TXmlLx::ChDef.IsFirstNameCh(ChA[0])){
      for (int ChN=1; ChN<ChA.Len(); ChN++){
        if (!TXmlLx::ChDef.IsName(ChA[ChN])){
          return false;
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  } else {
    return false;
TXmlLx& TXmlLx::operator= ( const TXmlLx ) [inline]

Definition at line 152 of file xml.h.

{Fail; return *this;}
void TXmlLx::PutCh ( const uchar _Ch) [inline, private]

Definition at line 108 of file xml.h.

{ChStack.Push(Ch); Ch=_Ch;}
void TXmlLx::PutEntityVal ( const TStr Nm,
const TStr Val 
) [inline]

Definition at line 177 of file xml.h.

    EntityNmToValH.AddDat(Nm, Val);}
void TXmlLx::PutPEntityVal ( const TStr Nm,
const TStr Val 
) [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file xml.h.

    PEntityNmToValH.AddDat(Nm, Val);}
void TXmlLx::PutStr ( const TStr Str) [inline, private]

Definition at line 109 of file xml.h.

    for (int ChN=Str.Len()-1; ChN>=0; ChN--){PutCh(Str[ChN]);}}
void TXmlLx::SkipWs ( )

Definition at line 752 of file xml.cpp.

  // [3] S ::=  (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
  while (ChDef.IsWs(Ch)){GetCh();}
void TXmlLx::ToNrSpacing ( ) [private]

Definition at line 270 of file xml.cpp.

  if (Spacing==xspIntact){
  } else
  if (Spacing==xspPreserve){
    int SrcChN=0; int DstChN=0;
    while (SrcChN<TxtChA.Len()){
      if (TxtChA[SrcChN]==TCh::CrCh){
        TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, TCh::LfCh); SrcChN++; DstChN++;
        if ((SrcChN<TxtChA.Len())&&(TxtChA[SrcChN]==TCh::LfCh)){SrcChN++;}
      } else {
        if (SrcChN!=DstChN){
          TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, TxtChA[SrcChN]);}
        SrcChN++; DstChN++;
  } else
  if (Spacing==xspSeparate){
    // squeeze series of white-spaces to single space
    int SrcChN=0; int DstChN=0;
    while (SrcChN<TxtChA.Len()){
      if (ChDef.IsWs(TxtChA[SrcChN])){
        if ((DstChN>0)&&(TxtChA[DstChN-1]==' ')){
        } else {
          TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, ' ');
          SrcChN++; DstChN++;
      } else {
        TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, TxtChA[SrcChN]);
        SrcChN++; DstChN++;
  } else
  if (Spacing==xspTruncate){
    // cut leading and trailing white-spaces and
    // squeeze series of white-spaces to single space
    int SrcChN=0; int DstChN=0;
    while (SrcChN<TxtChA.Len()){
      if (ChDef.IsWs(TxtChA[SrcChN])){
        if ((DstChN>0)&&(TxtChA[DstChN-1]==' ')){
        } else {
          TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, ' ');
          SrcChN++; DstChN++;
      } else {
        TxtChA.PutCh(DstChN, TxtChA[SrcChN]);
        SrcChN++; DstChN++;
    // delete trailing white-spaces
    while ((TxtChA.Len()>0)&&(ChDef.IsWs(TxtChA.LastCh()))){
  } else {

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 142 of file xml.h.

uchar TXmlLx::Ch [private]

Definition at line 104 of file xml.h.

TXmlChDef TXmlLx::ChDef [static, private]

Definition at line 100 of file xml.h.

int TXmlLx::ChN [private]

Definition at line 105 of file xml.h.

TChA TXmlLx::ChStack [private]

Definition at line 103 of file xml.h.

Definition at line 113 of file xml.h.

int TXmlLx::LnChN [private]

Definition at line 105 of file xml.h.

int TXmlLx::LnN [private]

Definition at line 105 of file xml.h.

Definition at line 113 of file xml.h.

uchar TXmlLx::PrevCh [private]

Definition at line 104 of file xml.h.

TSIn& TXmlLx::RSIn [private]

Definition at line 102 of file xml.h.

PSIn TXmlLx::SIn [private]

Definition at line 101 of file xml.h.

Definition at line 106 of file xml.h.

Definition at line 139 of file xml.h.

Definition at line 141 of file xml.h.

Definition at line 140 of file xml.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: